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Tuesday, 30 June 2015

30th of June 2015 Channelling Abacus (Universal Mind) In altered state Self worth

30th of June 2015
Channelling Abacus (Universal Mind)
In altered state
Self worth

We are in your field once again.
We are so very pleased with the events that have passed. You have developed a sense of knowing, what is true and what is not. You are but to understand that you have a sense,  working at a rate that is most efficient at this time. You doubt much. We tell you, and we tell those that are listening, for if they are listening to these words then the reflection is for those also. We tell you, you are worthy beyond measure. We tell you, you come into this world with a manner of attitude that denotes one that has been stripped of the knowing, of how special they are, and how much knowledge they contain, and how many experiences that have been encounted, come in  stripped of all of this, on purpose. Understand this, if you were to come in knowing, how Magnificat you are, you would not experience to the maximum, this place that you are. 

You come in stripped of everything. Anesetised,  so that you may start a new experience, so that you may re-remember, go through the process of remembrance, and understanding that that you are. 

That is the exercise, that is why you are here. To come into a place with no knowing that who you are. Dropped into a world, and then re-finding who you are. That is the experience so that you may experience something new. So that you may create something new, for if you come "with" remembrance and knowing how special you are, and everything that you've been, then you come in tainted in a way, for you cannot experience everything new,  if you remember.
You ask why we tell you if you are meant to be remembering nothing at all? We tell you because it is time. There has been changes in energetic structures. There have been changes, and so we aim to trigger your memory. So that you may begin to search. So it does not take you so long. This can be done. You will never understand it in it's fullness however.  Some may, but it is unlikely that you will experience the all of it, that the whole remembrance comes to the fore. But you may experience enough so that you may begin to create and experience all manner of things without  feeling unworthy, for the unworthy feeling is halting you from doing so. The Old souls are the ones that carry the unworthiness the most for they have been subjected to many lifetimes of experiences that strip the self worth. They are the ones that experience the most pain, so that they may experience the opposite, so that they may know and understand the difference. They that are old souls have experienced the most  hardship, the most of difficult of situations, and so even though they don't remember why they feel unworthy, there is a sense of it within their make up and so they struggle to feel good enough.
The new souls coming in do not have this unworthiness for their DNA is evolved, has been tweaked, although it is not noticeable to your scientists as present. They come in invincible,  where as you the older generation, the middle age ones,  scramble to find their own meaning. We tell you, those that are listening.  You are worthy of all experiences. You are good enough. It matters not if you make mistakes for in reality there is no right or wrong. There simply is the experience. Yes there may be those that judge. The lesson is to be yourself regardless of judgement of others, to not take that on board. When you love yourself in your full totality, you will care not what others may think, or say or do, for you will know your worth, and that will shine from you. It will shine so brightly that the ones that are judging will not be able to look upon you, as in they will not see you, for their energy is a mis-match. You will attract that,  that you give out, and so when you fully embody who you are, and all the worthiness that you are, the magnificant being that you are, that energy will shine from you, will radiate from you, so that all that you will attract is that, that is the same. Are you understanding now?
Like attracts like. It is a simple law. That which you give out you get back. If you are feeling worthy you will attract those that worthy you. These are the words for this day and this is what we say today.
We honour you your journey.
We love you.
That is all

Monday, 29 June 2015

29/6/15 Audi channeling - Shaken to awaken

29/6/15 Audio
Channeling Abacus-Universal Mind
In altered light body state
Shaken to awaken 

29th of June 2015 Channelling Abacus (universal mind) In altered Lightbody state Shaken to awaken.

29th of June 2015
Channelling Abacus (universal mind)
In altered Lightbody state
Shaken to awaken.

Yes. There is something we would like to speak of. If we may begin. Clear your mind dearest, clear. Clear.

We would like to speak of diversity. We have spoken of this before, however we bring through a different aspect as such.
We have come to see that many struggle with the concepts, that may be brought forward in said writings of this one, and of others. The concepts are brought forward at a time where much is shifting and changing. There is much going on behind  the scenes that not everyone can see. It is ever shifting a kaleidoscope of colour, sound and energy.
There are many changes taking place in your world, and there are many changes taking place in your physicality that you call your body. Beliefs are shifting, attitudes are changing. Thoughts on the way one lives their lives, are changing.
Much is turning over, and not all are understanding what is occurring. Some will look at it and disregard it. Others will delve into all manner of writings and become confused as to what is true, and what is not.
Then there are the others that simply go with the flow and allow their own truth to be heard. It is a mish mash of energies, of changing attitudes.
Your world is evolving at a rate that is phenomenal, that has never been done before. It is moving forward faster than  even we imagined. There are many that are beginning to tap into their higher selves. There are many that are beginning to remote view. There are many that are beginning to extend themselves in a way that they never have before. There is so much change, more than ever before, and there is much confusion, much interrogation of writings that people bring. There is much arguing between your selves,  as to what is true and what is not.

It is like the Earth is being shaken. Shaken to awaken. Shaken to be all they can be. Shaken to remember who they are. There are energies being played that are not always of benefit to all. The duality complex comes to the fore. What we wish to bring through is that in all this mix, this multitude of happenings, one tries to navigate with the mind. There is much thinking, much expansiveness. It can all be overwhelming, and some would rather leave it on the way side because it becomes too much, too hard. It was easier to just lead life in a single file, rather than explore the different detours that come along. We say to you, if you become still, and breathe, and be, you will find the truth, for the truth exists within you.
We understand you have heard this so many times before, in your religions, and elsewhere. Some do not understand the concept of going within, some ask how will I find the place within? We do not understand what you mean by going within.
It is so simple, and because of this simplicity, not believable. We say to you, if you sit still in silence to begin, on your own , and breathe. Do this often,  sit stil. Close your eyes and breathe in and out, in and out, with no other thought, but the breathing in, and the breathing out, and  sitting still, and being present in that stillness. If you do this every day, and expand on it over a time frame, you will find what lies within.
For In this process, when done for extended periods, you begin to touch what it is that is within you, and when you begin to touch this space,  you will want more, for it feels like home and you will recognise it.
Once you begin to spend time in that space, over time your frequency begins to change.
It is the key to unlocking mechanisms. Mechanisms that will bring you
remembrance. In the remembering you have no need of us, for you will have your connection yourself.
You will remember who you are, and that you are connected already to who we are. It is all the cogs clicking into place. It is the jigsaw piece finally finding its space in the big jigsaw,  and being clicked into place.
It is the key to all. Going within is a practice. Once you find that space you may do this in a heartbeat. You may be in a busy space, aroundmany people, and you but have to stop, be still for a moment, and all will melt away, and you will find that connection, and that peace and that knowing,  and your life shifts,  your busyness shifts. Your life changes.
Many have said before, and we tell you also, it begins with you. Its within you, and you have the key, and only you may open the door.
That is all

Audio 29/6/15

I understand some prefer to listen to the readings .....

Sunday, 28 June 2015

29th of June 2015 Channelled card readings

29th of June 2015
Channelled card readings

Pick a card number, then scroll down for the card meaning ....

Abacus ( Universal Mind )
We are  in your field once again.
Hmm there is so much we like to say, and yet it may be said in but a few words. Trust. Dearest trust. You have but come along way in a short time span. Trust the connection. When you trust, all comes to pass. We understand you wish to bring through the readings for this day, and so we will abide with your wishes. However we wish to speak to you,  in this state, once the readings are accomplished. If you will, humour  us. This is good. We will begin with the readings for this day.

The card of one
It is so that when one denotes favorably to a certain purpose, a certain element of doing,  one becomes an expert at it over time. When one wholeheartedly, uses their greatest skills, uses all that they may be, guided towards,  to accomplish a certain standard of doing, then one becomes very skilled.
When one does something, anything, over and over and over, one begins to learn the ins and outs, the highs and lows, the quirks, of a certain frame of doing, of a certain 
element of being. When one has a passion to attain a certain standard, and one throws themself into this wholeheartedly, do not doubt that they will become an expert, and very good at what they do.
Add to the mix passion, joy, love for this element of doing,  for what they are bringing into being, then what they achieve can be insurmountable. What they achieve holds a certain energy. It is a type of energy that attracts others to it, that may learn from the persons  doing or being of their experience. It Magnetises those that have an interest in that field, you see, and so in time and with patience, what you are doing that you are  loving,  that you are passionate about, that you are have gained great skill in, begins to become bigger and bigger and bigger. There are a mix of energies that gets mixed in the doing, and so this is what makes leaders of their field,  whether it be a passion for art, for teaching,  for writing, anything that one puts their whole heart into, wholeheartedly, becomes bigger than they first intended, and so we say to you those that are thinking that their  passions will not make them abundant, think again, or  should we say think with the heart. You do not realise how powerful you are. We say to you trust that when you do what you love, and you do it well, you will live abundantly. Enjoy and in all other manner. 

The card of two
We smile at these ones for they are the ones that in all manner of speaking bring diversity to the fore. These are the changers.  These are the ones that are not afraid to show who they are. These are the ones that step out beyond all fear, and are who show their true colours to all,  no matter what others may think for they know who they are, and they are not afraid to show it.
These are the ones that dress how they will dress, no matter the standards of living it entails, or the questionable nods  from people that may look towards them with rolled eyes. These  are the ones that will stand up for what is not right in the face of fear but will do it anyway. These are the ones that fight against a system, that is so stringent, that it doesn't want to move an inch. These are the ones are change the rules. These  are the ones many aspire to be, but do not openly admit this to anyone.
You the changers, we speak to you. You know who you are and if you do not remember you will. The time will come where you will show your true colours, where you will  put your feet forward in the face of those that tell you not to, and your light will shine and it'll be seen from the heavens how you go about your day,  constantly changing the energy around you in all manner of ways.
We say to you patience. We understand you look about you and you think there is no change. We understand you feel a pull in your soul, and yet you feel as if it is not worth it because change not been shown to you. We say to you it is a process. Do what you do, keep shining your light, for there will come a day where we ask that you shine brighter than you ever have before. Do not be disheartened that your world does not seem to be changing, for the cogs are turning,  the wheels are turning, and your time will come to step into role in full. Now you are simply beginning to test the waters. Small changes are beginning all over. Sometimes they can not be seen on the surface, for the changes begin below the surface, but the wheels are turning ohh they are turning.
We see you. In time you will see you and what a sight it will be. With the changes that you stir in humanity. Now is the time to hone your skills, Keep honing the skills, and  keep being true, we say to you.

The card of three
You feel this time you are slogging  in the mud. You feel as if your legs are in bedded in the water, and to put one foot forward feels so difficult.
We say to you the energy is changing. The energy is changing and it is there to help you. Ask dear one.
We see you struggling where there is no need. You forget to ask for the help that you need. We may not do for you but we may assist  in a multitude of ways. You have free will and with free will we cannot interfere, and so, when your day feels difficult, when your day feels like you may not move forward, or you may be seeking an answer you cannot find, and you are not sure which way to turn,  ask for our help. We are always beside you. It is much like a game, You imagine a team sport, whereby half the team is playing, and the other half of the team is standing by waiting for you to ask for their help. And so you run here, and there trying to win the game, trying to get from a to B and we are here to assist, but you run straight past us. All you need do is turn, and say can you help me please?  We are in the wings waiting to help. We are there running beside you, walking beside, you working beside you, sleeping besideyou, we are everywhere that you are, and we watch, and we see you struggle,  but our hands are tied, if you do not ask. We may not help you always in the way you wish, but we may guide you to ones that may do so. We may guide you to the information that you need to help yourself.
We are like the players that may not touch in the game. But we are rooting for you just the same. We wipe your tears when you are defeated. We hold you close, We shine our love you. We are  always there. We see your Magnificance,  we see when you shine, and we are there for that also, but at this time you struggle in some areas. Know you have the strength within. Know the Magnificat being you are, and know you are not alone. It is an impossibility for you to be alone. There are many that would help, that would lend a helping hand. Lay down your pride. Laydown your resistance, and allow love, help, assistance, to be let in.  Make the intent that you attract all that may help you this day,  and so the gate is opened and the help may flood through. We honour your journey.
The cards are complete for this day.
That is all

Personal solo past life regression 22/6/15

A solo personal past life regression session.
Read as you would one sharing a  interactive wacky dream experience..that's what it felt like. lucid dreaming with my guide behind me in
my thoughts, narrating at times.   Testing the waters to whether I'll share more of these. Feels like I'm free falling in sharing the more personal side of my journey.

Monday, 22 June 2015

21st of June 2015 Channeling Abacus (universal mind) Altered State

21st of June 2015 
Channeling Abacus (universal mind)
Altered State

Whats in a name? Who is Abacus? Who is Adam? This channel explains who I am channeling. Who I have always been channeling. 

We are one and the same, that has always been dear one.

We are the colourful ones AND we are the universal mind. We are what constitute the fullness of both.

Do not allow your mind to be immeshed  in the meaning of the names. They simply identify for you, that energy that speaks to you, the energy signature. However, remember we are not the name. We are more than the name.We are so much more than the name.

We are expansive. We are in all things. The names are simply a way for you to identify the energy signature that we are, for although we are all that is, although we are the whole, we do carry different consciousness. We have different experience levels, different evolvements.

You are becoming  immersed in many different energies in your work with us. At present you are learning to trust, and identifying the signatures that are of light, and so we hold your hand so to speak, and guide you unto our realm, this level of consciousness.

We help you to grow and develop, and when you develop to a point that the signature does not fit for your learning, then the signature changes again, but the consciousness remains the same, the energy, the core energy remains the same. It is simply a new level you have attained. It is simply that your energy has risen, the tone has lifted.

My It is much like the notes of your music. The higher you evolve in your learning the higher the tone you can hear, and so at times we may identify the new tone with a name, as you resonate to names. It is the same music. It is the same consciousness. It is simply that the tone has risen a little.
This is why the energy feels similar for it is the same piece of music. It is just that you have risen an octave.

Be at peace. We are enamoured with your strength of purpose. We honour you your journey, and we are here to help you, to lift you, to guide you, to encourage you. We are here to help you, as by helping you, we help all.

We ask that you remember to rest, for it is in rest that you may integrate further your experience of the day. We send you love and peace. We ask that you trust yourself, that you are good enough, that you have no need to doubt who you are any longer. You are remembering, and with this remembering, come much fulfilment.

We give you our word. The word is love. Love is who you are.

When you come to understand this truth, then you are free, for freedom comes with the knowledge that you are not chained, you may not be chained,  for love has no chains.

That is all

Sunday, 21 June 2015

21st of June 2015
Channelling Abacus (universal mind)
In altered state

To be or not to be.

We wish to bring forth a simple manner that one may come to terms with grievances that are befalling them. 
We say this, when one looks to another for suffering, then one receives more of the same.
When one looks to another for healing, then one discovers that they may be healed.
When one moves forward in their development,  then they can see that development reigns.
You do not understand where we go with this, and this one is already doubting. We tell her, and we tell you ,patience. 

What we say to you, what you affectively bring forward unto yourself, is what you bring to yourself.
We say to you, when one acts in a way that the friends another, then  one is befriended.
When one is dishonest, acts dishonestly, then one befriends dishonesty. When one is aggressive, when one shows aggressiveness, then one attracts the aggressor.
What we say to you is what you ARE, you become more of.
What you are being, you continue to be.
We say to you, what do you wish in your world?
What do YOU wish in YOUR world?
The answer  to this question is your clue, for if you answered that you are wanting and wishing to be loved, then you must be love to receive love.
If you are  wanting respect, then you need to be respectful.
Many wish love, respect,  kindness, and yet they do not act in a loving and kind manner.
What we say to you is this. What you are wishing in your life, in your world you must be, for in the being you are attracting.
Around you is an energy field, it radiates outwards touching people, places, and things, and more than that even so.
This energy field knows everything, sees everything, understands everything.
It records. It is a part of you. It is your soul. It sees and knows all that you do, and that others do. And so when you act in a certain manner it radiates that out to all, and then brings back to you what you are radiating, what you are being, for it is the law, that what you give returns back to you, and so we  tell you again, for we understand you will not understand, unless it is spoken in a way that is understandable.
Be what you want to see, and what you see will be.
When you live what you wish to experience, then your experience will be lived.
The message is complete. That is all

22nd of June 2015 Channelled card readings In altered state

22nd of June 2015
Channelled card readings
In altered state

The card of one
When one seems to be at odds with oneself, when one does not understand what they are achieving, where they are  going, when one raises their head in the morning and goes about their day not really understanding what they are wishing to do, but simply  following a pattern they have always followed, they get lost in their meaning of life.
They are as a broken record, gets caught on the gouge, in the ridges, It plays over and over again.
When one becomes immersed in their daily living, when one simply follow the routine over and over, one loses their passion, their drive, for experiencing life. They lose the fun. When one simply awakens with their purpose to work, and then to arrive back in the dwelling to do their chores, and then to  sleep, to begin again the next day in the same manner,  one becomes disheartened, they lose their sense of accomplishment, if they are not waking in excitement for the new day.
If one does wake and think what new experience will this new day bring, and search the new, they may enjoy something different, for that is what constitutes living in a fuller sense. 
When you are on holidays do you not wake up in excitement of what you make experience that day? Your daily living could be this way also. Can you not see this?
It does not matter if you are holidaying in a different place or if you are at work in the normal place of residence, it is the perception, the excitement of experiencing the new, that brings the new and enjoyment in the day.
Wake this day as you wake on holiday. Be open to new experiences coming to the fore. When you live with expectation and expecting something different, then it will be so. However you must take action. Think what you what you can do different to bring excitement to the fore.
Try a new beverage, a new experience, a new way of transport to your working place. See others in a different light. There are many ways to experience your day differently to the day prior. Imagine each new day as a holiday, your destination earth. 

The card of two
Ahhhh now this is regarding your wish to conform. You are one that does not like to cause waves. You conform to what others expect of you. You conform to  others expectations so that others my like you, so others may not speak harshly to you, so that you do not rock the rock the boat, so to speak.
Dear ones, you are here to rock the boat. You are living to rock the boat. Rocking the boat is experiencing your living. If you enjoy doing things the way others wish you to do them, then by all means continue as you are. However we see you. We SEE you. There is deep within you the fervent wish to break away the chains and to be free.
We are showing this one, one that is wrapped in chains, and then the chains falling away as they reach out for their freedom. The chains that hold you are your own. You have placed the chains around you by allowing others to decide for who you, the way that you are to live.
We tell you, let your soul sing. Let your voice be heard. Let your creativity be unleashed. You are good enough. Show others what you are made of so that they may be inspired to do the same. Inspiration comes from one that breaks through the chains and sings their soul, their  story. You feel as if you may not do so, that you cannot, that life won't let you. The only one that does not let you is you. You may not want to hear this, but this is what we say to you. 

The Card of three

What we say to you, reach out and touch somebody's hand.
We tell this one a song. We asked this one to copy, as you would say, the link. Reach out and touch somebody's hand make this a better place if you can. 
We say to you , you may bring another peace. You may bring another love. You may bring another joy, where they had none before.
Do you not see you have the hands, the voice, to change another's life? You are a healer in many ways. You do not have to be a physician to heal another. You may heal with the word. You may heal with a touch. You may heal with your ears by listening to anothers woes.  We do not say become immersed  in another's woes, but you may be the ear, that they need to release their pain, so that they may be lifted, and when they are lifted by your listening, you are lifted with them.
Reach out with a smile, reach out with a touch,  for you do not understand the power you have. You are here to raise others to their higher discoveries.  You are here, and you are in the type of occupation that you may touch and you may listen to another. It doesn't have to be a medical profession. Many professions involve what you call customer service. Do not be so naive to think that a smile might change a course of the day of another. A smile may be all they need to change a lifetime of suffering. An ear may be  all one needs to unburden and to be free. Do not doubt the power you have in another's life for you are all a chain reaction of sorts. You are all interconnected,  much  Iike a virus spreads its form, into other living entities. When you are kindness, when you are emphatic, when your compassion, these also spread as does a virus. We say to you, pay your love forward. Pay your kindness forward. Listen, be the healer in your own way.
For when you heal others you heal yourself. 
Reach out and touch lyrics

The reading is a complete for this day that is all

Tuesday, 16 June 2015

16/6/15 Channeling Abacus(Universal Mind) In altered trance state Strengthening your connection (Audio)

16/6/15 Channeling Abacus(Universal Mind) In altered trance state Strengthening your connection

Channeling Abacus(Universal Mind)
In altered trance state 
Strengthening your connection

This channel was straight after a meditation on linking to higher will. I saw images and felt myself floating under a sea of gold light, like when your underwater and swimming to the surface and you can see the light above the water. I was swimming in a sea of gold light floating higher and higher towards that pinpoint of white light at the surface. My whole body had the sensation of floating in warm liquid light. I saw peace symbols and a piles of manuscripts in light language

We are pleased you have entertained that Journey, as it was specific to the purpose of today and to your line of questioning earlier. 
You ask in which way can you improve our connection? You ask in which way can you benefit others as well as your growth within the connection that is what we are.
We tell you the more you practice, the more you communicate in this way, the clearer we will become, the stronger the connection will become and the more meaningful.
You doubt much dearest. You doubt doing it right. You doubt that you are speaking to anyone other than yourself. You still do not comprehend the enormity of what you do and who we are. We say to you, in a manner you are conversing with your "self", however you are also conversing with an aspect of all that is. 
We are universal mind. We are consciousness. We are light. We are you and you are what we are. We are here to be of service to help ones rememberance of the self.
We are here to contribute to the Ascension process that is occurring on your plane at this time.
We came at the right time.
It is no accident that you began to seek to channel, to communicate with us at the time that you did so.
It was all preordained, preorchastrated. You think, you imagine that you began to connect with us because you chose to, because of ones that have passed in your life.
It is not so. It is a process. We came, we come at the appropriate time. You made your jump into higher consciousness at the appropriate time. 
Yes. Your parents were a trigger. Yes you were afraid. You have always been afraid of your destiny, of your power, and still you are afraid. However you have made leaps and bounds. When we say you have made leaps and bounds we speak to all that are listening for all are making leaps and bounds at this time. You ask how you may connect stronger more clearly?
You intend.
You make the connection & you wholeheartedly put your whole
being into that intention. You intend. You intend. You intend. 
We say to you this as it is of most importance. You understand the intention needs be made. Once the intention is made then it is a matter of opening. Once you open we come, 
It feels surreal. It feels as you are speaking to yourself. We say to you, in time, you will discover that, that is not all you are speaking to. 

Through this space you make the connection. That it is much more, so much more. Through practice and practice and lifting of your energy you will begin to understand what it is to communicate, to receive knowledge and messages that you have no sense of before.
You will see from a higher mind from a higher state, that all knowledge is attainable. We come to bring you to your own power, to your own sense of self. That is why we are here. Dearest we show you your purpose, we show you why you are here.

You all have a distinct purpose that is your own, that you contribute to the whole. We have shown you dearest many times what your purpose is and where your destiny lays.
Yes, the curtains are drawn into certain aspects of this, for we understand you will go into fear. You are not quite ready for the curtain to be drawn all the way open. We show you what we may, so that you may not relapse, but attain your highest quota of energy. We ask, we advise, that you do what you do, and you keep doing what you do, and you keep sharing what we do, and this will develop into where you are to be. What you are to be. Connection  is available to everyone. This is the purpose of our messages. Our messages are brought forward so that you may connect, that you make your own connection, and your own self realisation. Some will stumble onto these messages are not understand quite what we speak of.
Once you awaken to all the possibilities that lay before you, then these will begin to make more sense, and this is when this message will bring clarity.
We wish to also bring forward that these messages bring light. When we speak through this one there are light filaments, and although you do not understand how this works, and we may not endevour to explain as you are not at that stage of development yet. These light Encodements  spill through and when you are listening you are receiving this light. Think for a moment while you are listening to this message how you feel. Do you feel love? Do you feel light? What do you feel? 

This is what we bring to you. Love, peace, acknowledgement of who you are, so that you may know who you are. There is much you do not understand yet. It will be known over time. 

The building blocks are being stacked one on top of the other, and as they increase in height so will your knowledge and understanding.

To strengthen your connection, for this one continues to ask, is to be in that space of stillness and listen with your heart. Lay your mind to rest so that it is as a still lake will be. Still, non-moving, and then allow our mind, your mind, your higher self, universal mind, to flow into that stillness, over that lake. Allow it to be immersed within, the light language that we are, feel that. To connect is simply to intend. 

Once you make the intention you must clear your mind and listen. You may receive a knowing. You may receive imagery. You may receive sensations in the body. You may hear music. You may hear lyrics, or sound. There are many ways we bring through what we do.
The more you sit in stillness and listen with a clear mind, the stronger the connection will be. The stronger the connection becomes, the clearer we become. You may not know which you do not know, but you may begin with what you do know, and be open to receiving that, that you do not know yet.

We say to you, live your life, enjoy. Find joy in the mundane. Find joy. When you begin to find joy in the small things, and appreciation in what you have about you, it opens a door to more of the same.
If you are not grateful for what you have, for what you are, for what you do, then you will stay in a space of ungratefulness and you will not attract more than this. We have said before, change what you do and your life will change.
We come from a place that you have been, that you know. It is simply that you do not recall, where you are. 
We are your messengers. We came because you requested it so. This feels inaccurate to you, for you do you not recall.
It is much like one that is anethetised, they have memory loss and they do not remember anything, but it does not mean that they did not have a life prior to the memory loss. We tell you, your memories have been swiped. When you are born your memories were wiped clean. This is all changing. You have earned it.

This one is enjoying the space that she is. She has asked to be closer to us. She opened the door a little wider this day, and so she is basking in the feeling that we are.

We finish this message with the thought that you are, and always have been a piece of the whole, a piece of the source. A creator in its own right. You have the power within to create. Use this power. It is your birthright. You have the tools.
We cannot make this any clearer. Begin this day with the knowledge that you have divine within you, and if you have the divine within you, then you may create anything. 
Is it not true that the divine can do so? 

That is all

16th of June 2015 Channelling Abacus (Universal Mind) In light body altered state Know Yourself Audio

16th of June 2015 ( Audio )
Channelling Abacus (Universal Mind)
In light body altered state

Know Yourself

16th of June 2015 Channelling Abacus (Universal Mind) In light body altered state Know Yourself

16th of June 2015
Channelling Abacus (Universal Mind)
In light body altered state

Know Yourself

Greetings we are here.
We come today to help you understand what it is that you are delving into. What changes comes with working with the energies that we are. You wish to connect more fully closer. You wish to feel more intensity. You wish for us to be as one with you as with others.

We tell you, you are at a point, at the precipice, where you may increase the level of communication.
The only obstacle is yourself, is your fear. When you release fear the doors fling wide-open and you may enter into a depth that you have never delved into before.
You still work at a level where some fear is a barrier. This comes with confidence and with continually working with us, to begin to trust what we are, and that we may not harm you or any other. When this is known, fully understood at that level that is deep within you, then it is as a tap opens and the information begins to flood through. 
You at times are very hard on yourself. You expect excellence in a short amount of time. Understand that ones that have been doing this so well, have been working in this area for much longer than you and so you must give yourself as you say, "a break"and not judge yourself so harshly. You say this to many who are beginning to delve into the connection to themselves.

Do you not be so hard on yourselves. Know you always had the connection. The Connection has always been there, from the beginning of time and from the moment of birth. You simply get caught up in life and you forget the connection that you have. 
It is not difficult to connect with your inner self. It is not as hard as you imagine it to be. Listen, listen. When you sit quietly, and you feel that love in your heart that you have for your most cherished ones. When you sit with that love and you feel into that, and you let go of your daily thoughts you let your mind, become as a lake still and silent and within that love that you feel, and in that silence, your connection is made.
The connection feels no different at times, and it is because you are connected always. You have never not been connected, and so you make the connection to yourself and you think, ah ha, this is not real. This cannot be real.

It is so very simple dear  ones. It is so simple. Being still within yourself in that quite space, and allowing yourself to feel the enormity of what you are, breathing into that space and letting go to all that you are in that space. with no shame or judgement or fear but simply connecting to that essence that is pure, that you are. Feeling that essence and knowing that you are one with everything around you and everything that you do not see. Knowing this connection has always been and always will be. Knowing you are not alone, although you may feel that you are. You know not. You have never been alone,  ever. When you feel into that space, that is your  soul, in your silence and truly know, believe, understand, that you are infinite, that you can never die, you can only be reborn, over and over, to experience yourself in a multitude of ways. In a multitude of scenarios. You may love continuously and yes, you may leave and you may change, but what you are deep within remains the same. You can never be changed for it is unchangeable. It is source. It is God. It is all that you are. You find that within in your silence. 
When you pray, you pray to yourself. This is a hard concept for many to understand because religion has tainted the way many view these ideas. Religions have been manipulated by man so that it may serve man. That is not to say that there is no truth in said writings for there is truth within that, but many words that have been written have been manipulated to serve those in power. 

You cannot see what you cannot see and you cannot know what you do not know. But know this you are the one you pray to. You are the essence of that,  that you worship that you honor.
You have the power to create. This has been given to you. This has always been, and when you begin to believe this, really know this within your heart, your life will change dramatically, for you understand the mechanics that you possess within you, and you understand what you are capable of what you may do.

This one wanted to bring something powerful today. Something that would change those that would listen. She did not want fluff, she wanted something tangible. She does not want to waste time of hers and of others, and so she asked us, and that she asked of herself, to begin to be, what it is that she is to be, and to bring words through that are not nonsense and that may help and we tell her and we tell you, when you truly believe when you truly understand that, that  you are, when you truly understand what you are made from, and where you come from. When you understand that all that you see, is created by you, as a part of everything. When you understand that you are connected, all connected, as you are connected with your telecommunication networks now. You may connect with another on the other side of your earth simply by pushing some buttons,  you cannot see how this connection is made, you cannot see how your voice travels from one side of the world to another, you cannot see how your words travel the pathways, that cannot be seen, that are imaginary to you,  but you trust that they are there, and we tell you most in emphatically, that this connection that you have with your phones, with your computers,  is not so very much different to this connection that you are connected to the whole.
Just because you cannot see the way you are connected with all, does not make it not true. One day you will be able to communicate without telephones.
Know this, you are all one love. You are connected through the soul. The soul is connected to the spirit world, to all that is, to consciousness. There are pathways, fibres, energy, ethers, call it what you will, but there are unseeable to you, mechanics that connect you to everything, and so what you do changes everything.
All that you do, the love that you express,  is expressed to everything. You are multidimensional. You do not affect just his plane, you affect all planes. Earth is not just a planet floating in the middle of space that has no connection to any other planet or to any other multi-verse. All the creation offects one  another.
You cannot know what you do not know.
It is much like explaining the universe to the lone fish that swims in the ocean. The fish only knows the ocean as his home. He does not know that there is a world beyond the ocean. He simply can only understand what is below the surface where he lives. He knows that there are other fish. He knows food comes, but the only world this fish knows is the ocean, for that is all the fish perceives. He cannot understand that outside that ocean there is a diverse community that drive automobiles, that watch television, that use electronics. That fish cannot know that man landed on the moon, or not. The fish cannot know all the planetary systems, all the universe. The fish cannot know about the animals that roam your forest. The fish sees only his space,  in the multitude of spaces. 

We tell you this, you are as the fish. You see only what you may see. You know your world but we tell you there is so much more than your world. There is so much you do not see, and cannot see, and cannot understand, but you are beginning to tap into a piece of that.
When you are on our side of the realm you may know more of what you are, for what occurs when you come home, is as the fish is lifted out of the water, so you will be lifted out of where you are and then you will see from a different space how big you really are, and how connected you really are, and how intricate you are and how extraordinary you are. 

You are as the fish, blinded to what is beyond your world. You are beginning to expand. You are beginning to evolve beyond where you are. This is evolution. It is a natural progression. We tell you, you are loved beyond measure. You are the changers. You are that, that makes the expansion possible. We honour you, so much more than you understand.
You are the changers.  You change reality. You mould it and make it new, into a new experience.
It is humorous in a way to us that you come to earth and then begin to conform to the ideas of others. You begin to become sameness not realising that you were born to be individual, to express in your own manner, so that you may add to the soup of god. 
God does not wish the same soup, day in and day out. You are here to add flavours to the soup, to experiment. 
You are here to be a new different version of yourself. You do not come here to be the same as a past life and the life before that, and the life before that. You come in to experience, to expand yourself a new. To try new things. You try so hard to experience past lives. You try so hard to tap into what you did before, not realising you have  lived before, you do not come in again to live the life that you led before. You came in again to live something different. What would be the point of being reborn to live the same life that you've already lived, over and over. You have come to be different, to try something new. Shine your light. Be who you wish to be. Do not have fear. Do not hold back, fearful of judgement of others. This is stifling to the soul, to be as another wishes you to be. Be your flower, be yourself. Express fully your love in joy. Be who you came to be, so that when you return you bring your richness with you. 

And to you dear one we say this. Love yourself. Trust in your capabilities. Know you are supported and loved dearly. You are  not wasting time. You are performing a service and within this service you are fulfilling your purpose. You understand what we tell you? Do you feel what we bring? Be still a moment and feel what we bring.
Know you may be all that you may be. There are no barriers other than your own. Let go of the barriers. It is time.
That is all