Channeled Card Readings 30/8/15
We are here dear one, there is no need to wait. We are here.
We may run you into a process whereby we are more integrated if you so choose. Are you willing dear one? This is of more import than the reading of the cards at this time.
This is good. Do not be in fear. We ask you to breathe. In....... and........
(During this time ( around 5 minutes ) I was guided to breathe, as well as guided through my light body centres, and into what felt like space, & to their light. I merged with their light & I zoned out for that time, until I heard my voice again......and them)
We are now ready dear one, to begin the card readings for this day.
Card of one
The ones that are reading this card today have a great fear of the unknown. The fear is so that it halts one from progressing forward. When one is in the flow, one has much within that may be manifested outward into their world, into their creation. They may go so far and yet it is the beliefs of yesteryear, the beliefs of past times that halts these ones from moving forward. They wish to move forward and they may do so very easily if they but let go of the fear. The fear that halts one from moving forward is an illusion. The fear acts as a barrier, one that stops the flow from moving smoothly. There is only one that may dissolve the barrier and that is the one that is reading these words. Fear can be deeply embedded in the consciousness however once acknowledged it begins to lift and once it is lifting then the flow begins again. Be at peace dear ones. Be at peace. Understand you are always safe. We are always with you guiding you moving you forward. Love what you are fearful of, and move on to a brighter tomorrow. It is time to let go. Dear one it is time to let go
Card of two
The card of two represents one of many. One of many new nuances. There is much that you wish to say but you may not find the correct words, as in to say, what you wish to say. We advise these ones that the best way to verbalise is to speak your truth to all that come to you. One does not come to you to hear fairytales. One comes to you for advices, for love and for guidance, and so one at times one must be loving to be kind, and so blunt to be honest, for when one is honest, all walls are taken down, when one sees the truth of where they are, rather than one that is shielded from the truth and protected. Protection at times leads one to become soft, where they have not grown to experience their own strength and their own worth. We say to you be clear in what you wish in your world. Be clear so that others may hear your clearness, and act accordingly, for when you are not clear those around you will not be clear on how to act with you. This brings much disappointment for you, and the other. So we say to you, be clear in your attentions. Be clear in your words so that one knows where they stand when they are in interaction with you, and you are less resentful of them.
Card of three
There is much light to be had dear ones, the ones that read the card of three. There is light shining on you this day. This one sees the mini tentacles that shine down on you bringing information and guidance, and synchronicity to help you to develop in all that you may. There holds a great surprise for you if you are willing to open your heart, and open your mind, to all the possibilities, all the endless possibilities. You think in linear terms which halts many dynamics, that may flow to you. We say to you, where we are from is not linear. There are many dimensions, many levels, much that may come to the fore, if you but allow, if you but understand the way the transition is made. We are in communication to serve you and others, into ways that you may meld into who you really are, and that you may shine your light so that others may notice yours and go seek it in themselves.
The card readings are complete for this day. That is all
Note: there was a different feel to these readings, can you tell? I skipped along the surface of my mind within the channeling state. Usually I'm in my mind, and their light is within my mind also. This time I was outside my mind, on the surface, but I was within their light. I had no idea at all, what I was saying, though I could hear my voice, as if I was far away. Usually I know the word I'm speaking when I'm saying it, and then it's forgotton, for the next word, I have an idea of the concepts that they are bringing through. This time I didn't. For the first time since doing the readings I don't doubt the readings like I usually do, because for the first time, I felt they had control of the message and that I completely out of the way, and yet I was still conscious. Still trying to get my head around this new development ...I will channel on it..... I've shared because I don't edit anything out during a channeling session, even the card readings .. I believe and am guided to keep the session "intact" unless otherwise guided not to.,..
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