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Sunday, 31 May 2015

Pearls Of Wisdom
Regarding being different....

When one comes forth into the arena that is life, one seeks to experience themselves in a way that is
alternate to another.

One chooses to experience their life path in certain avenues, with certain familiarities.
What one may choose, what one may come to earth to learn, may be very different from another, and so in your society, you choose many different avenues, you choose many different experiences, some are similar to another, and some are not.

What you however seek to make wrong, is is that when something or someone does something different to you, that it is not right.
You seek in your customs, to be the same. Your belief systems you try to be similar in. You work at doing the same things, you try to be sameness.
You do not see that each of you every single one of you, came to experience yourself in exactly the way you wish to experience yourself.

If source wanted to experience itself the same, it would have  had everyone come to earth doing exactly the same thing, and what would be the point of this may we ask?
The reason why you are here is to experience yourself a new, experience yourself in different shades, and yet when one is not the same shade as you, you turn and you belittle them. You cast them out for being different, you treat them badly, you try to make them like you. 

Do you see dear ones?
Do you see the folly in this?
Why would you want to make someone like you?
Why would anyone want to be exactly like the next, and the next, and the next?
Earth is a place to experience yourself in any manner of ways. 

It is so than  rather than condone someone for being different, it is to be celebrated!
It is to be celebrated that they are choosing to shine in all their manner of shades, rather than looking at them, and making them wrong. You should be making them right.
The pearl for today is that it is okay to be a different shade of pearl.
You are not here to be all exactly the same Pearl. You are here to express, and to be all that you can be, in all your many colours, and shades, and form. 
Celebrate your differences.
Celebrates the ones that step outside the box, and choose to shine in the many colours, for this is living. This is the experience that you are here for. Be as different as you may be and be joyful doing it.  When someone says to you that you are wrong because you are not the same as another, you may shine your individuality, you may look at them in love, for they do not understand, that if you show what you can be, then eventually they may seek to be all that they can be.
This is what we bring for this day.

Celebrate your differences.
Celebrate your different flavours.
Celebrate your different shades of humanity.
This is why you are here, to experience yourself in all manner of ways. To be all that you can be in as many ways that you can be it. 

That is all
Pick a card and then scroll down to find the corresponding meaning. 
Card Reading

Card One 

We say to you dear one that fear is your greatest enemy.
Fear serves you in a way that brings you unhappiness. Fear constricts all your processes to the point where you may not breathe, you may not breathe in life. 
Fear halts you.
Fear stops you from moving forward. Fear creates disease.
Fear disallows your power.
Fear brings much grief of mind and body. 
What we tell you is that fear is an illusion.
Fear is a construct of the mind.
Fear is not what you imagine it to be. Fear is your burial to growth.
Fear acts as the door that is locked and does not allow you to enter what is beyond. The opposite to fear is light, is love.
Love opens all doors.
Love allows flow.
Love allows health.
Love allows all manner of circumstances  to come forth.
When you are in a state of fear if you imagine a time when you experienced love. When you are in fear, if you imagine the sun shining on you on a warm summers day. When you are in fear if you imagine the first time you laid eyes on your child. When you are in fear if you imagine the caress of your mother, when you needed her most. When you are in fear if you imagine anything that you have experienced that is loving, you will find that the fear begins to dissipate and dissolve. You'll find that the fear is replaced, for love is the greater of the two.
Love begins to fill your being and the fear begins to dissipate. If you imagine, use your imagination, to feel the softness and the beauty of love, rather than the constriction of fear and you make this a habit, you will find that the fear begins to disolve and the love begins to permeate all that you are.
When one is constricted in fear they may not move left or right or forward, they move backward.
Try to fill that space with love, whether it be in imagination, or via music, or via an image.
If you practice this practicality, you will find  over time you will fear no more,  for fear will be replaced.
You will know how to move beyond the fear, and into love

Card Two

For you it is time to walk your own path.
You have been living your life for others, working your life around others, making your choices around others. Doing what others request of you. Pleasing others. Living for others. We so to that it's time. It's time to make choices for you. For you are important also. Why do you feel that you are not?
Yes, we say to you that it is a gift to others to care for them, and help them,  however, it is not a gift for others to do for them, for they do not learn how to do for themselves.
You think you are being gracious when in fact it is martyrdom.
When one is ill and in need of your help, we are not saying not to help. Of course we say to you, help the sick.
What we say to you is a different matter. What we say to you is start to live "your" journey. Begin to make decisions for yourself.
In doing this you allow others to learn for themselves,  rather than allowing others, to do for them. 
isn't it time to take the first step? 
Mayhap you can begin today. Wouldn't that be a gift yo yourself?Isn't it time to begin you're living, 
your way.

Card Three

For those that choose the card of three there is learning to be had.

It is time for you to step up and to make choices, into how you are to advance,  into your role, into your future. 
There may be learning to be had in academics, or there may be a learning to be heard in the practical sense, in the arts, using the hands or in mechanics, or in carpentry, or Craftwork, using the hands.

Either choices matters not. It matters that if you have chosen this card of three, then there is learning for you to do. It may be structured in a course format. It may be reading from a book. It may be listening to an online lecture on your Internet. But there is something for you to learn, something for you to do.
What is it that you have thought about recently, that you might do? Have you thought about a new occupation? Have you thought about a new line of study? Have you thought about learning a hobby? Taking up gardening or cooking? A Short course in caring? Know that this card signifies that there may be something more that you can learn. You are never too old to learn, a new trade a new experience. It may be that the learning is in discovery of who you are. It is learning nevertheless. You are all  learning daily and experiencing,  however those that chose this card have more study to do in certain fields. You will know how this relates to you. And if you do not know now, you will.

That is all, for the cards this day. 

Channeling Adam & Abacus
My own personal conversation with them regarding my journey for those that have an interest 

I have a few things i would like to discuss if that's ok? 
Am I still able to channel Adam? I saw a  rainbow this morning,  Is it the sign that their leaving?
I'm now beginning to connect and I feel  love and my mind is flooded with the song, " My Endless Love"
I haven't heard that song in years and now the lyrics are flooding my mind....
And now I hear another song
"Sometimes when we touch".....

Be still dear heart. Listen , feel.....

The purpose of these songs?

Dear heart you wish to understand what is the experience of a first love. What is the experience of our love. What is the experience of heart break. Why the experience at all.
If you search the lyrics and feel, dawning will enter.
We, that you call Adam are still here. We may still converse with you at this time. The rainbow was a reminder that we are forever by your side.
The Endless  Love. The first love, but Endless Love. Do not be sad on our departure, as we do not depart. We simply meld into a higher truth.
We are.
We are Abacus also. Know this truth. We are endless love, never far. 
Hold our love within your heart. No fear may enter when love resides. 

I get the image of a rainbow heart...

The rainbow bridge , your heart of many colors holds within you our love. 
Visit the lyrics, they hold much meaning. 

So it wasn't the final sign? That your leaving?

Negative. Simply a reminder we are still by your side. A good morning wish.  Take time to slow down and experience the precious moments, the gift of life. 

Some may not agree that it's a gift if their suffering 

Suffering serves a purpose. It is a tool to discovery. 

Can't you discover yourself without pain? 

But of course! However some may require this to discover the doorway to themselves. They may not search the doorway if life is grand and full of life's distractions 

But isn't that the key ? To enjoy life? Experience it any way we wish?

It is so, however one does not search for the greater meaning when one  is anesetised. Some require a jolt to awaken to themselves. 

I've had someone suggest I ask the bigger questions. I know that nothing is by accident , so am I to begin brainstorming you guys?  Is it what I'm meant to be doing? Or do I trust you to bring what is needed ?



You may ask whatever your heart desires dear heart. We may answer how is correct for the time of questioning 

What if I understand you incorrectly? 

Dear heart all that read these lines have their own guidance system, their discernment process. They may hear what they may, and take what they may, and what they believe is their truth, is correct for them, just as it is correct for you. Not a one , no ones truth is denied them. It will be their truth, even when it differs from your own

What if I don't believe what comes through? Do I still share it? 

Dear heart know this. When one hears their truth it will ring true.
Do not assume if you doubt, that it is not truth. You are working at a limited capacity at reasoning . You do not have the bigger picture, the greater understanding of what is real or not.
However you have your GPS, your own intuitive thought. We allow that to be the guidance you use as to share or not
However know our words are meant for all, regardless if you feel them true or nay. 
The real question here is do you trust yourself to reiterate the words of source? Courage is needed, and trust , blind faith. 
We hear your underlying thoughts. 

I think some will think I'm a crack pot and making it all up. That's what I think

And this is also true if you believe it is so. When will you have the courage to be, dear heart? You have it within you or we would not be here. 

I've missed you! Why can't I chat like this with abacus? 

You may do so

They don't like to " banter " they say

Dear heart it is you that suggests it is so when it is not sound reasoning. 
Try. We say to you try. You may be supprised at the humor that resides in universal mind. It is your belief that they are above the process we share. We are one. Remember this. What we may do with you you may do with a higher version of us. 

Abacus comes through so serious like

It is your imaginings that a higher power comes with a sternness about them. Know with higher frequency comes a higher love, a higher knowledge , and a higher humour.  A higher power is more refined. It is your belief that wields the result of what comes forth. The higher evergy frightened you at first did it not?

Well it was different to you .. 

How so?

You know how

Humour us if you will. There is a method here. You are aware

Well they came through as a force not to be reckoned with, powerful, yet loving. It felt like the masculine of you. My heart raced at what I felt

How did the force feel? Did it feel bad? 

No. It felt big. Enormous, never ending void. I saw the universe with the energy. I felt small in comparison 

You are aware what you fear is your own power? Your own self? This that you saw, is you. You are a part of this void, this universe, this expansion. You fear your own power and what it means to bring this within your self. This is what you feel, what you fear. 
We are the door the bridge. Abacus, universal mind, is what is behind the door. They are the next step in your evolution. Your own power self realised, embodied, allowed. You are meshing, atuning, adjusting with this higher part of you, of source. Do not fear who you are, what you may experience. You have opened the door. You still have one foot in and one foot out. Step fully into your power so that you may create, co create. 

Can I ask why I feel so achy  today? 

Levelling up. There are more adjustments. You are integrating as are many. More light, and so more squeezing within your structure. Rest is the best medicine, and advise we give. 

So I'll ask the questions then?

Affirmative. The answers will come as appropriate for the time. 

Will it get me into trouble ? 

It depends solely on your definition of trouble dear heart

You know what I mean 

That would defeat the purpose of the messages would it not? We bring what may bring others to themselves. To know who one is, Is the first step. 
Trust dear heart trust, in your self and in source, that what may be appropriate will , be. 


Be at peace dear heart, be at Peace

Dearest we say to you, do not fear what we are. As we are embodied in fullness, you will experience more that what we are. You. All. We are love. We are light. We are knowledge. Limitless. 
Know that we are. Feel us. We bring you to your self and others to them selves. We are the vast expanse that you imagine and more. You can not know the fullness of what we are, where you are at present. You are limited where you are, however you will know us. Trust 
We ask, advise that you rest now. We have much work to do together. Your integration of the energies currently attuning in needed. Allow your eyes to close. Feel that we are in this space. Be...


Lyrics to songs I heard in my mind below 
Still to figure the meaning of the message they bring. Maybe they were meant for you also....

Lyrics to Endless love

Lyrics to Sometimes when we touch

Wednesday, 27 May 2015

Channeling Abacus (Universal Mind)

We are here in your field once again.

This one wishes us to bring forth what may help the ones that are attracted to the channelings, what may need understanding, what may help the greater community. 

We say to you, you are evolving, of every moment, of every minute, of every day, of every month, of every year. You are experiencing yourself anew in every of these moments.
We say to you you are in control of how you may experience these moments these minutes these hours these days. You give your power away to others outside of yourself,
so that you may please, and be
accepted, and yet to be accepted and to be pleasing to others, does not always please you, and so you live in unhappiness and in drudgery, in bitterness, and resentment, for you work at helping others at the risk of your own happiness, your own sanity at times.
Do you see the folly in this?
Do you understand how this does not work? All are in control of their destiny, by the choices that they make and by their conditioning, by their belief system. To change the way you are moving through your world you must change the way you think, your thoughts and your actions. They stem from inside of you, your conditioning.
When you begin to be in a place that you are happy being, then others around you experience that, for you are this wave of energy that radiates happiness and peace, when you are happiness and peace.
However, when you are living a life where you are disgruntled, and you are bitter, you are moaning and groaning and picking up after others, and doing  their work for them, then this is what your radiating out to them, and this is what they feel, so you in essence, you are not helping them, for then they will create that, and then their ones, that are created, will create that, and so it goes on and on.
We say to you the gift that you can give another is your own sense of self, your own happiness. We are not saying to be self-centred and selfish in the way that you imagine. We are saying that when you tend to your needs, when you look after yourself, then you have more to give to others.
We are not saying to shed your responsibility. We understand that children cannot fend for themselves. Children need care, love and attention. We are referring to those days where you are running after others and forgetting about yourself.
We say to you spend time reconnecting with who you are. Whether it be in meditation, in gardening, painting, or reading, spend time with yourself, alone, so you may experience who you are without distractions of picture boxes. Distractions keep you from knowing who you are within. They smokescreen who you are. When you discover your greatest knowing within, and you begin to reflect that out in your environment, you will begin to glow, you will begin to be ageless. You will begin to radiate this wonderment, and others outside of you will ask, what is it you do? You see, you have found the elixir of life. You have found what brings energy and joy, and what makes life work. You have found what brings to you abundance, and health, laughter and peace. All those things that humans search for outside of themselves, these things are found within.
Isn't it time to stop searching on the outside?
You are a divine piece of god.
A divine piece of equipment. Your body, your structures, your capabilities are endless. Your healing capabilities so much more than you even realise. You will see. You hear of miracles daily. You struggle to believe them so, and isn't it interesting that it is when you become a miracle, that you believe, and then you try to teach others what it is that you may do. This will be common knowledge one-day, and it will be you who teaches others about this knowledge. For if you are listening to these words, you are here to affect change in one way or another. Nothing is by accident.
This is the message we delivered today. Find time to be with self.
That is the gift that you bring to yourself this day.
That is all.

Tuesday, 26 May 2015

Channeling Universal Mind - Abacus
Audio dated 25/5/15 Pearls of Wisdom
Pearls of wisdom 25/5/15

Abacus ( Universal Mind )
We are in your field once again. 

There will be two pieces of information today. One will be the pearls of wisdom. and the other will be in regards to a dilemma that many are experiencing and know not why it is so.

(*note-The channel regarding the dilemma they speak of above is in a separate post dated 25/5/15 regarding "Time" & "Being Late, ie Self Sabotage.)

Abacus (Universal Mind)
The wisdom piece for today is such a one that affects many, in many circles and Avenues. One that causes perplexity in ones mind. 
It is the one that one experiences as intuition.
Intuition many do not understand the meaning of, and yet you use it every day. You use your intuition without even understanding from whence it comes, and why it is so.
All of you have a built in  GPS within your cellular structure. It is your radar so to speak. It lets you know makes you aware in any given situation what is the best course of action for your highest achievement,  for your highest good. 
Intuition serves to lead you in the way that would benefit you the most, at the time. It may be simply to turn left where you may turn right.
It may be simply to read an article where you may not normally be interested. It may be where one has an understanding of the situation, and that they may not have, prior to the moment.
Intuition is a flash of knowing. It is a form of inspiration that comes seemingly out of nowhere.
It is the first noticeable feeling when one is achieving to do a certain action or make a certain decision.
It springs  up out of nowhere, through your thought processes, but then not. It stems from that part within, that is your inner knowing, that has a connection with all things, that has a connection with source. 

The intuition comes from a place
"outside" of yourself and yet it is "within" you also. 
It is your guidance system. It is easily missed it is so fast in the coming, and the going. It is the initial inspiration, the feeling or thought one hears, or feel or sees, that comes quickly and then is gone before you realise that it has occurred.
This will become stronger over time. This many are not aware of, or what it is or where it stems from, but know it comes from a place a  space that is your most inner knowing.
Listen to this flash it always rings true. It is different for each individual, it is never the same for all of you. But it is the right course of action to take. It is not to say that if you do not listen to your intuition that your course of action is not right. It is simply that it may be the experience is not to your liking, or it is that an experience is a struggle or can be an easier journey if one listens to the flash.
It may be the difference between an accident or non-accident. It may be the difference between picking an easier journey, or one that is more arduous.
It may be that it gives you the right answer where you are thinking of the wrong answer.
It may be that you become abundant or successful in a certain area , rather than choosing one of less value. Know you use this automatically many times in the day, however if you are aware that you have intuition and you know that it is available you are more prone to follow its guidance, and so, have an easier time of it.
This is what we bring to you regarding intuition today.
When you receive that flash of something that seemingly comes out of nowhere try to grasp it before it leaves you.
Do not second-guess it.
It is your pearl of wisdom from within you, and from God 
That is all. 

Monday, 25 May 2015

Channeling Universal Mind (Abacus)
In altered trance state.

Regarding Time.  Why we run late, and how we can change that, about not beating ourselves up so much, or making ourselves wrong all the time. It's about self sabatage, how we change that. This channel had me in tears on transcribing as I don't always recall what I bring through once I come out of altered state, only a vagueness, like a dream. Some bits were news to me on transcription. 
This has to be one of my favorite channels, as I discovered things I didn't realise about myself. Why it took me so long to begin. I have a tendency to run late and to self sabatage. This channel helped me, I hope it does you also ....

First dearest we wish to say to you today is the perfect day to begin the next chapter. You have made more adjustments, tuned with us more readily. You are expressing well what we wish to bring. And so we are prepared for the next chapter. 
Do not leave it to the point where it is too late in your day to make our contribution together.
Do not allow distractions. Once this book is taken shape and form the rest will evolve, what you are to do.
Trust this. Trust this. We have your best interest at heart and that of humanities. It is appropriate that this book is written and put out for people to understand and see what it is that they are trying to achieve here at this time. How the soul works and functions, and how they may work in union with what they are.

The sooner that we continue this writing dearest, the sooner all will come to pass. If this is what you are still wishing to do we recommend the time is made so that we may progress.

There has been questions asked regarding the human capacity of being on time or not. There are many that struggle with time many that struggle with being on time, many that struggle with being late or tardy. 
We tell you this when you understand that there is no time. When you understand that, then the focal point of being not on time is, inrelevant, is unrelevant, is irrelevant.
Dear heart we will slow down.
Time is a structural component that humanity has brought to the fore to endeavour to make their life more organised. In other realms it doesn't exist. When you understand within your mind, within your heart that there is no time and in essence if there is no time then you cannot be late. You cannot be early. You simply be. When you understand there is no time, when you take into your mind this thought and process it accordingly, then if there is no time, then it is not possible to be late for anything.
However we understand you may struggle with this concept and so we say this to you. It is simple in the understanding and should allow for you to be on time in future.
You say to us that if something is of importance, if you are passionate about being somewhere you are in fact on time, you are always early for it holds great importance to you and it is so that if you are not interested in a certain concept, or meeting or attending, then you are likely to run not on time all late.
We tell you if you make, if you understand that all you do is important, Is relevant, is imperative to your growth, then all is important, and so if something is of great importance to you will make time, to be on time. Are you understanding?
Give reverence to all that you do. Do not think that one aspect of your life is less important then the other. Understand that all you do, all the places that you visit, all the things you attend hold great growth for you and for your experience, and so we say to you, when you look at all you do in this light, and you will be on time for all your activities, for they will all hold great value to you. 
Another option we give to you is to allow extra time in all avenues inall manners, in all places that you are to be. You will find that even when you allow the extra time, that you may run late because it is your belief system that is running your life, your progress being.  If you believe that you are always late, no matter if you are early in leaving for an activity, then you will attract to you all manner of things that will make you late because it is your belief system, and so it is also important to note that a change of belief system will change the occurances.  Say to yourself loudly daily that you are always on time, that you arrive to any given activity on time. That all the universe, coalesces to help you to arrive on time. 
Imagine that as you are travelling to the place that you are to be that all are there to help you be on time.
All work with you not against you. 
We say to you that it is not very different from one to the other in this regard. They are simply inbuilt systems of your mind. Mostly it is that at some point you were late and so you had the thought "I am late", and then you may have been late at another time, and so the thought was ingrained again "I am late", or someone may have said to you, "you are always late", and so through habit and through taking on beliefs of others you have made yourself always late. It is simply a change of perception and a change of thinking. Stop sabotaging yourself in this way. Love yourself. Know that all that you do is important, and so it is important that you are on time. If you wish and value the activity, however remember there is no right or wrong. If you happen to be late do not berate yourself. Do not allow others to berate you. Accept that you are late as it is truth at the time but it does not mean that you will be late again. It is simply that you were late, that day, and so you may say to yourself, "yes it is true that today I was not on time, however it is not true that I am always not on time, for it is true that I have been on time and so in reasoning is may be then, that I am on time again".
It is time dear ones to stop berating all the manner of things you do and see them as not serving you. Know that you are here to experience. There is no right or wrong in the experience. There is no wrong to being late, and there is no wrong to being early. You are here to experience all the different shades, and each experience brings you to another version of yourself. There are so many infinite ways to experience your life, and as an individual you experience it differently to any other. None experienced the same. Yes they may be similar, for instance, one may taste the vanilla ice cream, in their way and yet another that tastes the vanilla ice cream, will not have the exact same experience of the vanilla as the other. Yes vanilla is vanilla, it is a certain essence however, do you not think that ones pallet is exactly like another's. Is it not so that one may love vanilla, and another one may not. You are as much individual as you are the same. When you are different to another do not make yourself wrong because you are so. It is the difference that makes it right for that is the excitement of the experiencing all the different flavours of life. 
You are so much more than you realise. And much more. You are a magnificant being. You do not realise, and rightly so, the extent of all that you are. 

It is time to stop making yourself wrong for all the things that you do you think that you do wrong and start making yourself right and acknowledging all that you do so well and all that you do that causes the evolution that is of man. We honour you your journey dear ones. We honour you your fortitude,your strength, your passion, and your commitment to all things. 
We are here to help you, not to judge by all means, our words do not take to heart, as being true for you. Our words are simply there to give you a better understanding of who you are, and where you are going, and to allow you to shine, into being the one that you came to be. 
We encourage you most heartedly to only take on what feels true for you that we bring. It will not feel true for all, and that is to be expected, and that's ok. 
We are here to help the ones that asked us to be here before they came. It is no accident that we come now at this time in space. It is no accident that this channel is bringing us through at this time.
This one feared much the experience of channelling once upon a time. She feared it so much that she blocked us out completely, as she would not listen to herself. She would not listen in fear that she would bring through wrong information. She had a fear of all things and especially of the dark, and so she would not let anything through for a very long time.
This caused her much distress and pain. Health issues and a sense of being lost. It has taken her much time, to work through her own issues, however this was for good cause also. All is how it should be and is appropriate for the time that is now. In her pain she has discovered who she is and who we are, and now is the time to bring forth, to open the door, to allow, our words to flow so that we may help you in the way you have asked. For those that are listening there is no mistake here. You were meant to be here. You were meant to be listening to our words, and still we say to you, trust in your own guidance. We are here to remind you that you are also connected and that you have the connection always. We are here to help you discover that so that you may not need us any longer. We are here to bring you to yourself. To find your peace, and with that today, we leave you now.
And to this one we say, make time.
It is only through the doing, the writing, will this book come to the fore. 
We are patient. We wait. We are ready dear heart, when you are, to continue our journey. Know there are constant adjustments being made.
You feel the difference in your energy structure today. The healing of yesterday, has done you good. It has cleared blockages and allowed flow to come and so today you feel us much better, more strongly. 
There is still fine tuning, however you are hearing us most clearly. We are hearing and we will abide. We will slow down the process, not so much though, you are able dear heart. Know this. 
We leave you now.
That is all.