Channeling Universal Mind (Abacus)
Automatic writing
Regarding how the card readings can be so accurate when they are not personalised & regarding the throat strain I feel when voice channeling in altered state .....
Can I ask what is occurring in my throat when I channel you? I feel like my throat is trying to give birth to my Adam's apple
Also how is it that the card readings resonate with so many?
Before we continue we advise the practice? As was yesterday is well so today, dearest. There is 7 days in front of you where you may increase your flow. The higher the flow the clearer and more accurate you will be.
Ok. Noted. I will practice today.
You have a tendency to allow time to fly from you. It is a gentle reminder.
I understand
Should I do the journeys now?
It matters not for this communication.
Be still a moment.
We say to you know that all manner of probabilities exist, and so all manner of applications contribute to the process.
One may not know another's true situation or condition, however, the manner of probabilities is known to us. The human condition has many attributes. Most are aligned to a few of the these.
Each human is working on certain process. We see from where we are, what the majority are undertaking at this time. It is a form of mathematics equation per se. Probable outcomes.
However do not misjudge. We know who are reading the lines that we bring, and so the probabilities is reduced by far. We understand what the readers are needing at this time. You cannot see what we see, you cannot know what we know. You are in your limited viewing.
May we say to you, that as your progress in the light body dynamics, you may see more clearly, as you will be accessing higher states of being, of conciousness.
You may see from another view. You may even connect directly to a soul, when applying a reading to another, so that you may give more detail to the recipient, what is needed.
You are as you say Gobsmacked?
Ahhh you assume much, of the dynamics you are studying. You know not the gift that they are. To you, and to others. Yes. You may raise high enough that you may be in your higher state of flow, your higher self per se, and on this level you may communicate with the recipients higher self, together, so that you may bring through more accurately what is needed for souls growth. You may use these energies to access healing, to feel blockages, to help work energies so that healing may occur.
The possibilities and the achievements are endless.
Know that we understand what is needed to be brought to the table. Trust. Trust what is received.
You question the sensations you have been experiencing last day in communication. You communicate our words via your manner of speach. We are a greater energy, a finer frequency, that you are adapted to. The channel is finer than the energy that is pouring through. Your voice, the centre, the pipe, that enables energy to flow is tight. It is what you are feeling. It is much like putting a foot into a shoe that is too small. The shoe would feel the pressure of the foot trying to squeeze into the shoe.
The channel that is your throat, the pipe, where the energy flows is feeling the squeeze when our energy is voiced, and so it feels as you say that you are giving birth . In a sense you are. You are giving birth to our energy on your plane via your physical vessel . It this clear?
Yes Thankyou .. What happens next though?
Over time it will ease as you adapt, as adjustments are made
Will I have your voice?
No. You will not give birth to a different voice than your own . We do not take you over.
However our nuances, our personality, will become distinctly clear.
You will have no doubt it is us, in communication with you, and the readers.
In a sense you are giving birth to spirit, giving it a voice, a combination of your tones, your personality, and ours. We are after all using your faculties.
Much like the foot in the shoe. The show does not become something else or change. It simply embraces the foot so that it may move forward together in partnership.
You are overthinking this dearest .
Know the throat will adapt . The energy work will help. Practice the throat centre more readily, to open up the flow. As you would say " you got this covered ".
You know lots of our quirks
But if course
Have you lived before ?
We are universal mind . We have knowledge of many experiences from your plane, as well as others. We hold the experience of all there ever was . You still do not quite understand what we are.
So I can ask you anything?
You may, however, we will see as is fit to answer. You may know only what you may know. The higher levels that you attain, the higher the state of knowledge you may bring through. You have no understanding of the information we contain .
It would equivalent to explaining quantum physics to a child in your first level schooling. We will ascertain what to bring, what may be understood by the readers of these words .
Ok so I'll still conscious channel you right through?
Dearest you know not the blessing of the method. To be conscious while reiterating spirit, universal mind is progress. To be clear in communication, in communion with vast knowledge, is evolution of the highest standard.
Do not berate or belittle what you do, due to the fact that you do not sleep in communication.
There will come a day when our communication is not needed as ALL will be in conscious communication with their higher states of being. You are one of the many that are beginning this awareness.
Be at peace with the technique. It is what you came to do. Your fear in the past, was in fact the fear of being asleep in communication . The fear served it's purpose, and now that we are in communication it has been let go.
We leave you now . A reminder of the frequency work. It is of import. Know this.
That is all.
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