Channeling Universal Mind (Abacus)
In altered trance state.
Regarding Time. Why we run late, and how we can change that, about not beating ourselves up so much, or making ourselves wrong all the time. It's about self sabatage, how we change that. This channel had me in tears on transcribing as I don't always recall what I bring through once I come out of altered state, only a vagueness, like a dream. Some bits were news to me on transcription.
This has to be one of my favorite channels, as I discovered things I didn't realise about myself. Why it took me so long to begin. I have a tendency to run late and to self sabatage. This channel helped me, I hope it does you also ....
First dearest we wish to say to you today is the perfect day to begin the next chapter. You have made more adjustments, tuned with us more readily. You are expressing well what we wish to bring. And so we are prepared for the next chapter.
Do not leave it to the point where it is too late in your day to make our contribution together.
Do not allow distractions. Once this book is taken shape and form the rest will evolve, what you are to do.
Trust this. Trust this. We have your best interest at heart and that of humanities. It is appropriate that this book is written and put out for people to understand and see what it is that they are trying to achieve here at this time. How the soul works and functions, and how they may work in union with what they are.
The sooner that we continue this writing dearest, the sooner all will come to pass. If this is what you are still wishing to do we recommend the time is made so that we may progress.
There has been questions asked regarding the human capacity of being on time or not. There are many that struggle with time many that struggle with being on time, many that struggle with being late or tardy.
We tell you this when you understand that there is no time. When you understand that, then the focal point of being not on time is, inrelevant, is unrelevant, is irrelevant.
Dear heart we will slow down.
Time is a structural component that humanity has brought to the fore to endeavour to make their life more organised. In other realms it doesn't exist. When you understand within your mind, within your heart that there is no time and in essence if there is no time then you cannot be late. You cannot be early. You simply be. When you understand there is no time, when you take into your mind this thought and process it accordingly, then if there is no time, then it is not possible to be late for anything.
However we understand you may struggle with this concept and so we say this to you. It is simple in the understanding and should allow for you to be on time in future.
You say to us that if something is of importance, if you are passionate about being somewhere you are in fact on time, you are always early for it holds great importance to you and it is so that if you are not interested in a certain concept, or meeting or attending, then you are likely to run not on time all late.
We tell you if you make, if you understand that all you do is important, Is relevant, is imperative to your growth, then all is important, and so if something is of great importance to you will make time, to be on time. Are you understanding?
Give reverence to all that you do. Do not think that one aspect of your life is less important then the other. Understand that all you do, all the places that you visit, all the things you attend hold great growth for you and for your experience, and so we say to you, when you look at all you do in this light, and you will be on time for all your activities, for they will all hold great value to you.
Another option we give to you is to allow extra time in all avenues inall manners, in all places that you are to be. You will find that even when you allow the extra time, that you may run late because it is your belief system that is running your life, your progress being. If you believe that you are always late, no matter if you are early in leaving for an activity, then you will attract to you all manner of things that will make you late because it is your belief system, and so it is also important to note that a change of belief system will change the occurances. Say to yourself loudly daily that you are always on time, that you arrive to any given activity on time. That all the universe, coalesces to help you to arrive on time.
Imagine that as you are travelling to the place that you are to be that all are there to help you be on time.
All work with you not against you.
We say to you that it is not very different from one to the other in this regard. They are simply inbuilt systems of your mind. Mostly it is that at some point you were late and so you had the thought "I am late", and then you may have been late at another time, and so the thought was ingrained again "I am late", or someone may have said to you, "you are always late", and so through habit and through taking on beliefs of others you have made yourself always late. It is simply a change of perception and a change of thinking. Stop sabotaging yourself in this way. Love yourself. Know that all that you do is important, and so it is important that you are on time. If you wish and value the activity, however remember there is no right or wrong. If you happen to be late do not berate yourself. Do not allow others to berate you. Accept that you are late as it is truth at the time but it does not mean that you will be late again. It is simply that you were late, that day, and so you may say to yourself, "yes it is true that today I was not on time, however it is not true that I am always not on time, for it is true that I have been on time and so in reasoning is may be then, that I am on time again".
It is time dear ones to stop berating all the manner of things you do and see them as not serving you. Know that you are here to experience. There is no right or wrong in the experience. There is no wrong to being late, and there is no wrong to being early. You are here to experience all the different shades, and each experience brings you to another version of yourself. There are so many infinite ways to experience your life, and as an individual you experience it differently to any other. None experienced the same. Yes they may be similar, for instance, one may taste the vanilla ice cream, in their way and yet another that tastes the vanilla ice cream, will not have the exact same experience of the vanilla as the other. Yes vanilla is vanilla, it is a certain essence however, do you not think that ones pallet is exactly like another's. Is it not so that one may love vanilla, and another one may not. You are as much individual as you are the same. When you are different to another do not make yourself wrong because you are so. It is the difference that makes it right for that is the excitement of the experiencing all the different flavours of life.
You are so much more than you realise. And much more. You are a magnificant being. You do not realise, and rightly so, the extent of all that you are.
It is time to stop making yourself wrong for all the things that you do you think that you do wrong and start making yourself right and acknowledging all that you do so well and all that you do that causes the evolution that is of man. We honour you your journey dear ones. We honour you your fortitude,your strength, your passion, and your commitment to all things.
We are here to help you, not to judge by all means, our words do not take to heart, as being true for you. Our words are simply there to give you a better understanding of who you are, and where you are going, and to allow you to shine, into being the one that you came to be.
We encourage you most heartedly to only take on what feels true for you that we bring. It will not feel true for all, and that is to be expected, and that's ok.
We are here to help the ones that asked us to be here before they came. It is no accident that we come now at this time in space. It is no accident that this channel is bringing us through at this time.
This one feared much the experience of channelling once upon a time. She feared it so much that she blocked us out completely, as she would not listen to herself. She would not listen in fear that she would bring through wrong information. She had a fear of all things and especially of the dark, and so she would not let anything through for a very long time.
This caused her much distress and pain. Health issues and a sense of being lost. It has taken her much time, to work through her own issues, however this was for good cause also. All is how it should be and is appropriate for the time that is now. In her pain she has discovered who she is and who we are, and now is the time to bring forth, to open the door, to allow, our words to flow so that we may help you in the way you have asked. For those that are listening there is no mistake here. You were meant to be here. You were meant to be listening to our words, and still we say to you, trust in your own guidance. We are here to remind you that you are also connected and that you have the connection always. We are here to help you discover that so that you may not need us any longer. We are here to bring you to yourself. To find your peace, and with that today, we leave you now.
And to this one we say, make time.
It is only through the doing, the writing, will this book come to the fore.
We are patient. We wait. We are ready dear heart, when you are, to continue our journey. Know there are constant adjustments being made.
You feel the difference in your energy structure today. The healing of yesterday, has done you good. It has cleared blockages and allowed flow to come and so today you feel us much better, more strongly.
There is still fine tuning, however you are hearing us most clearly. We are hearing and we will abide. We will slow down the process, not so much though, you are able dear heart. Know this.
We leave you now.
That is all.
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