Channelling Abacus-Universal Mind
In light body state / Trance
On Dimensionality
Welcome. Welcome. Welcome dear heart. Greetings to all that are listening.
You dear heart have just had a wondrous journey. One that all will begin to investigate once they begin working their mechanics. Is it not unusual to be in these spaces where you are? However you indeed know the spaces. You are simply re-exploring, re-remembering, where you are now, rather than re-remembering where you came, when you are not in your experience. You imagine these are new spaces, however they are what you know. You just simply do not recall.
You are becoming what many call multi-dimensional, meaning you travel space. You travel a different frequency. When you speak with WE, when you interact with WE, you interact with ones that are in another space, that are in another dimension, and when you travel in your journeys, when you do your meditations, your exercises, you begin to dip your toes so to speak in these dimensions. You have a little sneak peek, so to speak but the more that you integrate these spaces, the more you raise your vibration, your frequency, the more you spin your cells, you lift into other realities. It is not that you lift into the air, into the sky, you lift into dimensionality, different spaces. There are many. Ohhh there are many. You are dipping your toe where you are now and you are dipping them slowly. You feel the strength in these spaces. It is like when one dips their toes in the ocean to go for a swim. They are simply entering the shore line. They go for a little dip, but the ocean is big, the ocean is expansive, and that is simply a birds eye view compared to the dimensionalities that exist. There is so much for you to know, to learn and to grow in the space that you are now. There will be many adventures many possibilities many.
Hmmm you are quite high where you are now, and yet you can be so much higher. You will learn these spaces, be patient. It is a re-firing of your sparks. It is re-beginning your engine, for that is what your physical body is. It is an engine and running these exercises find tunes the engine. The engine, your vehicle, can travel to many destinations. Your eyes see through the windshield of your physicality to all the colours and shapes and textures. There is much excitement to be had in the coming days, months and years. Much excitement, for you are beginning to experience yourself in another way.
Some would say that you come to the earth plane to experience physical life, and that one needs not delve into these ideas.
However we say to you being physical has many different connotations, it is not simply living the earth, as you know it now. It can be lived your physicality, on the earth, in a multitude of ways. Ways we may not even begin to describe on this day,for many will not understand what we say. But you will, and this is why we are here. THIS is why we are here. Hmmm there is much emotion felt by this one, for she feels the intensity of what we say, what we mean, what we verbalise. We are here on purpose, on time. We are here just as this one begins to fire up, just as you begin to fire up, the ones that are listening now, just as you begin to fire up, and when you do, you will lead by example, for your life will change in so many different aspects, and different ways, that others that are not on their journey will question what you are doing, for it will be expodentially so different, so very different to what many may not, at this stage, but are simply becoming aware that there is a different stage at all.
Hmmm there is so much to know, so much to explore, so much to experience. We emphasise this. This is the beginning. Those that are tired, be in your stillness, for it is in the stillness that you reclaim your power, reclaim your energy, reclaim your remembrance.
It is stepping beyond the door, into a whole new reality. When one is tired, when one is trying to figure out their life journey, they will begin to explore these writings, and it is in their exploration that the remembrance will come.
Know this is just the beginning.
Dear heart to you we say, we have simply just begun to live. Continue your journey, continue your growth. You are where you are to be, and all will open up to support that in the following days.
Be in trust.
Be in your flow.
This is the message for this day.
That is all
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