Pick a card, then look below for the meaning.

18th May 2015
Card One

One love.
This is your message for this day. Know that when you seek to attain credit or credulance over another, you are in fact seeking it for all.
One may think when they strive to attain excellence, that they are seeking it only for themselves. They are in fact seeking it for the whole.
What benefits one, benefits all. What you do for one, you do for all.
When one pushes their magnificance, they push for all, for then there is a higher level to attain for others, that seek to attain higher than you.
You are not singular. Yes, you are your own creative expression of the whole. This is how you evolve.
When you seek to be better than another , know that you are in fact helping all, and especially so, those you wish to be better than. You are evolving the whole.
You are oneness.
When you come to this realisation, the attachment of the ego, of bettering another, vanishes .
You become a master in the creation of the highest expression of you, and of the rest of humanity.
You will reach much higher standards , much more quickly, when you understand this, for then you are in service of all, and not just the self. This creates change on the biggest scale.
Card two

You are feeling the drudgery the hardship of the day.
You wonder why you came. Why on earth you came to this place that you feel to be unfair and full of misery.
We say to you open thy eyes and see!
Open thy eyes and begin to view the beauty, the magnificence, the intricacy that is the human experience! Look if you will at the beauty of a rose. The path it takes from birth to death . If you do not look with new eyes, you will see the thorns, that may take from the the blood that is your creative flow. We say look at the beauty of the colours, the smell, the journey it takes. It breathes the sun, it drinks from the earth, it sways with the breeze, it weathers the storm. It gives a sence of peace and love to those that it is gifted to. It's journey is no less than the human journey, no less important.
It does not say to the others around it, in it's vicinity in the garden, "Ohhhh look, yeah I am flawed! I have thorns coming from my body,I am beaten by the wind and scorched by the sun. I have been flooded by the rain and cut from my body".....
Do you see?
If you see the drudgery, you will experience the drudgery.
We say rise up and see the beauty that you are! The essence, pure and powerful .
See the Magnificance of what you experience, and the beauty in all those that touch you, throughout the day.
Look with new eyes and you will experience the wonder that is to live. The gift of the life experience
Do not look at your thorns, but the radiance that you are, the perfection, and the gift of love that you bring. You are here for a reason.
You are worthwhile.
See it.
Know it.
Live it.
Card three

You are on the verge of living your dream.
You dear one, are at a crossroads.
You are stopped not knowing which path to take fearful, of what each holds.
You are the train arriving now at the fork not knowing to go left or right
Know this. It matters not. Each road will bring the richness of its journey.
It is much like you taking a Sunday drive
If you pick one manner of scenic route you may experience the ocean, the trees, cliff tops, the experience of that path.
If you choose the other you may experience the mountains, valleys, farmhouses along the way.
Neither route is good or bad. It is simply a variation of experiences.
It is so that you may have a destination in mind. You may travel
either path and arrive still at the destination. Each route giving you the richness and beauty of their path.
One may have a more bumpy surface the than the other , more curvaceous roads, ones that may bring you more exhilaration, the other a more tranquil journey.
Do you see?
You are all heading to the same
destination .
The path is your experience along the way
You have a choice.
What do you wish to experience?
If you choose the coastal route and you decide that you have changed your mind, turn inland and experience that. You are never stuck.
You may choose in any given moment, which way you will go.
You have free will.
Lose the ridgeness that you place on your self. Feeling stuck is a construct of the mind. Allow yourself to feel through the heart, when determining your path,
Let go.
Pick the path that resonates. Feel with your heart, in the moment.
When the path taken, does not satisfy you any longer, simply change direction. You are never stuck unless you believe it so.
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