Channelled card readings
3rd August 2015
We are ready to bring the readings through for the day, dear heart.
Know that these readings are not what you think. At times you think that they are not helping the many, that they are a side dish so to speak. Understand that they reach those that need to hear a truth in their day, and those that may not hear, but may be triggered to a better understanding, of that, that is occurring. We continue with these readings, for this time.
The card of one
You may entertain an idea, that may not really come to mind at a time that others really understand.
You give your idea out. You hope to plan for this idea, however, you do not have what you call, your "back up". You do not have those that support you in this idea, that you wish to bring into the material.
We say to you, all that is created begins with an idea, and all that is created is not always supported by those around you. However, if you trust in the idea, of whence the idea came, and you trust that you are able to create that idea that has come to the fore, and you take baby steps, in line to manifest the idea, then your idea will materialise. It is known to occur that the many that were not in line with the ideas of past, were surprised, when the idea actually worked and came into balance.
We say to you, when an idea is formed in your mind, in your heart, from seemingly out of nowhere, trust the idea, for this is where all is birthed. All that is not in your plane, has been birthed from an idea, one that has come in someone's mind, in their heart, at some point in time. If they had listened to others, that were not in support, nothing would have been created on your realm.
You are a pioneer. You that is listening, is a pioneer of this time.
It is when you trust your inner guidance, your inner self, your inner creator, and you begin to take action, without acknowledging those that tell you that the idea is not manifestable, is when the idea becomes materialised. We say trust.
Trust in yourself. Trust
The Card of two
When there are two in partnership, and they can exist in partnership, and they live in partnership, then all in that partnership works well.
They coexist together, creating together, their life together, in love and in unity.
However when one is in partnership by themselves, meaning when there are two together, and one does not coexist with the other as a partner, but unto their own self living, then the partnership crumbles.
What we say to you, is when two live together, respectful of the others self. When two live together, love together, but are also living their self, their life in co-creation with the other, respectful of the others differences, accepting that one may wish to create, that may not be in line with the other, but both accepting of each other's creation in life, then the co-creation, the partnership blooms. When one takes from the other, requires the other to do their bidding, their creating, then the partnership is bound to fail.
A partnership where one takes from the other constantly, their energy force, eventually drains the one that is allowing this to occur. This is not a co-creation. This is a one creation of self. This is what one calls self-ish. Partnerships thrive when there is an understanding between the two, that there are in fact two in the relationship, in the partnership, and that each have their own self to bring into the partnership, that may expand and grow the one, however there are two hearts, two expressions, two experiences. One must allow the other to be their experience, just as the other will allow them to be their experience.
It is a co-creation when two create together in a loving expanded way, than when one takes, and does not allow the expansion of the other.
We understand that you understand this concept. It is food for thought this day. We do not bring the answer, but the questioning.
The card of three
We wish to say to those reading the card of three, what is it that you imagine a career to be? What do you imagine your life work to be? Your life work, your career, should entail your joy, your expansion.
When we say "should", we mean to say that when one's career is living their dream, their joy, their creativity, then their career turns into living their life purpose, their life force, their living.
When a career does not entertain the factor of enjoyment, of creativity, but simply is a means to an end, simply a way to create a form of money to pay the bills, then this is not joyful. You spend your life in servitude, of enslavement to the money, rather than to yourself.
When your career entails your joy, your creativity, your self expression, your expansion, then abundance comes, then your money comes. You are fullfilled in all avenues.
However when you live your life to simply create your money, to pay your way, to live, this is not living, for you are not enjoying your self expression. You are in servitude to money, to that paper that you exchange for your living.
We do not tell you what you should or should not do. We simply ask you to question what is a career, and what is your living, your life. What is it you wish to spend so many of your life hours doing, or being?
This card this day, creates more questions, rather than give an answer, for it is time to live in a way that creates joy, and abundance, and that, that is your career, may give this, may bring this to you, with a simple shift of perception and a few different steps taken.
On closing
These are the cards for this day, for this time.
There is much shifting taking place, in your relationships, in your life living, in your careers, in your creating an expansion. There are many unsure of what they may choose, or not choose.
We say to you feel within your heart, rather than within the structure of your mind, and this lead you true.
That is all
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