Channeling Abacus (Universal Mind)
Regarding False light
I channeled this a few days ago for my own clarity. It's in regard to "false light". Debated the sharing of it, but today felt guided to share as this was brought up again briefly in another channel I did today. ( which I'll share once transcribed from voice )
In the meantime I'll share this older channel with you.
Always use your own discernment process..
I have a question. I've seen a few articles lately speaking about false light, channelers being deceived. It played on my mind which means it must on others minds too.
I don't feel with you, what they explained they felt with their connections. I feel the info you bring isn't like what they've experienced. But you know me, I question everything.
How do I know that your not that? How do I know you have my highest interest at heart and of those that read my channelings ?
The question is a valid one. You understand you are an intuituve being one that holds infinite knowledge. Yes?
Well I suppose. But the article said many are being deceived. Channelers especially. How do I know I'm not being deceived?
Do you imagine one may be deceived when their heart is true? When one only attempts to speak with that, that is of the highest integrity? Feel with your heart, not with the mind.
But how do I know for sure that I'm not being deceived? Like that I'm blindsided?
Dearest, when you came did you not make a request ?
What was that request? Do you recall? What did you ask to be in contact with?
I was clear. Very much so. That I only channel the highest level master guides. The highest light / source, that only has my and humanities best interest at heart.
As high as my energy could allow.
It's why I had been then, and still am now, working on raising my energy/frequency. I figured the higher I raise my energy the higher the level I could channel
Affirmative. It is why we came. Why the new adjustment was made.
Do you imagine, that one that is of a lower vibration, would need so many adjustments ? Integration ? Do you imagine their conversation would be clear? How do you feel when in communication with our energy ? Energised? Revitalised ? Or drained and afraid?
Therein lies the answers.
We honour you your enquires.
We do not ask you to take what we say blindly. We say to use your own discernment, always. Test what you may, where you may. We bring information. We help to guide you through your daily living to find your strengths, to overcome your dilemmas. We help you, guide you, to find yourselves, your rememberance of who you are, your own knowing.
We do not ask you to follow us, but to follow yourselves, to remember yourselves to live a joyous life. We guide you to your own knowing, your own connection to your self.
We do not say to you there is a saviour coming. We tell you, YOU are your saviour, the ones that you are waiting for. There is no one coming to save you but yourself. You are the ones that are coming. Read back. Discern our conversations of past, and that of the colourful ones. Note your feelings, your skeptasism in earlier conversations.
How do you feel after we have conversed?
How do others feel that have had guidance through you, through us? Has anyone, ever felt disheartend or have they come away with new vigour, with hope and peace in their hearts?
We come forth to lift, to bring peace to human hearts. It has always been so, from the beginning. Read the very first contact you had with the colorful ones, with us.
You requested, affirmed, that only the highest of high be in your field. You were clear, and demanding in that statement. It reverberated through the realms. What you do not understand , still, have no memory of , is that we were contracted, as were the colorful ones, for this time. We are here because it was preorchastrated before you incarnated.
Be observant to your guidance system, to how you feel. God, source , energises revitalises.
Note what others say to you dearest. Do they say you are radiant and glowing ? Or haggard, withdrawn? Do you have the energy drained from you or feel vibrant during and after our communications? Do our communications create fear?
These are your cues.
We are pleased this enquiry was made, for it brings clarity to your mind and that of others.
The headache , neck et. Of last few says?
Energy integrations dear heart. You are aware our evergy flow is greater than you are adapted to. With integration, comes more clarity and flow.
Trust what you feel as this is the true guide. Your feelings do not lie. When you listen to your internal GPS , your answers are clear
Thankyou ...
Have no fear dearest. Questioning is relevant always. Know you are loved. You are beginning to feel our energies in more depth. The more we are integrated, the more you will feel the hands of god. Your own divinity.
As you write, you will come to know that what we are. That truth will be undeniable.
Have no thought of fear. Only love.
I always ask you to follow your own intuition, your own discernment process when reading my channelings, and to be guided by what feels true for you,
For me, I know what I feel. I've only ever felt love and resonance with those I channel, and so I continue to work with them, unless that changes..🙏
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