Channeling Abacus-Universal Mind
9thAugust 2015
A short channel on energy integration/ power naps
Welcome dear ones, welcome.
There are many changes occurring. Constant shifting, constant awakening. We are pleased to be in communication this day, for we have much to say. We understand this one has not all the time for what we wish to bring. However, we may bring through in increments, in the coming days, the news we wish to bring.
Dear heart, be in communication on a more regular basis in the coming days, for there is much we wish to delve into. Are you understanding? This is good. Do not for a moment think, our communications do not affect many, do not help many. You do not know, what you do not know.
Know that our communications are heard, and that they do indeed help many. You have no understanding in the way our words speak to others. You at times forget, who you are in communication with. We love and honour your service dear heart, and we are most pleased that you continue to do so. Be not in agitation in the messages themselves, for they bring what is needed. Be at ease. Be in flow.
At this moment, we bring to all those that are experiencing irritaion, unresonance, heartache, aches and pains, resistance, among other symptoms, a knowing, that when there is a shifting energy flow, it may affect many bodily functions. Physical, emotional, mental. Understand, if you are feeling out of sorts, that it is not unusual to do so, to feel this way. It is much as when you are endeavouring to heal, and during the healing process you may feel shifting occurring, that at times is pleasant, and at times it is not. Do not under estimate what your body may incorporate within itself. Within the healing, within the shifting, there are physical changes. We say to you, when you are feeling fatigued, when you are feeling tired, when you are feeling resistance, when you are feeling unclear, take time in your day to rest. Power naps as you call them, help to elevate unsettled energies within your system. Power naps are indeed what they claim to be. Power. They bring you back to yourself. They allow energies to be integrated within, for when you power nap, when you sleep, your resistsnce is lowered, and in the lowered resistance, the energies are able to be incorporated, for there is not a thing that holds them from doing so. In sleep, in stillness, your barriers come down, and so the energies, so to speak come in. Any time that you may spare, whether it be five minutes in your sunshine, five minutes in a still space, a short nap, any of these things will help with your resistance, will help to allow energy to flow, to be integrated, and in integration your energy becomes lifted again.
Dear heart do not stress. The feelings in your throat are being experienced because there is much energy flow this day, and you are still integrating the flow, and so the energy in your throat feels squeezed so speak, for there is more flow than there is space at this time. See your throat, your energy centre, open to receive.
Do not be in resistance. This is better, yes? Do not be in fear or in resistance to what is occurring at this time. It is to your benefit. These are gifts, so to speak. They help you in more ways that may be expressed in such a short time hearin.
Know you are loved. Rest where you may. Be at peace where you may and all will be well.
This transmission is complete for this time.
That is all
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