Pearls of wisdom 25/5/15
Abacus ( Universal Mind )
We are in your field once again.
There will be two pieces of information today. One will be the pearls of wisdom. and the other will be in regards to a dilemma that many are experiencing and know not why it is so.
(*note-The channel regarding the dilemma they speak of above is in a separate post dated 25/5/15 regarding "Time" & "Being Late, ie Self Sabotage.)
Abacus (Universal Mind)
The wisdom piece for today is such a one that affects many, in many circles and Avenues. One that causes perplexity in ones mind.
It is the one that one experiences as intuition.
Intuition many do not understand the meaning of, and yet you use it every day. You use your intuition without even understanding from whence it comes, and why it is so.
All of you have a built in GPS within your cellular structure. It is your radar so to speak. It lets you know makes you aware in any given situation what is the best course of action for your highest achievement, for your highest good.
Intuition serves to lead you in the way that would benefit you the most, at the time. It may be simply to turn left where you may turn right.
It may be simply to read an article where you may not normally be interested. It may be where one has an understanding of the situation, and that they may not have, prior to the moment.
Intuition is a flash of knowing. It is a form of inspiration that comes seemingly out of nowhere.
It is the first noticeable feeling when one is achieving to do a certain action or make a certain decision.
It springs up out of nowhere, through your thought processes, but then not. It stems from that part within, that is your inner knowing, that has a connection with all things, that has a connection with source.
The intuition comes from a place
"outside" of yourself and yet it is "within" you also.
It is your guidance system. It is easily missed it is so fast in the coming, and the going. It is the initial inspiration, the feeling or thought one hears, or feel or sees, that comes quickly and then is gone before you realise that it has occurred.
This will become stronger over time. This many are not aware of, or what it is or where it stems from, but know it comes from a place a space that is your most inner knowing.
Listen to this flash it always rings true. It is different for each individual, it is never the same for all of you. But it is the right course of action to take. It is not to say that if you do not listen to your intuition that your course of action is not right. It is simply that it may be the experience is not to your liking, or it is that an experience is a struggle or can be an easier journey if one listens to the flash.
It may be the difference between an accident or non-accident. It may be the difference between picking an easier journey, or one that is more arduous.
It may be that it gives you the right answer where you are thinking of the wrong answer.
It may be that you become abundant or successful in a certain area , rather than choosing one of less value. Know you use this automatically many times in the day, however if you are aware that you have intuition and you know that it is available you are more prone to follow its guidance, and so, have an easier time of it.
This is what we bring to you regarding intuition today.
When you receive that flash of something that seemingly comes out of nowhere try to grasp it before it leaves you.
Do not second-guess it.
It is your pearl of wisdom from within you, and from God
That is all.
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