Channeled Card Readings
The Card of one
Those that are reading the card of one have come to a point where they are undecided. They wish to make a choice, a change in their life structure, but they feel that they may not do so, that there is something, or others, in the way, be it monetary, be it family, be it conflict with close ones. We say to these, what is it that stops you from living your dream? Break down if you will, what it is that really stops you. It may not be your family, your monetary woes, or your colleagues, but it may be a belief system you have taken on to be yours, that is not really true. It may be one of self belief. One that you doubt yourself. One that you are not capable. We ask, we advise, narrow down the belief that stops you from moving forward, and work on this belief, work on letting this go. Work out where it comes from. Once you do that, the path will clear and there will be no more barriers, no more blaming others, for really you and only you, are in charge of your destiny, and it is beliefs that you have taken on, that stop you from achieving it so.
The Card of Two
We say to these, love makes the world go around does it not? Love is what you crave, especially this day. You seek to find love in all manner of ways. You seek to feel that spark within you, from outside of you. We wish to remind you dear ones, to feel love, is to love yourself, for you may not have true love from another until you see and accept it within yourself. If you have barriers, if you have hurts that have closed your heart, it matters not if someone loves you, for you will not feel their love within. You will block their love. It is as a mirror, it is between you, and you will not get the full affects of the love that one is trying to share with you. It is when you truly love yourself, that is when you feel deeply the love of another, for when you truly love yourself, your love begins to bring it forward, it overflows and you begin to open your heart, to feeling that from another. You may not feel another's love to it's full capacity until you have felt your own to a full capacity. The way to find your own love is acceptance, is knowing that you are perfect, exactly the way you are.
If you see with gods eyes, if you see with spirit eyes, you will see that they see you in all perfection. It is when you see that you are a part of that perfection, then your heart begins to open, and the love that you crave is felt. You are this love. You are but to realise it so.
The card of three
These that are reading this card feel a sense of isolation, a sense of loneliness. They feel as if they are not understood by the many around them. They feel different. They do not understand these that they do not feel full, that they do not feel accepted within their crowd so to speak. They feel as if no one understands them, not their family, not their loved ones, not even at times their closest. We say to these, you are never isolated. You are never alone. How you may be alone when all that is, is made of source. When all that is, is connected. How may you feel alone when you are connected. Hmmm, we stress that you are never, ever alone. You are always, always, in our hearts. You are a part of all that you see, all that you feel, all that you hear. You feel alone because you feel others do not understand you. We understand you. We know who you are. It is not solace to hear these words we know, for it is as if someone is speaking to someone that is deaf and blind, and beferet of any senses.
We simply wish you to understand that you may never be alone. When you understand this, your belief changes, from feeling that you are isolated and alone, and what begins to occur, is that you attract to yourself then, un-loneliness. You will not feel alone any more, and when one does not feel alone any more, they will attract those that resonate within. It is a belief again, an incorrect belief. Know that you may call on us. Know that you may call on your self, on your higher self, on your angels, on your guides on whatever that is god to you.
Speak to them when you feel this isolation. They are listening, and if you are observant you will feel their queues, whether it be a brush on your cheek, whether it be a song in your mind, whether it be an article written seemingly just for you. Know when you cry we hold you, and dry your tears. You are not alone. You are encompassed in the whole. It is impossible for you to be alone.
Feel this. Believe it so, and with the belief, the isolation will shift, and your understanding of others will shift, for you will shift your knowing.
That is the cards for this day.
That is all
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