Pearls Of Wisdom 11/5/15
It is so that many discuss their needs, discuss their wants, discuss their hurts, discuss their anxieties. Many voice what it is they do not wish, what it is that ails them.
We tell you this. If you chose today, in this moment, to only allow yourself to voice that which you desire to bring to the fore, if you from this moment, did not speak with your tongue, with your mouth, anything that was unpleasant or painful or hurtful or distasteful, if you only voiced positive words, loving words, words of kindness, and appreciation, if you did not utter one word of what you do not want, beginning this moment, beginning this very day, your life would change dramatically.
It will be magic before your very eyes. You will wonder what has happened in your world. This is universal law. That what you give out you get back. Your structure, your mechanics of your physicality, of your body, hears everything, and happily engages you and serves you.
Mastery of the thought process is needed to advance, for thought form will be instantaneous in the future. What you think will be created in an instant, and so the learning is to be had in mastering the thought process. So we give you a challenge if you will. To begin not voicing, not speaking of anything you do not wish in your world, or that it be returned to you. Think carefully for a moment. This means all things that you do not wish to have in your world. We leave you with that. You may start small. It is a skill, habit forming, if you continue to practice.
We do not say too master all your thinking process. What we are saying, what we are referring, and be clear on this, is what you speak loudly, from your mouth, in voice, in conversation, with others. If you do not voice loudly what you do not want, if you voice loudly what you do want, then eventually you will see the creator that you are.
We end the conversation today with that.
Be mindful. You are a creator. Know you have created where you are today, and know that you may create tomorrow, today.
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