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Monday, 31 August 2015

31/8/15 Channeling Abacus-Universal Mind In Trance/Light Body Self Realisation, The New Energy

Channeling Abacus-Universal Mind
In Trance/Light Body
Self Realisation, The New Energy

Greetings to all. Greetings dear one. Greetings to all that are listening this day.
There are changes afoot. Changes, much that is occurring on your plane at this time. Many are beginning to awaken. Many have found their path to themselves.
We will take you on a journey within this transmission, a journey to the self. A journey where one may begin to understand the piece of the puzzle that is occurring at this time.
Dear one to you we say float in our energies. Simply allow. Allow us to take the regeins if you will, while you bask in our love.

We come this day to bring forth some new information. The energies are constantly changing and shifting, as you are aware. You are feeling it so, within your soul, within your structures, within your physicality. You are feeling that something is shifting, that something has begun to change, and you are feeling this correctly, for there is much movement happening within the atmospheres, within the planets, within all time. You are beginning to emerge, beginning to open up, beginning to flower, so to speak. You are opening to self-realisation, to the self within, the one within that alternates your physical body, so to speak, but is not of the physical body. It is a part of the all, it is the universal energy that is combined with all that is. This energy flow is connected to all. This energetic flow is connected to all things. It is connected to God. It is connected to you. It is connected to all the realms. It is one mass of flow. One energy, one God, one system, which all souls are a part of. They cannot be apart from this, for it is a wholeness that cannot be singulated, so to speak. It is one, and you are this whole, materialised into form, experiencing yourself in a new way, for this is a new time.

This is an expansion of your self. It is an expansion of we. It is an expansion for all, and it is why so many are interested in what is occurring on your plane, for what you do affects the whole, for you are the whole. You do not see that you are the whole, but you are. You are, as we are. We are one. The only difference is that you are materialised. You are made into form. You have densitised yourself, so to speak. Brought that, that is we, down through the realms, to full manifestation, and the aim is to become realised in this heaviness, who you are, to remember and then to begin the process of lifting back up to where you once came, but in a sense, still being of that plane that you are now. It is a wonderful experience that you are experiencing at this time. 

It would not be, that you would be there, if you did not understand this truth. We say to you, there will be shifting, and the shifting at times will be blissful, and at times will be out of the box, so to speak. You will feel a little unbalanced, uncoordinated at times. You may feel as if your earth moves, or that you move and not the earth. You may feel a swaying, you may feel a heat within your heart. You may feel enlightened. You may come to realise many understandings, without knowing how you came by the understanding, simply that you have begun to understand all of a sudden, and not knowing why it is so that you do.

It is as if a switch has been turned on of a sudden, and there is light within certain concepts. You will just know the concepts, without knowing how you know. You will of a sudden understand certain workings of your physicality. It is almost as if you have never forgotton.

You will just understand, as if you have woken up from a deep sleep and it is simply normal to be in that state that you are. You can say almost that you have forgotten where you are today, for tomorrow will feel so in sync, and not out of place, and some of you will not understand why others cannot see, what you see. You will not understand how they cannot understand. It will baffle your mind, and it will battle their mind. There will be some that do not understand any of what you say, and you will not understand what they have to say. It is almost as if you may speak another language altogether, not understanding how the other one does not understand. There will be a veil shifted from your eyes whereby you see in beautiful tones. You will see through rose coloured glasses so to speak, the beauty, and you wonder why you have not seen that beauty before. It will be as if the windscreen of your mind has been scrubbed clean and you can finally see through the murkiness with such clarity, that you wonder why you have never seen it before. These are some of the changes to be expected in the next coming time.

There is no reason to be fearful for in reality you will be in love again with the beauty that you are, and the beauty that is around you. You see, this is who you always were, you simply did not have the eyes to see for there is a veil in front of them where you could not see, and this was on purpose.

We are so pleased that you have come to the stage. We are so pleased that this one has persevered in her communication. We showered her with our energy before commencement this day. She deserved to feel the strength of our love. Hmmm you all deserve to feel the strength of our love, for this is what you are. This is your reflection, who we are. This is what all is, and all will begin to feel this love for this is a part of the awakening, that all will begin to see their truth, their reality, from within.

It is not that you will go anywhere, so to speak. You will still be where you are, however you will see with different eyes. It will be as if you have taken a pill of allowing, a pill of awakening, a pill that takes off some of the blinders. We do not say to you that all blinders will be shifted, for this is an ongoing process. Do not think that this is all there is. This is simply one way of many. One shift of many. Do not feel that all will come to pass in a manner of days, for after all, this is an ongoing process. We are simply at the beginning of a process, but this is one, that has been as you say fast tracked. You are beginning to have an understanding, and the ones that see, will help others to see, for the others will wonder what they are seeing, and they will want to see also. There will be a shifting of sorts, a split,  but this is on purpose also.

The shifting will begin to level over a period of time. As one's work with their true self, as they awaken to who they are, as they make the realisation, the veil will lift from their eyes also.

This one wants to know what has occurred this day, through our communication. Dear heart, there is a shift. We have explained. We have integrated once again. You have made no manner of attempts to be clear, and we are in unison with your designs. We allow you your clarity, however, we also honour your wishes, and become closer to you. So close that we are nearly as one, in a sense, and your thoughts and our thoughts meet, and blend, and become one in the same, and through this process it is our mind which is the closer to source mind, that flows. You are a part of this mind of course, but we are at present closer, to all knowing, closer and bigger in essence to the creator, and this energy spills through your mind, through your pineal, and you relay out vibratory thought patterns, which combine with your vocabulary, your words,  and formulate what you bring to the fore. It is an emergence of your soul, back to higher soul, in communion, in combination, and we spill through in essence energy patterns. There is much that allows this to happen. Your fear has been dissolved, and so we flow so easily now. We are combined in a way that we have never been prior to this day. Many will combine in this way also, for it is still a co-creation. It is still what you call conscious communication. It is simply that there is a finer tuning, that this new energy that is radiating, now allows. There will be many that shift, in their communication in this way. It is but the next step. There will come a time, where you may communicate in this way at all times, for all thoughts will be in communication with each other. It will be thought processes, rather than speaking processes. That is a distance away. You are not there yet, however this is the next step, so to speak.

Yes, dear one you may.
You see, we are still able to communicate. This one is still able to allow us, and yet her mind can question, still, if it so chooses. We do not take her over. She may still hear the birds singing in the background. It is simply that we have melded with her, much more fully. It is not unusual, for this meld occurs when you transition in a sense, though not to this degree. It is a much bigger degree then.

It is as we sit "next" to her, "within her", with one soul, speaking with one mind, together, rather than just she, or just we. She is intertwined with our mind and allows our higher mind, for we have the information. She may interupt or ask questions, for she understands now she may listen in, instead of floating in the love that she feels, while still allowing us free reign. It is an intricate process.
Much as your automobiles have an intricate process, in their mechanics, in the way they run, but when they do run they run smoothly, all parts working in unison.

This is what we do now together, working in unison as one soul. We explained to her that we may leave, but a part of us remains within, for the connection is made and the meld is complete. This is our gift to this one. She has many questions now, and we will endeavour to encompass this in another communication, for this length of time.

Dear heart when we say that there is a piece of us that is left behind, remember we speak of source, and as source there is a greater spark within you realised, and this stays with you now. It is available to all, as their awareness increases, not just those that channel.

When one becomes aware one is closer to their god self, and there is a connection that is made, that is melded, and that stays. It is an intricate process dear one, that you are not at a level of understanding at this time.

Be at peace. We end this communication now, for this one will be in communication again this evening. We do not wish to overspend her energy quota for this day.
We leave you now, in love.
That is all

Sunday, 30 August 2015

Channeling Abacus-Universal Mind 30/8/15 In Trance/Light Body You are on purpose...

Channeling Abacus-Universal Mind
In Trance/Light Body
You are on purpose...

This channel occured after an integration. I was conscious but had no idea what was being said, not even the "word" spoken at the time it was spoken, which I normally do. I heard my voice as if from far away. I had the feeling i was outside my mind, and I was watching a communication going on within it, from outside of myself, while "I" floated in space in the light of Abacus. I came to at some point when my voice stopped, afew minutes later, when the channel ended. Usually I have a vague dreamlike sense of the message. This time I had nothing, except the experience of floating in light, and hearing my voice from the outside of myself, instead of the inside. The experience is new. The audio reflects this. I will channel on the change, whether it's a one off, or the new.... I like it

Dear heart, first we wish to say to you that we are most pleased with your progress these days. You are showing a sense of indurance. At times you feel fatigued and as if the weight of the world lays on your shoulders. Understand there are many shoulders for you to lean on, both in our realm, and in yours. Seek guidance and support where you may, for there are many that are willing to assist you in your endeavours, if you but ask. You are not doing this alone dear heart. You have a company of energy that supports you, and brings you all the tools that are needed. You are but to trust and believe that it is so.

To all the others that are listening, to all those that are reading, again we transverse time and space to be with you this day. We send our love to you for you are loved by we. You are loved by many. You will see the truth of this one day. For now understand you are exactly where you need to be at this moment in this space. You are on purpose. There are many shifts and many changes occurring at this point in time. This one asked earlier what she may do to help fast track her energetics, to lift her vibrancy, and we said to her to be in joy. She did not understand this concept. We say to her and to you, when you are in your joy your radiance lifts. This radiance is felt by all, even those that are unaware. This radiance pushes out a protected membrane that leads you to no harm, however we are able to latch so to speak, and you to we, together as one to create the messages, the communication, that we advise to be spread far and wide, for it is time to make the necessary steps, to climb up your mountain so to speak.

This is your strength of purpose at this time. You see the mountain you see the top, you see the path clearing, and you see the twists and turns. If you continue to put one foot in front of the other without being taken off your path, you will arrive at your destination sooner than you imagine.

We say to you dear ones at this present time, at the current energetics stream, we say to you be in your joy. Be what you wish to be. Keep warm, keep hydrated, be in calm, for it is in a calm space that you connect to your soul, that you connect your God source, that you connect to that light of you within, that shines so brightly, and overlaps all others, so that you are all one major communicating system. When one thinks enlighten, then another is doing the same, somewhere, somehow. Do not be frightened when you see these in your sites, for they are a part of the bigger world,  and are here at this time to serve you all.

29/8/15 Channeling Abacus-Universal Mind Automatic writing Doing what you love

Channeling Abacus-Universal Mind
Automatic writing
Doing what you love

A personal conversation I was guided to share. As always use your own discernment process.

What do I need to know most of all at this time to help me in my awakening process, in raising my vibration to the new engergies? What can I do in the following days and weeks to fast track the process? What is the best course of action?

Dear heart where you are now is exactly where you are to be. All is perfection in the moment where you are now. You are at peace where you are. You have stopped struggling for the most part. Allowance to all that brings you joy, brings you a raised vibrancy. Spend time doing what you love, which brings you a sense of pleasure. Do not think it a waste of time doing "no thing" or doing something that brings joy, but to "your"  mind, brings no end result, for there needs not be a end result, there needs not be a scene of completion. It is simply the joy of the "doing"  that is what is important. 
For example, looking at a beautiful scenic view brings pleasure, however there is no completed project after the viewing. It is the experience IN the doing that is of import, not receiving a physical completion. It is the act of doing, one that brings pleasure, that is the act of "lifting" the vibrancy, the flow.

You see doing things you enjoy at times a waste of time,  because you see there is no end produce to show. It is not the end product, but the experience, that is integrated  Into your being.

But at times I feel  painting/drawing etc as waisting time, when I have so limited time here. I feel I could be doing something more important, more useful 

No time is wasted doing what you love. NO TIME is wasted  doing what you love for in the process of doing something you love you extend love, for you are "loving" in the process..

Even if it's not good enough to make a living out of?

Indeed. Even if it was never shown, for in the doing your are experiencing flow, you are experiencing joy and in that you lift all, for your vibrancy is lifted, and so it adds to the soup of all. There are many ways dear one that one may help lift the vibrancy of the grids. Doing what you love simply for the joy, for the pleasure lifts all. It is a complexity that is not always easily understandable to you. You enjoy creating do you not?


Then create dear heart. Express, simply for the joy of doing so. When one creates doors open. You do not know what you do not know. When you are in the flow it acts as a key, that opens many doors, doors you have no awareness of where you are. You see yourself as less than, unworthy, not good enough, always seeking validation to measure your worth. Know your worthiness. You have a piece of the creator within you that has the urge to create. So create all that you may, in joy, create your own masterpieces! No creation is wasted, not a one. In gods eyes all creations are perfections. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Remember this statement dear one. 
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder .......

What about the things I don't want to do? Like chores? I'm constantly rushing to do the things I don't want to do, so I have time to do the things I want to do.... It's plain frustrating 

Acceptance dear one. Accept what IS, and be in love with what is, for as you begin to live from this state you will begin to attract more of what it is you DO want. To begin however you must come from a place of acceptance, and gratitude. Begin to be ok with what IS now, for what is, is. Are you understanding? 

I think so



You understand dear one the reference.  Many may understand from your misunderstanding.  It is where many are, at this point in time. Through your questioning they may have their questions answered also. Dear heart transparency is a gift, one that is part of your growth and purpose. We understand your reluctance and yet you will push past it. We admire this in you. Dear heart you are exactly where you need be. We are pleased and honoured to be in communication. You are worthy.
We leave you now to your chores as you say. Be in joy in the doing. Use any tool you may to create flow in the doing. You understand? 

Yes I do

Be at peace. 
That is all

Channeled Card Readings 30/8/15

Channeled Card Readings 30/8/15

We are here dear one, there is no need to wait. We are here.
We may run you into a process whereby we are more integrated if you so choose. Are you willing dear one? This is of more import than the reading of the cards at this time.
This is good. Do not be in fear. We ask you to breathe. In....... and........

(During this time ( around 5 minutes ) I was guided to breathe, as well as guided through my light body centres, and into what felt like space,  & to their light. I merged with their light & I zoned out for that time, until I heard my voice again......and them) 

We are now ready dear one, to begin the card readings for this day. 

Card of one
The ones that are reading this card today have a great fear of the unknown. The fear is so that it halts one from progressing forward. When one is in the flow, one has much within that may be manifested outward into their world, into their creation. They may go so far and yet it is the beliefs of yesteryear, the beliefs of past times that halts these ones from moving forward. They wish to move forward and they may do so very easily if they but let go of the fear. The fear that halts one from moving forward is an illusion. The fear acts as a barrier, one that stops the flow from moving smoothly. There is only one that may dissolve the barrier and that is the one that is reading these words. Fear can be deeply embedded in the consciousness however once acknowledged it begins to lift and once it is lifting then the flow begins again. Be at peace dear ones. Be at peace. Understand you are always safe. We are always with you guiding you moving you forward. Love what you are fearful of, and move on to a brighter tomorrow. It is time to let go. Dear one it is time to let go

Card of two
The card of two represents one of many. One of many new nuances. There is much that you wish to say but you may not find the correct words, as in to say, what you wish to say. We advise these ones that the best way to verbalise is to speak your truth to all that come to you. One does not come to you to hear fairytales. One comes to you for advices, for love and for guidance, and so one at times one must be loving to be kind, and so blunt to be honest, for when one is honest, all walls are taken down, when one sees the truth of where they are, rather than one that is shielded from the truth and protected. Protection at times leads one to become soft, where they have not grown to experience their own strength and their own worth. We say to you be clear in what you wish in your world. Be clear so that others may hear your clearness, and act accordingly, for when you are not clear those around you will not be clear on how to act with you. This brings much disappointment for you, and the other. So we say to you,  be clear in your attentions. Be clear in your words so that one knows where they stand when they are in interaction with you, and you are less resentful of them.


Card of three
There is much light to be had dear ones, the ones that read the card of three. There is light shining on you this day. This one sees the mini tentacles that shine down on you bringing information and guidance, and synchronicity to help you to develop in all that you may. There holds a great surprise for you if you are willing to open your heart, and open your mind, to all the possibilities, all the endless possibilities. You think in linear terms which halts many dynamics, that may flow to you. We say to you, where we are from is not linear. There are many dimensions, many levels, much that may come to the fore, if you but allow, if you but understand the way the transition is made. We are in communication to serve you and others, into ways that you may meld into who you really are, and that you may shine your light so that others may notice yours and go seek it in themselves.


The card readings are complete for this day. That is all

Note: there was a different feel to these readings, can you tell? I skipped along the surface of my mind within the channeling state. Usually I'm in my mind, and their light is within my mind also. This time I was outside my mind, on the surface, but I was within their light. I had no idea at all, what I was saying, though I could hear my voice, as if I was far away. Usually I know the word I'm speaking when I'm saying it, and then it's forgotton, for the next word, I have an idea of the concepts that they are bringing through. This time I didn't. For the first time since doing the readings I don't doubt the readings like I usually do, because for the first time, I felt they had control of the message and that I completely out of the way, and yet I was still conscious. Still trying to get my head around this new development ...I will channel on it..... I've shared because I don't edit anything out during a channeling session, even the card readings .. I believe and am guided to keep the session "intact" unless otherwise guided not to.,..

Tuesday, 25 August 2015

25/8/15 Channeling Abacus- Universal Mind In Lightbody Trance State The Gifts

Channeling Abacus- Universal Mind
In Lightbody Trance State
The Gifts

I asked the question, how will I know when the gifts (from the energy shifts) are here, and how do i know how to use them? This is the answer I received....

Greetings once again. Greetings.
This one is asking the question, How will she know how to use the new gifts?  She wants to understand how one may manipulate them, work them, into the daily living. How will she know that they have arrived that they are workable? This communication will be in regards to this. She asks the question, how will she know how to use them?  A simple question is it not? We will expand on this.

We say to you dear ones, when you receive an accolade, in an area that you have received much study, much development in, you would say that you would understand the ins and outs of what you studied, do you not?  You have studied and studied and become efficient in your study, and then you begin to put that experience, that study into use, and so the one that has studied will go to the workplace, and on the first day enter and be ready to begin what they have learnt. But what occurs as you are all well aware, is when you first begin working in the workplace,  with what you have studied, it is not always so easy because you find that what you study, is not always easy to manipulate in the real world, so to speak.
It is when you are working in the real world and you begin to do your job that you have studied for, you find that what you have studied helps yes, but it is through experience, through actively working the new job, the new career, on a daily basis, and working through ways to integrate what you have learnt,  into the workplace. It is not as you enter the workplace,  sit in your chair and begin to process all that you have studied. It does not work this way. Issues may come up that were not in the study materials. Issues may come up that need further development, that expand on what you have studied. It may be that another player comes in and changes the rules of a sudden, and then the study materials are non-existent again. The reason for this is that as you work in your workplace, even though you have studied all about the area you are working in, you are constantly expanding, you are constantly shifting, so in essence the position that you have walked into is constantly shifting. Working in what you say "real life", is a constantly changing process, and although the study gives you a ground work so to speak, it is not the all of it.

The gifts that come are similar in this manner. They come with a blueprint that is encoded in your DNA, so that when they get triggered, you will automatically have, some understanding of how they are used, just as the baby animals automatically know how to walk when they are born, because it is encoded in their DNA, that they remember how to do this, and so when your gifts open you will have these encodements within, and you will have an idea, a semblance of an idea, automatically, of how they are to be worked. It will be instinctive, for they are encoded in the DNA, with the gift, they come together.

It is much like you buy an apparatus in your stores. You buy the apparatus, but there is always a manual within the apparatus, to help you to understand how to work the apparatus, but the manual is not always full proof. They don't always give you all the ways that the apparatus may be used. As you learn to use your apparatus, may it be a a kitchen processing unit, you will discover all manner of ways that this may process all manner of foods and ingredients that may not be enclosed in the instructions. So in essence you are always expanding on the instruction manuals, on the study that you have had in the past, and so these gifts that come, they come encoded in your DNA. They come with an instruction manuals, so when they are opened, a part of you will understand the basic workings of these gifts, however,  now this is where the crux comes.
However you, as a creator being, is constantly creating anew, and so these gifts that open up, you are creating all that you may with these. They come with an instinctive understanding, of how they may be worked, but then it is in your hands, so to speak, what you create with them, and that every soul may create something different. That every soul may experience something different.
Are you understanding now? You are all as same as you are different, and so the experiences that you expand, will colour your environment in all different hues. They will not be the same hues for all. 

It will be a tapestry of variations. A tapestry of different creations. A tapestry of different levels of attunement's. Not all are on the same levels. Some will create better than others. Some will manipulate the new gifts better than others, and some will have access to gifts more than others, for you may not access all the gifts until you have matched the frequency required to use such gifts. For instance one that is lower in vibrancy, in frequency, may not use the gifts of someone that is a higher frequency, or they may not use that gift to its highest capabilities, for one that is not experienced, may cause problems with a gift they do not understand the strength or the workings of, you see. Do you see how technical this becomes when we delve into the intricacies?

This one is asking what gifts will be. There will be a variance of gifts depending on the frequencies. There are the senses that will be expanded, and there are the telepathic abilities that will be expanded, where in time you will be able to talk through thought rather than through voice.

There will be the gift of less gravity, where one may not be weighted down. Where one may travel without the use of feet so to speak. There will be increase in your creativity output. You will be able to create bigger masterpieces, paint better renditions of artistry, create different tones in your music. Yes, different tones. You have access to so many tones where you are, but through the dimensions there are so many tones, so many colours, so many.

It is much that is coming, and we stop right there, for we do not wish to spoil what is yours. We have expanded on much that many already know. We have not bought through, that many do not understand. We do not tell you the all of it, and we may not, for we are not to, but we simply give you a peek behind the curtain so to speak, because this one is always peeking behind the curtain. She is an inquisitive one, this one. She humours us. As do many on your plane, for you are inpatient. This is what we love. This is what we adore, for this is what triggers change. She feels us smiling.

We say to you dear ones, be in excitement be in joy, for there is much beauty in the horizon. It will begin to transform and with transformation there is less suffering, there is less disease, there is less pain, there is less grief, there is less of all that you do not wish to experience. You understand? This change that is occurring over time, will change much in your world, and you deserve the change, for you have lived through much and this is your gifts.
You deserve them.
We are forwarding to you our love for you. We leave you now.
That is all

25/8/15 Channeling Abacus-Universal Mind In Lightbody Trance State The Shifting

Channeling Abacus-Universal Mind
In Lightbody Trance State

The Shifting

Greetings dear one, greetings to all again. We are here this day to bring guidance and support, to bring understanding of the shifting, for this is what is in everybody's mind at this time, that are working with the energies their awakening, their self realisation.
There are some that are struggling at this time with changes in the household. There are ones struggling with their occupations,  with what they do for a living. There are  ones struggling, to let go of the past, to dissolve what was, so that they move forward to what is, and what will be.
Many are processing. This dear ones is what the energy does at the beginning. It has been occurring for a long while now. It is not simply just occurred at this moment, it has been occurring for awhile. It is simply that they are being amped up, as the energy is become more enhanced, and closer.

This is a time of great change, but it is not the only time of change. It is simply that there is been a build up of frequency, and the wave is near its peak, but that is not to say that after the wave has peeked, that there is not more to come. Is simply a space in time where many will be triggered, and with anything new, with any change, there may be some disruption. This is absolutely normal dear ones. It is normal that when you experience change in your realm that there is a time of integration, of the new. Many have to find their feet once again. To find an even floor so to speak. There will be some shaking of ideas, some shaking of the loops, and so when this occurs there is some irritation, some unease. This dear ones you are aware of, but those that are listening now, those that are tuned into this frequency understand this, and understand how they may ease the disruption within themselves.

It is no accident that you have been working on these tools all the while, for it is the ones that are been working on these tools that bring the balance now for all, for the ones that understand how to become balanced and how to work with the energies begin to use them at this time, for they are the first that will be triggered aware, and in the triggering they begin to spread their own frequency, and this helps others, so to speak. It helps to lift them from where they are. It is much like when you are  playing a game of sport, and some are the weaker players and some are the stronger players, and the stronger players, support and carry the weaker players,  until the weaker players get stronger, and this is what you energy workers,  you light workers, the ones that are working with energy, will be doing at this time. This is your time to shine and to serve the whole. This is when you carry the others, for you are all one team. Make no mistake, you are not separate from each other. You are one team. There is just that there is some that are stronger than the others at this time. However in time the team will become all strong, all one, for you are all one after all. Are you understanding dear ones? It is no accident that the older souls the ones that are working with the magic already, will be helping the ones that are not realised yet. 

These energies will awaken many, for they will feel the disruption, they will see the changes, and they will question what is, and then again that is when the ones that are already working the energy will come to the fore, to help, to guide until they can manage their own guidance for they are connected also. Do not forget this. They are no different to you. You are no better than they. It is simply that you have awakened to the energetics earlier, for you have had the more experience at this point in time. As these awaken and become stronger, then they will help the rest of humanity. It is a continuous circle.

This one is asking what the gifts will be, what the developments in the human biology will be. There will be many, too many to speak, so to speak. Some that are not understandable to you, and it is not simply the human biology dear one, it is more than just the human biology for energy is more than just the material. Energy encompasses all. You will become the master manipulaters of your energy, of your bodies. You know this within. It is still entrapped within your DNA, but it will be unlocked, and you will gain the knowledge of your past, for there is a past, so to speak. Yes, we understand that everything is working simultaneously, but you have had much experience, and this experience is within your cellular structure, within your DNA, within your akash, within your etherics, within your soul. The developments will be so that you will be living a much different existence to what you live now. You will not be jumping out of this realm so to speak. You will still be where you are now, but you will be working at a higher level of frequency. You are jumping the dial so to speak, you are turning the dial from the lower dials to the higher dials, and so what you project will be different. It will be a different holegram, so to speak. You are still within the same hologram, to use an analogy, however you will be upping the anti, the hologram changes. You will be able to manipulate so much more in your environment. You will be able to create more. There are so many, many, different avenues this will take, but we do not seek to unwrap your gifts before they arrive, for this will spoil the experience. We have said this before and we say this again.

Some of what will come will not be explainable with words. Words are so limited to explaining what is. The only way to discover some of these gifts is to feel them, to acknowledge them. How does one describe for instance the feeling of love. You may say that it feels blissful, that it feels warm, that it feels good, that it feels high, but can you capture its essence in words? You cannot. How may you describe love to someone that has never experienced love in words, for instance? It is difficult to capture the essence in your vocabulary, and this is so with many of these gifts. They are not captured with words but with experience.

We say to the ones that are listening, be at peace. Be in love. Be in joy. Be in your heart. Be compassionate, to those around you that are experiencing these changes.

Be patient. We tell you when you are tired rest, for rest helps you to integrate the energetics that are already here. We say to you in closing, that all you need is within you. It is not outside of you, that you need. It is all within that you need, to get through these days. Love, compassion, patience, these are all within. There is nothing to fear. When those around you become irritated, become less than, hold them in compassion and light that they may work through their processes. Hold those around you in love and in light. By you being love, by you being compassion and understanding and light within, you hold the space for all. If you go into fear because the changes don't feel quite same, then you will help create more fear, for what you create, what you experience, you expand on.

We have slowed because these words are important. Be in a happy state. Be in a joyful state whereever you may be. When you are tired rest your weary body. Listen to what your physicality needs from you. We advise not to engage with others that are experiencing irritation, for to engage in the irritation creates more of the same. Rather disengage, but send them peace and love, and an answer to what they are experiencing.

You are the ones that understand what is occurring. You are realised. You are the pioneers. Be this for others. Be the strength that you are. Be the love that you are, and shine the light that you are, so that others may not stumble so. It may be that it becomes a little bit, what you say, "hairy" at times, but if you stay in your calm and in your peace, and you express love and hold your light, this helps to balance all that around you.

This is a time of change. It is simply the beginning, but it is an exciting beginning. We honour you your journey. We honour you your perseverance. We love you. We love you all dearly. If you see what we see you would love you dearly also.
Be kind to yourself dear ones,
You are sacred to us.
That is all.

Monday, 24 August 2015

24/8/15 Channeling Abacus-Universal Mind In light body trance state What is to come

Channeling Abacus-Universal Mind
In light body trance state 

What is to come

Greetings dear one, greetings. Greetings to all that are tuning in this day.

We have somewhat an interesting message to bring through this day. This one is again working on her energetic flow. She works her centres to bring flow. It gives her a sense of oneness with all that is. It fires up her own mechanics in a way that is very blissful and intriguing to she . She does not want to come out of the space to communicate. We had to, as you would say, push in, for she was happy being where she was. 

But she was beginning to manipulate the energy in a way that was too high for her knowing, at this time. So we intervened. Is it not so dear heart?

One must remember when one is working with energetics that there is balance needed, for when one oversteps the balance they may not integrate well with society. They come to like these spaces a little too much and we must emphasise that work, as much as it is working your mechanics is also integrating with every day living, for it is the integration of these states that is the idea, to bring it into your daily life. Not to become a hermit, for a hermit does not help others. Yes they may do so with the energy work, however it is when one touches another's heart that the energy expands to others. You Understand? 

We come this day for many are still inquiring as to the state of the energies at this time. There is much happening, many are feeling the shifts in their bodily systems. They are feeling a resonation with themselves, but also a struggle, so to speak with their outer reality. Understand that all that comes to the fore in your reality is either to be taken within or to let go. You choose what you wish in your reality dear ones, you choose not we, but you. We simply bring you advices, guidance, and tools, but you are the ones that have the choice, to integrate or not.

When one wishes to be in these spaces, that this one is now, one must put the work in, so to speak. One must raise their energetic structure to feel these states. They do not come to those that do not practice, that do not integrate, that do not set time for these. There is much that lifts the vibrational body but one must go within, one must stop. One must understand that it is not so that one may go about their busy lives and seek to integrate these changes, with a snap of the fingers. These integrations lay dormant until you trigger them, until you learn how to use them, for to allow them to be open with no education, no understanding, serves to give one as it were in your realm a pistol that is loaded. It is not in anyone's best interest and so the gifts will be layed, they will be within your cells within your DNA, all encoded, and as you work with yourselves as you go within, as you raise your structure of your energy, your fine tuning, you begin to tune into these gifts and they open. It is much like putting a key in a lock and turning it, the door opens, and you can access these. There will be a certain allowance for some, without the turning of the key, for one needs to understand that something has shifted for them to seek what has shifted. 

Many will feel that they encompass a bigger reality within themselves, that something is different,  however to benefit from the full shift one needs to put in the hard yards so to speak. One must shed their old skin to be made a new, to bring in their new skin, their new integration of the energy that is yours.

There are many talking about this at this present time. There are many that are going into fear. We tell you there is nothing to fear dear ones, nothing to fear. It is as when one empties the garbage. You are releasing what does not benefit, what does not resonate, what is old and bringing in something beautiful and new, and exciting. 
Yes, we understand dear one, we are getting to this point, if you will but allow us. We understand. Apologies, we are having what you say, a tete e tete, a private conversation. 
This one wishes to understand why so many are seeing symbols in their dream time. When they wake, they are still seeing these symbols their awareness. We tell you these are the codex's, these are the codes, so to speak. They are opening. They are making you aware that they are there. They are reminding you that there is something new afoot. They do not seem familiar to you now, they were familiar to you once upon a time. You understand the way these work however, in your 3-D reality you do not, but you will. You will. Patience, patience, patience. You are like the toddlers that are beginning their first day at school,  and are wishing to know everything all at once, wishing to experience all the new outlines, all the new toys. (See note reg underline section ) 
You are wishing to experience these, and we tell you, you will, you will. 

Note: ( in the above channeling, the underlined section  (10:43 minute mark on recording) I experienced my voice change slightly. It was still my voice but it took on a different sound. On the recording the word "outlines"  has a vibrational quality to it that threw me during the channeling. It's not very noticeable in the channeled recording,  but it rang in my head loud and tinny for the whole sentence.  My heart automatically began to race in panic because it was "unexpected".  Most will think what's the big deal? It "felt" really different to what I was used to. It was like you are on one radio station and then suddenly someone changes the station without warning you and it's on loud volume & your ears are near the speaker. It was my voice changing station. I'm sharing the experience ( not  editing it out because I wish to stay true to the channels & my  journey. Abacus seeks to calm me down below)

Dear heart calm, do not be frightened. You are bringing in a new level of WE that is what you heard. That is what resonated. Calm. There is nothing to fear. There is nothing to fear. Breathe...Breathe...Breathe......Breathe. Breathe....Breathe again.....
See the fear for what it is dear one.

This one simply experienced a different way of transmission. She was taken aback. This is the new energy. These are the new gifts we speak of. Not fear. Do not fear, but allow your future. Allow what it is that you are becoming. Are times when something is different one begins to fear the difference because it is not sameness. It is not what you are used to. It feels different and so when something feels different you feel as if it is wrong. It is frightening. Understand, understand that when something new comes it comes because you are  wanting it, you are creating it, for it would not come if you are not creating it. It would not come if you are not desiring it. You are reflecting your desires after all. This is the new humanity that is coming to the fore. This is the new human. This is why we are here, to help you integrate this. We are just beginning. We are just beginning and this one just felt the beginning of this. The natural instinct is to go into fear when something is different. But if one stays in their heart, if one stays in the calm, hmmmm you will be as you say blown away, by the joy that you feel. By the new that you will integrate. You are only just beginning, as is this one only just beginning.

This one has been as many call, working with her Lightbody. She is only just beginning to tap into how intricate it is, and how powerful the spaces can be. Many are learning this at this time. Many call it different names,  but in essence it is the same and this one is just beginning to tap into the strength of it. The strength she has within it and how much she may experience through it. This in essence encompasses the gifts, for it is you it is your mechanics you are firing up. Hmmm. She is calmed once again.

We say to those listening there is much much love for you. You are simply tapping the surface, there is so much more to be tapped into. So much more.

This is a long transmission for this is the last one for this day, in this space, and so we seek to make it as full as we may with information that is relevant at this time. We apologise for those listening, for those reading. We understand your time span is short , you are "busy beavers", so to speak. We say to you, we give you the tools for this time now. When you go into fear, breathe. Breathe, feel what you are fearing and breathe with it. Breathe with it and see it dissolving. See it as the illusion it is. Breathe in the light, and breathe out the fear. When you experience fear, breathe in the light,  and breathe out the fear. Breathe in and breathe out.

Know that you are in charge. You are powerful beings awakening to your power. Feel the strength in that sentence.

You are powerful beings awakening to your power.

You are powering up. You are becoming more than you are now. You cannot see where this is going but we can. We see your magnificance. We see how wonderful it is that you are awakening, and you are experiencing, and as you experience we experience, and all is expanded into the new, into the love,  into the light, into the source, into the light. You are all connected in more ways than you can understand. You cannot see your connection from where you are, but in this space this one is, in this vibrancy, one may see that one is all with one. There is no separation. What you do to one, you do to another. What you do to yourself you do to another, and so those that are shifting, those that are expanding,  those that are creating, are creating for all. For as you lift all lifts. As you expand all expands. As you love all begin to love. As you see your true identity, all will see their true identity. You are the light. Shining brighter and brighter, spinning faster and faster, expanding more and more, into all that you can be. There is a wonderful wonderful future ahead of you. Be not in fear, but in excitement for this. This is why you came. This is why you  transversed our realms in high vibrancy, to your realm of 3D, in heaviness, in density. You are lifting the density of that plane. You do not know the strength that you are. You do not know what you hold within. You cannot know what you do not know. But you will. 
Feel the strength in our words this day. Feel the energy that we bring through, the strength and the truth.
This one does not doubt in this space. It is only when she comes down to earth that she begins to doubt. Dear heart we say to you share this message far and wide. Do not doubt us any longer.

It is your will always. But we implore you, do not doubt us any longer. In this space you feel who are. You feel all that we are. We send through energy now, through this transmission now, for all that have the ears to listen, feel us now......

Feel what we send to you. Feel the love, and the respect, and the honour, that we feel for you. The pioneers of the new days. Feel this if you will, with every fibre, with all your knowing feel......

Understand this dear ones. No one is ever lost to you. All that has transversed your planes, transverse again. They simply shed their skin to a new skin. The soul is the same, it is simply different clothing that you wear.  You are never lost to another. You can never be lost to another. 
Do not grieve your loved ones. They are not gone. They are not gone. They cannot ever be gone. You can never be gone. You live an eternal flame always, living, shining, no matter the experience that you are experiencing. Your light always burns within.

We end this message,  in saying those that are working with the energies at this time, those that are experiencing the shifts fully, understand, do not be afraid. Understand that it may feel different. It may feel unusual. Do not fear the unusualness. In the integration you will understand it, and when you understand it, you will fear it not. It is like beginning a new school. You fear the different classes, you fear the different experiences. You visit and you integrate and then it becomes home to you. Understand this is the same. It is as you say, your administration days. You are administering the changes to yourselves. They will feel different, simply because they are new. Once you are integrated, they will be like the old shoes,  comfortable.

Breathe in the changes. Rest where you may. Ground where you may. Drink clean water. Nourish yourselves dear you ones. Be patient with those that are triggered in these days, for they are letting go of much. Be patient with yourself, for you are letting go of much also. In the memories that surface, is the letting go. You are letting go of the old to allow room for the new. Be at peace dear ones. Be at peace. We are ever by your side, and when in need you are simply to ask, for we may not help you unless you ask it of us.

Those that are new, we say to you. Be in stillness, for in stillness you will be guided to where you are to go. You will synchronisticly attract all that you need to advance in your knowing, and for those that are already walking the path, that are integrating the new, more whole heartedly we say to you, keep going. We are indebted in so many ways for the work that you do and for the lifting that you do. We do not plump you up. This one is fearing that we are plumping you up. We are simply speaking true and honouring that, that we see in you.

Love yourself. Release all doubt of who you are. We will continue again in the days to come, but for today, for this space in time, that is all.
Dear ones that is all.