Channeling Adam ( Collective )
Regarding the mixing of Adam's energy and Abacus's energy. The changes to come.
Adam? Did I get the anolagy right. I had a knowing come through regarding you.
Dear heart be still a moment and we will continue
Dear heart the anolagy is correct. We have told you we do not leave you. We cannot. We are a part of you.
Ok can you express the anolagy in your words please.?
It is so that you may do so quite accurately. However you have the answer, and so we may expand on your knowing this day.
You expressed the anolagy of the music piece of the tunes being overlaid with others so that they may play the perfect melody. Yes, we are a certain frequency of the tune being played at present, the new energy will be added to , mixed per se with the music already in motion to be enhanced.
Abacus is another frequency added to the mix of music already played, a more potent frequency a higher frequency. One that is more heard. Louder. Stronger.
We are still embedded in the music, in the song, however we are in the background. We may not be heard so readily. The stronger frequency or sound will be heard as this is the louder frequency.
We say we do not leave you. We have expressed this to you dear heart. We will simply not be so readily heard.
So abacus drowns you out ?
So to speak. As you have readily understood it is as when a spice overtakes a dish. You may not taste the other components. It does not mean however that they are not in the dish.
I now understand I think. So as abacus becomes stronger more mixed in I'll hear you less?
As the energy that is abacus becomes added more and more into the mix, becomes more melded, it will be more of that essence that you will hear.
Thankyou.. This sits better with me. Knowing your still there
We have expressed to you this dear heart from the beginning. ( smile )
We do not leave, we simply may not be heard, as you are perceiving now. You may feel us if you so choose however. You will feel as as the undertones, in the melody.
Be at peace, all is well...
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