4th May 2015 late afternoon
Channeling Abacus (In trance)
Regarding the new energy, transitions in humanities structures. Letting go of the old to allow in the new. Changes to come. Disruptions, before the new takes hold... And more
Info regarding the energy being channeled.
Abacus ( Universal Mind )
We understand your questioning.
We will begin.
Clear, and let our words flow.
We are a mixture, at present, we are Abacus. We are universal mind, however, we have the colourful ones building the bridge.
You cannot concurrently communicate with the energy entirely. You are still not at the level, however it is improving as we speak. The colourful ones bridge the gap. They help to raise the frequency of vibration that connects you to us. It is much like the booster that you put in your homes to extend the connection to your electronics, to your computers systems. Adam, the one you call this, boosts, acts as a booster, so that we may be communicated with. However, their energy is still a part of you, and a part of the connection, and so it will still feel as though Adam alone, is bringing information through, however that is not the case. You can feel there is a difference however you may not convey the difference to others.
This will occur for some time, until we may come through alone. However the other will not be completely gone, though you may not converse with them as you do now. This is life. There is always beginnings and endings, new experiences, and lessons to learn. This you must adjust to. There will be a beginning to the writing soon. There is much to be written and the energy is now ripe for the writing. It matters not what you do with the other writings, you may share them if you wish. These new writings will be a different reflection. There will be much involved in the writings. We will not expand on them. The expansion will happen as they are written. Trust. We tell you to trust. Trust that you are being led. Trust that you are coming to a place of knowing what the next step will be.
All are beginning to fit into their new shoes so to speak. The changing frequencies are waking many to their purpose. There is much change of relationships, much change of fortune, much change of careers. Many are starting to wake as if from a dream, and say to them selves what am I doing here? What am I meant to be doing? Many are waking up. To being able to be treated respectfully and with love. Many refusing to be bought, or sold or thought of as a purchased good. There is much change afoot and as with change there will be some disruption before the new takes hold. It is with all things that are new, that there will be those that will doubt the new, and try pick it apart.
As you begin to develop as you begin to grow into these new ideas you will see as if through new eyes and when you see through new eyes, Mmmm, then the passion ignites, and you begin to create what it is you wish to experience in your world. Many will stand up for what they believe in. Refusing to back down to ones that try to hold you down. There will be many being born in the new energy to help the cause. Do not lose heart, there is change. Know that you, we speak to all of you now, know that you can do anything you desire. You are a creator. You have the power within to heal, to create, to be all that you could possibly imagine. It begins with the spark within. Begin to stoke it, begin to have it shine brighter. Know that you can achieve all that you are wishing.
Begin to live your life as if you just born today. Let go, forget all that has tresspassed you before, no matter whose fault, no matter at all. Forget it, as if your memory has been wiped clean as you cannot hold onto past hurts or transgressions against you. Let it go because when you do this then you begin a beautiful new chapter in your world. You cannot build this beautiful new chapter while you are lugging the old behind you. It weighs you down. Let go of it, cut the bonds. Use your imagination and cut away at the vines that hold you back. And then turn around and look to the sky, the sun, and smile, for now you feel light, and you are ready to begin anew.
We leave you now.
Be at peace.
That is all
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