Channeled Card Readings
Abacus-Universal Mind
Card of one
These ones are delving into many opportunities. Many opportunities that were lost to them at one point in time, but now there is an opportunity to grow and to expand from a space that was not so conductive to this prior. These ones are looking to expand in a way that at time seems very unachievable, however it is time. We tell you it is time to step out of the box. It is time to leap from your safety net. It is time to spread your wings. If you do not do this now, when will you do this? Do you wish to be in a place, that one day you will look back and wish that you had taken the step? It is a sorry state when one comes to the end of their life journey, and they look back and think why didnt i? Why didn't i?
Take the plunge. Be all you can be. What do you have to lose? In reality there is nothing to lose, and there is everything to gain, for a new experience cannot be an incorrect choice. There is no incorrect choice. But there is regret.
Card of two
We tell you, if you treat your life as a holiday it will be so. If you treat your life as one that is filled with daily activities that you do not wish, then that will be so also. We ask you, when you go on your recreational trips, do you stop to smell the roses, or do you continue to be very busy? Think of your life as a recreational trip. Imagine if you will, imagine if your daily living could be as when you go on holiday, on your recreations. Imagine if you will, if this could be your reality. Would you wish it so? What do you love to do? What do you enjoy to do? We say to you, you may, you may, you may do, whatever it is you enjoy. It is a decision to be made. It is a choice. You are a clever one. If you can imagine a way to live, that is as a holiday is to you, would you take it? Or are you so conditioned to the way things are meant to be, that it seems insurmountable to you?
Perception is important here. Is it your perception that you are living, or is it a perception of your reality, or the reality of others? There may be choices made that can change the course of your life, and those that you love.
Card of three
We say to you, when one has misgivings, when one is at a place that is unforgiving, when one constantly berates themselves, one puts themselves into a state of unbalance. The unbalance is self-made. The unbalance is one of your own choosing, your own prison, so to speak. When one constantly turns the arrow towards themselves, because they assume that the fault is theirs, that the fault to be had is theirs, then they are causing a prison of pain of their own making. Understand all have choice. All have free will. The ones that you are having misgivings in relation to, chose their path. They chose the situations, just as you choose your situations, and so there are no arrows to be faced, there are no misgivings to be had. You cannot blame, you cannot lay blame, for how another reacts, for how another feels, for how another judges you, for that is outside of you. You have no control, really. You think you do, but in reality the only one that has control is the one living the life. One can only control their own life, and the choices made. Yes, there are actions that can occur due to the way one activates their life purpose. There are always repercussions for every choice made, however the only one that is responsible for the choices made is the one making them.
Understand this.
It is time to forgive. It is time to let go. It is time to let bygones be bygones. One cannot change the past, but one can change their tomorrow's. The changes are made within you, within inside of you. Understand, you, and only you, have the power to change your life. Your life, no others. Your very own. Yes, you affect those outside of you, to a certain degree, but none that is in your space has not chosen to be so. This is a paradox of sorts, beyond your understanding, but it is so.
Let go we say to you.
Let go.
The readings are complete for this day dear heart. They seem strange to, as they always do. They will be understandable to those that have the ears to listen, and the heart to understand.
That is all
As always use your own discernment.
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