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Tuesday, 19 July 2016

19/7/16 Abacus Realignments

Greetings. We are pleased to be here once again, in service and love to you all. We come this day in a way that will be alittle peculiar, alittle different. We have been essentially moving towards enlightening our scribe into the ways that she may bring forth our communications. There are many ways one can communicate the essence that is source, that is God, that is alien, that is  angelic, that is an ascended master. There are many flavours in the soup of God. There are many flavours that may communicate their flavour, and their message, that brings healing and advancement to humanity. Our scribe is one of many at this time voicing the essence that is the creator in its many forms, in its many flavours. Humanity verbalise what they wish to express in the most part, but many also expressed in different art forms. They may write, they may dance, they may sing. This is all an expression of the creator. Expression, to express, is to bring forth, is to grow, is to propel forward into your material world a greater part a refined essence, into a heavier aspect so to speak. Where you are is a heavy frequency. Where we are is light frequency. There is a difference between the two and so when one that is heavy  trys to communicate to express that that is light there is a adaption, a adjustment that takes form. It need not be a long adaption, it may happen in a heartbeat, however due to the difference in frequency one must adjust themselves to the frequency that is lighter, to express that light so to speak, and you use many forms to become lighter, to change your frequency, to become on the exact bandwidth that you wish to communicate, and so an artist will get into the zone that helps them to bring forth their masterpieces, the singer takes a moment to step into that state that brings the voice the essence of the creator through in sound, and the writer sits and begins to write from a place that is resonant to they while they sit. You have heard of such that is called "writers block", and this is when the writer cannot gain access to that frequency that they write from for various reasons, and this may occur when one sings, or draws, or when one paints or when one flexes their physicality in a sporting arena. At times they are in the essence, in the frequency easily to express their form, and at other times there is a mishmash, there is a misalignment of energy that then affects their expression at the time. Currently there is a mishmash of frequency. There is a change occuring and so many are feeling a little disconnected. In fact they are feeling feelings that they had thought they had expelled already, and now are reaccurung. There is a realignment if you will, there is a coming together, an adjustment period. At this time many are searching within themselves what they wish to bring forth, what they desire, where they want to carry themselves, where they wish to be, and in this process there is as you would say, many tracks leading out of the station. The trains are waiting for their signal to move forward, for the tracks are not aligned. They are not built until the one that is to ride them decides which way they are to move forward. Once the decision is had, once one decides which way they wish to move forward, then the tracks begin to materialise in front of the train, and the one that is driving the train begins to see the formation and begins to move forward. It is a time of reevaluation if you will, reapplication. Much as a returning job interviewee that is looking at all the possibilities and focusing on which one they wish to accept, and to move forward in. You could say it is much like a glass globe that gets shaken and then the contents within begins to settle again in the appropriate places. This is what is occurring in your world currently. There is the shaking and then all will settle again in the appropriate applications. To help you move forward in this time we suggest that you align with that that you wish to create, that you wish to voice, that you wish to express. In doing this you begin to formulate the path ahead, and when the time is apt you begin to move forward in this arena. Many are feeling tired of that that is occuring in your world. We advise that you place your awareness on that which you wish, and not that that you do not, for applying your awareness on that that you do not wish to see, will create more of this. We do not say not to have compassion or a caring nature, but simply to be aware that that which you view reflects more of that that you are viewing. Much that you are viewing concurrently is a letting go. It is a spring clean if you will, of that that is within you that needs to be expressed. If you are feeling anger search within yourself why the anger is being triggered. Do not deny what you are feeling, but understand there is a reason that this is being felt and it is your cue to realign with that that is more pleasant, that that is your desire. We do not wish this to be at lengthy expression. Be aware that that you are aware of, is a reflection, an internalisation of that you yourself created within you. The reflection is reflecting what needs to be changed in your world. 
That is all. 

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