13th September 2015
Abacus ( Channeled by Helen Salter )
In light body trance state
Doubting The God Within.
Dear ones you wish to understand what is occurring, why things are coming up the way they are. We will be brief in the explanation, for there is not too much to say in this.
When one doubts, it begets more doubt. When one wonders why what is occurring is occurring, it will beget more wondering. It will bring more to you to wonder about. Why it is occurring.
When one doubts, it begets more doubt. When one wonders why what is occurring is occurring, it will beget more wondering. It will bring more to you to wonder about. Why it is occurring.
We say to you all connections are sacred. All connections are different. All connections are made for a specific purpose, within a certain context, pocket of energy. There is much that comes with a certain pocket of energy. It has are unique purpose and yet the pocket of energy is source, as all other pockets of energy is source. It is simply that each pocket has a different perspective, so that it reaches those that have a similar perspective, reasoning frequency.
You wish to understand how you may relieve your doubts, your habits, your fears, that are coming to the fore. We say to you it is a choice. You choose or you choose not to choose. It is a choice. Honour that, that comes within you. Honour your emotional frequency. Honour the emotions you feel, they are there to guide you, they are your guidance system. When you feel afraid do not push the afraid away, for you are pushing a part of yourself away dear ones. Honour the fear. Thank it for being there, and if you do not wish to experience the fear, simply do not experience it. It is that simple. Humanity wishes to find reasons for everything and make it harder than it has to be. You choose to be happy or you choose to be sad. You choose to doubt or you choose not to doubt. You choose to eat or you choose not to eat. To place judgement on the choosing is not conductive. It becomes stagnated within, and it becomes the ever turning wheel of doubting and more doubting and more doubting again. It is much like the hamster that is on the wheel, and of a sudden it cannot stop, and it gets caught, and it goes on and on and on. Get off the wheel dear ones. Simply stop running your feet. Stop running your mind over the situation. Simply stop. It sounds simplistic because it is simplistic. Choose something different and then begin to think the new thought. When the old thought comes, give it no mind, and you think the new thought again.
This one wishes to understand, for doubting a certain aspect of one's humanity, and we say to her the same that we say to you. Simply choose not to doubt. Simply choose to believe. It is that simple. It is a choice, it is a perception. It is lack of self worth. We say to you, you are a creator. You are a piece of God. You are doubting the God within. You are doubting your creator. Does this not seem incredulous?
Dear ones we love you all so very much and we wish to make your life, the way you wish to make your life. We are here to help you create what you wish. We understand your desires, we understand your needs. We see all, and what we say to you dear ones, is you are good enough. If you are not good enough you would not be where you are now. It is no easy feat to come from where we are, to embody the living vessel, and forget everything. You did that, and you have lived amazing journeys over and over. We say to you, you understand more than you give yourself credit. As you may begin to believe you may do so, you may achieve the impossible dream.
We finish this now. We wish to leave you with an image. Of one source. One creator God.
We finish this now. We wish to leave you with an image. Of one source. One creator God.
Place this within your mind now, what you imagine God to be, what you imagine the universal essence to be.
Imagine this within your mind. Now imagine a piece of that embodying a physical suit, so to speak, and coming down being born as a babe, the innocent child. A babe born new and a piece of that source, embodying that babe, within the vessel. Now do you imagine that babe, has not got power within?
That babe is you.
That babe is God within a shell, a physical shell, that is so intricate.
The babe has been given a suit, that is so intricate, that it may travel back to whence it came, once it is activated in full.
That suit that the God lives within, regenerates itself, protects itself, experiences in all manner of ways, creates beautiful masterpieces, dances the dances, writes the stories.
You are magnificent, in your soul and in your physicality. We are in awe, of your wholeness. See this in you. See this and allow this. You are worthy. You are worthy. Walk your path with head held high, and know beginning this day, you may attract all that you wish to your world, for you are the world.
That is all
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