It's a new day
(Note.. A song playing in my head, preceded this channel, and inspired it. The song "I'm feeling good" by Nina Simone....
It's a new day, it's a new dawn. The words are apt are they not? You are all for the most part seeking a new way of living, a better way of living that encompasses your ideals, your ideas for a better way of living for the mainstream. You seek to elevate others pain and turmoil. You seek to better others. You seek better living conditions, more rewarding careers, better health, more opportunities for growth. You keep seeking, searching on the outside. You search on the outside for what you desire, for what you need, never really understanding that all that you seek on the outside is already within you. It begins with an idea, a thought. You have an idea of how your life should be. You have an idea of how you might bring this to fruition, yet you procrastinate because much of what you have tried before has failed, and so you are afraid to step out again, fear of failing again. You are working your machines in a less productive way. You are living breathing mechanical processes. You are designed to create from within. All movement first begins within you. Yes it may be stimulated by your outside environment, but action begins within, inside your mechanics, within your connection. You are physical machines that are "plugged in". Your spark within your machine is plugged in. You have always been plugged in and it is only upon your demise that you are essentially unplugged from your biological machine. What you are seeking is within you, within this connection. You have ALWAYS been connected, plugged in, and always will be. You ARE what you are plugged into. Your mechanics is simply your vessel for expression of this connection. Do you understand how powerful your vessel is? Your connection to all that is, contributed to creating a vessel, a human vessel, for the unseen, you essentially, to manipulate, to create, to manifest, to bring into form, to bring forth the unseen into the realm of physical.
You are almighty, all powerful creations of divine. You hold the divine within every cell, every action, every creation. If you choose to create with conscious intent, with this knowing, with the understanding, of who you are, of who is creating from within, the possibilities are endless, for you are endless ... Your divine essence always has been and always will be. You, the divine counterpart never dies. Do you understand what this means? YOU never die. It is fear of death that halts you from living, from creating your fullest potential. Your fear that you have not the time. You have eternity ! You are never ending, without end. Create knowing you have all the time in the world. That no existence, no creation is ever wasted. Create knowing your potential. Create consciously from your divine spark and all you seek, all you desire will be yours. Create from the inside rather than fuelling the belief that what you create comes from outside. The kingdom you seek is within. Create from that space, that belief, and you begin to see the form that is within, appearing on your outside.
As within so without. The peace, the abundance, the prosperity, the health you seek all lay within you. You are the key to your highest potential.
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