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Sunday, 13 September 2015

13th September 2015 Channeled Card Readings

13th September 2015
Channeled Card Readings

Abacus (Universal Mind)
Greetings dear one, greetings to all. We are here once again. We may bring through the card readings, and then we have much to communicate. We will not preamble we will begin

The card of one
When there is an notion, when there is an idea, when a thought comes from seemingly nowhere, it is an idea to perhaps run with the thought, for the thought does not come from nowhere. The thought comes from somewhere that is beyond your linear mind. A thought comes because there is a purpose that may get you to where you are wishing to go. They are patterns that develop within our plane. Patterns that you have projected when you ask us for help, when you are wishing your life to develop in a certain arena, and yet you do not have the answers, and you plead the answers, but you await them in a seemingly space, and yet you do not understand that the answers come in their own time, and on time. The answers may not come to you when you think that they may come, but in fact come when the time is right. When the fruit is ripe they come, and it is then that you must decipher the idea, and bring it into fruiration, for you are the manifester, not we, you.
Be observant to ideas and inspiration that come, for they do not come from nowhere. They indeed come from somewhere, and they may be the key to unlocking the door that you are trying so intensely to open.

The card of two 
Those reading the card of two wish to understand the concepts of living. They wish to understand why they are here. They wish to understand the universal nature in things, why things run in a certain sequence, why there is the ebb and the flow, why at times life is so difficult. We say to the ones here, it is what you make it. Life may be difficult or life may be  easy. Life may in fact be an ease. What we mean by this is you may walk your path in the stream, and attain developments in all that comes to your space, or you may complain, you may wish it was another way, you may rant and rave. You may not be happy with your quest in life, but we say to you, you choose your quest. No other chooses your quest, you choose your quest, and you have the power to flow with what comes, and when what comes is not to your liking, you may simply allow it to flow, as water flows from a ducks back, and pick the next choice and then the next. The universal nature is a complexity that not all may understand at this time, however, there are the simple laws of nature,  and when these are followed, your path, your journey, may be of ease. You have always a choice whether to make what comes before you easy or difficult. It is a matter of perception dear ones.

The card of three
The ones that are walking this path at present are experiencing what many are experiencing at this time. There is a letting go. There is decisions to be made. There is a stage to develop. Not all comes to the fore that may serve your inner nature. Much comes in the fore when one ingests ideas that it may be so. It comes to the fore to be cleared, to be understood. It is not to say that what is occurring is a difficult thing, or as you class it a bad thing, for there is no such thing in our realm. It is more the idea that you see this as such. If you delve into why you see something the way you do, and you understand that it is you that affects your world, then you understand in the idea that you have power. It is not the idea that has the power, it is the one viewing the circumstances, viewing the idea. Are we making clear understanding? When one is disgruntled with what is occurring in their lifestream, understand the lifestream is a projection of you, and so if you are disgruntled with what is occurring, change the projection. If it is that, that is occurring from the past, and it is occurring once again, then there is something to be dealt with here. It has come up again. It is another layer for you to search into, and understand in fullness, what is getting your goat, so to speak. Once you understand what it is, then you may delve into, what it is in you, that feels this way. A belief system to perhaps be delved into further understanding, and once it is understood, then it can be let go, and then the situation begins to dissolve for without the belief the situation may not trigger you. We may speak in riddles, but we do not give you the answers dear ones. We lead you to search for your own answers.

The card readings are complete for this day. We continue with another message dear heart. For this transmission that is all.

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