
Channeling Abacus-Universal Mind
In Trance/Light Body
Self Realisation, The New Energy
Greetings to all. Greetings dear one. Greetings to all that are listening this day.
There are changes afoot. Changes, much that is occurring on your plane at this time. Many are beginning to awaken. Many have found their path to themselves.
We will take you on a journey within this transmission, a journey to the self. A journey where one may begin to understand the piece of the puzzle that is occurring at this time.
Dear one to you we say float in our energies. Simply allow. Allow us to take the regeins if you will, while you bask in our love.
We come this day to bring forth some new information. The energies are constantly changing and shifting, as you are aware. You are feeling it so, within your soul, within your structures, within your physicality. You are feeling that something is shifting, that something has begun to change, and you are feeling this correctly, for there is much movement happening within the atmospheres, within the planets, within all time. You are beginning to emerge, beginning to open up, beginning to flower, so to speak. You are opening to self-realisation, to the self within, the one within that alternates your physical body, so to speak, but is not of the physical body. It is a part of the all, it is the universal energy that is combined with all that is. This energy flow is connected to all. This energetic flow is connected to all things. It is connected to God. It is connected to you. It is connected to all the realms. It is one mass of flow. One energy, one God, one system, which all souls are a part of. They cannot be apart from this, for it is a wholeness that cannot be singulated, so to speak. It is one, and you are this whole, materialised into form, experiencing yourself in a new way, for this is a new time.
This is an expansion of your self. It is an expansion of we. It is an expansion for all, and it is why so many are interested in what is occurring on your plane, for what you do affects the whole, for you are the whole. You do not see that you are the whole, but you are. You are, as we are. We are one. The only difference is that you are materialised. You are made into form. You have densitised yourself, so to speak. Brought that, that is we, down through the realms, to full manifestation, and the aim is to become realised in this heaviness, who you are, to remember and then to begin the process of lifting back up to where you once came, but in a sense, still being of that plane that you are now. It is a wonderful experience that you are experiencing at this time.
It would not be, that you would be there, if you did not understand this truth. We say to you, there will be shifting, and the shifting at times will be blissful, and at times will be out of the box, so to speak. You will feel a little unbalanced, uncoordinated at times. You may feel as if your earth moves, or that you move and not the earth. You may feel a swaying, you may feel a heat within your heart. You may feel enlightened. You may come to realise many understandings, without knowing how you came by the understanding, simply that you have begun to understand all of a sudden, and not knowing why it is so that you do.
It is as if a switch has been turned on of a sudden, and there is light within certain concepts. You will just know the concepts, without knowing how you know. You will of a sudden understand certain workings of your physicality. It is almost as if you have never forgotton.
You will just understand, as if you have woken up from a deep sleep and it is simply normal to be in that state that you are. You can say almost that you have forgotten where you are today, for tomorrow will feel so in sync, and not out of place, and some of you will not understand why others cannot see, what you see. You will not understand how they cannot understand. It will baffle your mind, and it will battle their mind. There will be some that do not understand any of what you say, and you will not understand what they have to say. It is almost as if you may speak another language altogether, not understanding how the other one does not understand. There will be a veil shifted from your eyes whereby you see in beautiful tones. You will see through rose coloured glasses so to speak, the beauty, and you wonder why you have not seen that beauty before. It will be as if the windscreen of your mind has been scrubbed clean and you can finally see through the murkiness with such clarity, that you wonder why you have never seen it before. These are some of the changes to be expected in the next coming time.
There is no reason to be fearful for in reality you will be in love again with the beauty that you are, and the beauty that is around you. You see, this is who you always were, you simply did not have the eyes to see for there is a veil in front of them where you could not see, and this was on purpose.
We are so pleased that you have come to the stage. We are so pleased that this one has persevered in her communication. We showered her with our energy before commencement this day. She deserved to feel the strength of our love. Hmmm you all deserve to feel the strength of our love, for this is what you are. This is your reflection, who we are. This is what all is, and all will begin to feel this love for this is a part of the awakening, that all will begin to see their truth, their reality, from within.
It is not that you will go anywhere, so to speak. You will still be where you are, however you will see with different eyes. It will be as if you have taken a pill of allowing, a pill of awakening, a pill that takes off some of the blinders. We do not say to you that all blinders will be shifted, for this is an ongoing process. Do not think that this is all there is. This is simply one way of many. One shift of many. Do not feel that all will come to pass in a manner of days, for after all, this is an ongoing process. We are simply at the beginning of a process, but this is one, that has been as you say fast tracked. You are beginning to have an understanding, and the ones that see, will help others to see, for the others will wonder what they are seeing, and they will want to see also. There will be a shifting of sorts, a split, but this is on purpose also.
The shifting will begin to level over a period of time. As one's work with their true self, as they awaken to who they are, as they make the realisation, the veil will lift from their eyes also.
This one wants to know what has occurred this day, through our communication. Dear heart, there is a shift. We have explained. We have integrated once again. You have made no manner of attempts to be clear, and we are in unison with your designs. We allow you your clarity, however, we also honour your wishes, and become closer to you. So close that we are nearly as one, in a sense, and your thoughts and our thoughts meet, and blend, and become one in the same, and through this process it is our mind which is the closer to source mind, that flows. You are a part of this mind of course, but we are at present closer, to all knowing, closer and bigger in essence to the creator, and this energy spills through your mind, through your pineal, and you relay out vibratory thought patterns, which combine with your vocabulary, your words, and formulate what you bring to the fore. It is an emergence of your soul, back to higher soul, in communion, in combination, and we spill through in essence energy patterns. There is much that allows this to happen. Your fear has been dissolved, and so we flow so easily now. We are combined in a way that we have never been prior to this day. Many will combine in this way also, for it is still a co-creation. It is still what you call conscious communication. It is simply that there is a finer tuning, that this new energy that is radiating, now allows. There will be many that shift, in their communication in this way. It is but the next step. There will come a time, where you may communicate in this way at all times, for all thoughts will be in communication with each other. It will be thought processes, rather than speaking processes. That is a distance away. You are not there yet, however this is the next step, so to speak.
Yes, dear one you may.
You see, we are still able to communicate. This one is still able to allow us, and yet her mind can question, still, if it so chooses. We do not take her over. She may still hear the birds singing in the background. It is simply that we have melded with her, much more fully. It is not unusual, for this meld occurs when you transition in a sense, though not to this degree. It is a much bigger degree then.
It is as we sit "next" to her, "within her", with one soul, speaking with one mind, together, rather than just she, or just we. She is intertwined with our mind and allows our higher mind, for we have the information. She may interupt or ask questions, for she understands now she may listen in, instead of floating in the love that she feels, while still allowing us free reign. It is an intricate process.
Much as your automobiles have an intricate process, in their mechanics, in the way they run, but when they do run they run smoothly, all parts working in unison.
This is what we do now together, working in unison as one soul. We explained to her that we may leave, but a part of us remains within, for the connection is made and the meld is complete. This is our gift to this one. She has many questions now, and we will endeavour to encompass this in another communication, for this length of time.
Dear heart when we say that there is a piece of us that is left behind, remember we speak of source, and as source there is a greater spark within you realised, and this stays with you now. It is available to all, as their awareness increases, not just those that channel.
When one becomes aware one is closer to their god self, and there is a connection that is made, that is melded, and that stays. It is an intricate process dear one, that you are not at a level of understanding at this time.
Be at peace. We end this communication now, for this one will be in communication again this evening. We do not wish to overspend her energy quota for this day.
We leave you now, in love.
That is all