Channeling Abacus (Universal Mind)
In altered light body trance state
On Dis-ease, Cancer, Health.
Know you are in control of your bodily structure.
What you think you create.
Your thoughts are creative always.
Do not imagine that your thoughts do not create your world.
Your bodies are formulated with many, many, many, many, cells.
The cells create organs. The cells create blood flow, and the blood cells create oxygen in the bloodstream.There are much workings in the body. It is much like a factory, every part working together to affect the whole.
Can you imagine, if within the factory someone yelled out through the loudspeaker, that a certain section of the factory is not working properly?
Constantly booming over the loudspeaker, that it is breaking down, that it no good, that something is wrong, that they are worthless.
Do you imagine that section of the factory performing well?
The workers in that part of the factory would eventually question their worth. They will begin to fall apart. They will begin to not bother to work in unison with the rest.
This is a metaphor, that you can see when certain sections of the factory are told they are not good enough, that they are not working at a rate that is performing at it's best, then it will not.
Now add to the factor, in this factory the metaphor, of your body.
Imagine if certain sections were given material to work with, that was of little value.
Imagine if the materials were distorted, if they were tampered with, if they were chemical ridden, if they were full of certain materials that would create havoc in the workings of that section of the factory.
Could you imagine that it would begin to break down, for it is hearing that it is no good, and that it is working at an unproductive rate, because of the materials that they have been given to use are of less quality.
The factory is as your body is.
When you are constantly telling it that it is no good, that it is not worthy, that it doesn't function right, and then add to the mixture, that you feed it food ladden with chemicals, processed to the point of nonrecognition, all the nutrients taken out of them.
How would you expect one's body not to become ill?
What we say to you, is disease is created within the body structure when it is unbalanced.
It is like the weeds in your garden. If you tend them they will not take over.
Your mind, your thoughts, need tending.
If they are not tended they will run rampant, and if they run rampant the dis-ease follows.
Make time to nourish your bodies with nourishing foods, as close to what natures intended as possible.
Make time to still the mind of stress, of the day.
Make time to think of your day, to not take on anything that is not true. Make time to appreciate who you are, and what you do, and how much love is within you, how much you give to others.
Be in gratefulness of all that you have , no matter what you have.
When the many begin to do this, when the many begin to tender their well-being, take responsibility for their thoughts and processes, to take Responsibility for what they do, think, and say, for what they buy, and what they eat, then there will be major changes.
Dis-ease such as cancer, such as heart disease and the many that there are, will not exist in a body that is running at its peak, that is running at a high-frequency.
When you eat foods that are non-radiated, that are non-chemicalised, when they are as nature intended from the earth, when you drink water rather than sugar laden beverages, when you speak to yourself kindly, when you treat yourself with the loving respect you deserve for the wonderful intricate being that you are, and when you treat others the same as you treat yourself, for you cannot love another unless you love yourself, not really. When you take time to connect to who you are, to the source, when you live your life joyfully doing something that you love, doing something you enjoy, then disease will see cease to exist. You will live longer more productive lives.
This one has been asked if there are cures for your cancer, and many other illnesses.
What we say to you is prevention is better than cure, however we tell you this, and these words are true.
There is naught that cannot be cured.
All things may be cured within the body system. All cells are regenerating always, and your mind, your imagination, the power of belief can move mountains. They may cure anything. However, we say to you, not all are at this stage of their
Not all have the belief capacity to attain this, at this time.
There are cures on your planet for disease, however, not all these cures have been found, and those that have been found are not allowed to be marketed.
There is an agenda, yes, but you all know this. We say nothing new here.
It is up to you to stand for what you believe. It is up to you to change the mechanics, the structures of those that govern, for when these changes are made then these cures may be relegated to the many that are needing them at this time.
The ones that are ill, that cannot benefit from these medicinal qualities, are the catalyst to change, for those that love these ones that are suffering, will make the changes for the next generations to come.
It is when one suffers enough that you begin to say and think, enough is enough.
You have reached a point in time of great evolutionary status. Much will change in the coming years.
Many cures will come forth, however, you will also discover that you are the one that has the cure.
You are the one that can prevent disease occurring in the first place.
But for those that get to a point that they need the disease recovered, then there are "medicinal plants" that may help.
However, if the thought that created the disease is not tended to, then the disease will be recreated, you see.
Any medicine that cures a disease will only cure it temporarily. It is what created the disease that needs to be tempered, that needs to be looked at, so that the disease is not recreated anew.
We say to you that prevention is always more fundamental than the cure, for then the disease is not created in the first place.
It is a profound healing that occurs when one makes this connection.
They may change their bodily structures and heal with no medicine at all, for they understand where the true healing comes from. That it comes from within, however that is not to say that medicines do not help to alleviate symptoms, and to help one that has not come to that realisation, that it bids them time till they come to the realisation of how they may heal their disease, until they may do the work of their belief system.
This one has been translating for a long while. We leave you now,
That is all
*Note disclaimer*
Please use your discernment!
I take no responsibility for anyone changing their medical treatment due to reading this channel.
Please, seek professional advice before making any changes to your treatment.
I share this channel in the hope that it opens the mind to all possibilities that may exist. To perhaps trigger new ideas and new avenues of healing.
I asked the question whether cannabis oil cures cancer before beginning this channel.
This channel is what resulted.
I do believe they answered the question within the context if
you "read between the lines".
I also got the thought that if you believe it so then it shall be. That the power of the mind can create anything it wishes, if it believes it enough.
That it's the unconscious beliefs that sabatage us. I'm reminded of double blind experiments, and of the placebo effects.
More food for thought. It's what the guides do.
They don't give us the answers but guide us to find our own answers.
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