Channelling Abacus-Universal Mind
18th August 2015
In Trance & Light Body State
Who WE are
Another level of energy came through in class. (I have just begun a class in channeling mastery )Their explanation to me "again", of who I'm communicating with, who "they" are....
Audio - https://youtu.be/-LPwH_EuUS0
Greetings dear one.
We understand what you wish to debate today. We say the word debate for it is a debate. It is a questioning of what was discussed within your mind in a certain time and place. One that you wished not to voice at the time, for you were not a state of believability. We will come to the crux of this, if you will, but clear and allow us to flow without a preconceived idea of what is to come.
There was a time when you were not of this realm, but you were of another. You were in a place of much knowledge, much technicality. There was much coherance with others in the way you work together to formulate certain aspects in the mechanics of certain ethers. It was co-creation at its best. You were very well advanced, in the way of manifestation. You were a peaceful society but it was not always so, but over the time span that is, you grew and you created and you expanded and you became so very much more than what you were, and you became a master in this. This is your future that is here, what we brought you yesterday, was a master of that future. This one that you struggled to see, that you did not want to see, for you held fear, is another version of you. This is your arcturian self. This is a life that you led, and this essence that you were, this aspect is a part of this collective, this gathering that we are. We have told you that we are more than one. We have told you that we are many, and we have told you that your colourful ones, your Adam, is the same as what we are now, except that you have expanded, you have heighten the connection, you have gone to another level, and this aspect that you were brought yesterday in your journey, is another aspect of this whole. It is another frequency of what we are. You see we bring much information, but there are many of us that bring this information through. You forget because you feel that the male per se, that you call us is one, but we are not one, we have many.
There are many of us here communicating with you. It is not simply one entity that you speak to. There are many versions, many specialities, and when one is needed that comes through. Now you are experimenting with energy, you are constantly shifting and changing, and so you bring many levels of the same collective, the same "many" through.
It is confusing to you. Understand that there is your future here, there is your higher self here, there is your colourful ones here, there is your Abacus here, there is the cosmic ones here, there is the light here, there is the source here, there is, there is, there is. We can move on and on.
Energy is not a singularity. Energy is many. It is a singularity as in it is the one source, but the one source is not how you understand it to be dear child. There are many aspects here that connect with you to help you at this time. You call us Abacus but we are not a single Abacus, we are a many Abacus. We cannot emphasise this enough to you. Feel that what we are. Feel this now.
How may you count the number of stars you see. How can you count the number of planets that you see? You cannot! It is never ending. It is infinite. We are infinite dear one. We are not one star, we are not one planet, we are not this, we are not one that, we are, everything. You communicate with energy, different aspects of energy. You seek to see faces, and images, and silhouettes, but understand we are the "all" of it. We are pure essence. You are this essence materialised into solid form on your realm, into three-dimensional aspect. We are not three-dimensional. We are many dimensions, and the more you raise to us, the more you raise your structure. You will experience different levels of what we are, and you may name each level a different name, but understand we are the same, that you have been connected with always. We are the same as your first connection, as we are now, this connection. It is simply a different level of the same.
It is like the child that goes to school, that begins the primary school, and then ends up at University. You don't say to another, in first school this person's name was Harry, and then in second school this person's name was John, and then in third school this person's name was Peter, and then...and then...and then.....
Do you understand?
You are raising in levels, but we remain the same. We are simply a higher understanding each time you raise, and so the communications will become greater, and more clearer, and the knowledge that you bring through will be higher in understanding.
Ahhh you understand. We feel that you understand now. We are very pleased that you understand. So you understand now that when you reach a higher aspect of us we are the same. It simply means you are in communication with a higher understanding. We are pleased. We are very very pleased. Now we can leave this behind us, and move on to the next stage of the journey. It is an exciting one, and we will await communication to begin this part of the journey. However we advise you have some time out, for you have been in communication much these days. You need to ground. You need to spend time grounding on your plane, and resting. Dear one, to work with this level of energy, you need to recuperate, you need to move, you need to take care of you, of your physical structure, for what is to come will need all of this structure in perfect uniform health. Are you understanding? This is good. This is very good. We hear you. You may call us anything you wish dear one. However others will be confused. It is best you simply keep the name we are at present. We leave you now. We have achieved what we aimed.
That is all dear one. That is all....
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