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Monday, 18 May 2015

Channeling Adam ( Collective ) 
On pain/turmoil

When there is pain there is a time in contemplation
Where one may see, feel, hear, nothing but the pain the turmoil that they feel
One has no option but to be emersed in it
This creates a space where one looks to see why it has occured
The why is the answer to the dilemma 
The why is your way up out of the turmoil you feel
When one feels pain it is a warning
To change the way, the life that is led
Change creates a new beginning
Change lifts you out of the mire out of the pain 
Change brings new beginnings into different arenas one hasn't searched before 
If there is no pain there is no change
You become stuck where you are 
You do not move forward into new ventures 
Look around and see what is causing the pain
Look with new eyes and decide today to honor the pain 
For it will lead you to new beginnings and your greatest adventure 
This too shall pass
A brighter day will dawn
That brings new hope 
Do not dwell on revenge
You can not fight the dark with more dark 
You may only rise above the dark by shining and being the light that you are 
Shine where you are well respected and loved for they honor you your worth 
Leave the dark behind you
Walk away to new beginnings 

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