Channelling Abacus-Universal Mind
New gifts, energy shifts, a time of change
Welcome dear ones, welcome.
We are pleased you are here. There is much that requires delving into at this time. However, the crux of it is as follows.
You are experiencing a time of change. A time whereby you may incorporate many different emenities, that lie within your DNA, within your body systems. These do not come with a manual, not a physical manuel, however they do come with an etheric manual. These gifts, these changes bring much to the fore that you may encompass in your every day living. They are amenities that come forward as you raise your energetic structure. As you raise your vibration,these amenities turn on, so to speak, they begin to light up, as you reach the levels that they are.
Do not assume that with these shifts that are being spoken, that you will automatically be lighted up and be ready for use as a brand-new vehicle. Any new vehicle requires instruction, so to speak, on how certain attributes to that vehicle may be used.
We say to you that those instructions are coded within you, deep within you. As your frequency lifts, certain codings are opened. The instructions are opened, and you may delve into to the mechanics of the attributes, learn their ways.
It is like with anything new, there is a period that one needs to adjust to. You do not simply put a pilot in the plane to fly, without at first giving the pilot instruction. To put a pilot into a plane without instruction, has grave results, and so we say to you, the instructions are coded within your DNA. You will have all that you need within you, however to open up all the gifts at once would be catastrophic in nature.
As you are in tune, as you become in tune, these gifts open up. Your instruction manuals open up, and you learn to fly your plane, with grace and beauty, and with no danger to any other.
Are you understanding?
There is that, that you may do, that you may experience without a manual, of course. You will feel the beauty of the shifts that come to the fore. However, the intricacies will not be clearly known to you in the beginning, for these are to be mastered, as any master masters the gifts that they have, and that they bring.
Understand all is well. All is on time, and always with purpose. Be not in resistance, but in allowance. Rest were you may. Drink plenty to help cleanse, and hydrate and keep your cellular structure working at its most highest vibrancy. Listen to your inner knowing. There is much being stated that is not always true. Listen to your inner guidance system. It will steer you towards the right course. We trust that you do this with all messages, including our own.
Dear ones, you are being showered with cosmic rays of love and light. Open your heart and your mind and your arms to receiving these wondrous gifts. They are yours. You have worked for them. They are your light rebounded back to you, amplified, enhanced.
Open your heart. Receive what is yours, what has always been yours. That is all
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