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Sunday, 13 September 2015

Updates to my pages 14/9/15

Hi everyone :)
Some updates...
First apologies for the sporadic postings of late. It's been an intense few months! Some weeks I am juggling three classes. A combination of channeling mastery, light body, and creating abundance. I've also been unwell with a flu type virus.

As many know I stopped posting many of my personal channels simply because I didn't think people were interested. I had "assumed" that most were only interested in current affairs energetically speaking, so I channeled mainly on those, and on certain topics that some have asked me to channel on ( still to get to many of those ) and left many of my personal channels and experiences out.
However, I have had many messages and emails reminding me that many follow my posts because they too are beginning to channel, activate light body, awaken etc, and they like reading about my personal experiences in this area. The ups and downs, the highs and lows, etc as it helps them to understand what they may be experiencing at the time. We are going through this shift in consciousness together after all, so it stands to reason we may experience some of the same hurdles, or bumps on the road.

Channeling I've discovered is an ongoing learning experience, with continual upgrades or frequency shifts, which affect your life, simply because through the messages, and energy shifts your life changes. It's part and parcel I've discovered. I've also realise not many channels share in this way, their personal experiences with their guides, the actual channeling process, and that perhaps IS what I'm meant to be doing here also.
I've decided to again share my personal channeled conversations with Abacus, as I did with Adam when I first began. I must make clear these conversations are in writing most of the times. I am still in a channeling state, still connected, just in s slightly different way. Well that's my experience of it. I find when I am in light body channeling state ( ie running my vibrational centres to lift my energy into a higher space ) and voice channel from that high space the channels are different, the information has a different feel. Again that's just my experience. Maybe in time I can tap into that while automatic writing. That the two somehow merge..,
So I ask, that you always use discernment in the reading of my journal experience, or any of my channels really. Only take what feels true for you.. It is always, my interpretation of the energy I am channeling. Some days the messages are clearer than others. The messages do have  a very esoteric feel and may be a little "out there" for some ;)

So my future postings will be a combo. A mix of current energy information, card readings, as well as my personal experiences. I will mark the posts clearly. I finish this post at exactly 1:11pm.
Synchronistic perhaps :)
With love

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