Channeling Abacus (Universal Mind)
We are here in your field once again.
This one wishes us to bring forth what may help the ones that are attracted to the channelings, what may need understanding, what may help the greater community.
We say to you, you are evolving, of every moment, of every minute, of every day, of every month, of every year. You are experiencing yourself anew in every of these moments.
We say to you you are in control of how you may experience these moments these minutes these hours these days. You give your power away to others outside of yourself,
so that you may please, and be
accepted, and yet to be accepted and to be pleasing to others, does not always please you, and so you live in unhappiness and in drudgery, in bitterness, and resentment, for you work at helping others at the risk of your own happiness, your own sanity at times.
Do you see the folly in this?
Do you understand how this does not work? All are in control of their destiny, by the choices that they make and by their conditioning, by their belief system. To change the way you are moving through your world you must change the way you think, your thoughts and your actions. They stem from inside of you, your conditioning.
When you begin to be in a place that you are happy being, then others around you experience that, for you are this wave of energy that radiates happiness and peace, when you are happiness and peace.
However, when you are living a life where you are disgruntled, and you are bitter, you are moaning and groaning and picking up after others, and doing their work for them, then this is what your radiating out to them, and this is what they feel, so you in essence, you are not helping them, for then they will create that, and then their ones, that are created, will create that, and so it goes on and on.
We say to you the gift that you can give another is your own sense of self, your own happiness. We are not saying to be self-centred and selfish in the way that you imagine. We are saying that when you tend to your needs, when you look after yourself, then you have more to give to others.
We are not saying to shed your responsibility. We understand that children cannot fend for themselves. Children need care, love and attention. We are referring to those days where you are running after others and forgetting about yourself.
We say to you spend time reconnecting with who you are. Whether it be in meditation, in gardening, painting, or reading, spend time with yourself, alone, so you may experience who you are without distractions of picture boxes. Distractions keep you from knowing who you are within. They smokescreen who you are. When you discover your greatest knowing within, and you begin to reflect that out in your environment, you will begin to glow, you will begin to be ageless. You will begin to radiate this wonderment, and others outside of you will ask, what is it you do? You see, you have found the elixir of life. You have found what brings energy and joy, and what makes life work. You have found what brings to you abundance, and health, laughter and peace. All those things that humans search for outside of themselves, these things are found within.
Isn't it time to stop searching on the outside?
You are a divine piece of god.
A divine piece of equipment. Your body, your structures, your capabilities are endless. Your healing capabilities so much more than you even realise. You will see. You hear of miracles daily. You struggle to believe them so, and isn't it interesting that it is when you become a miracle, that you believe, and then you try to teach others what it is that you may do. This will be common knowledge one-day, and it will be you who teaches others about this knowledge. For if you are listening to these words, you are here to affect change in one way or another. Nothing is by accident.
This is the message we delivered today. Find time to be with self.
That is the gift that you bring to yourself this day.
That is all.
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