Channeling Abacus-Universal Mind
This one asks us to bring through something of relevance, something that is needed at this time, in these energies.
We say to those that are listening, it is a time of great change. With change comes at times some agitation. One may feel out of sorts. One may feel they are not quite understanding where they are to be. One might feel a little seasick, or feel as if they have just been on a rocking boat, and they feel as if they are not on stable ground. We say to all, rest, ground, be in your joy, be in your flow. Follow the synchronistic events that come to the fore, that come before you in your path, for they come with a reason. It is no mistake that they come. All that comes before you serves a purpose. It may serve a purpose to lead you on to another path. It may serve a purpose to tell you you are needing to rest. It may serve a purpose for you to become in alignment. It may serve a purpose to show you that where you are, is not in resonation with who you are becoming.
There are many reasons why events occur, and synchronistic events especially. Look to what comes before you, with clear eyes. Look at what comes before you at all angles to distinguish where it may help you, where it may take you, or what it is bringing to you. What it is serving you. Be observant to what is coming to your fore. Do not fear change. Change brings you into alignment with where you are heading, where you are to be. Be in your joy, for joy brings you into flow, into alignment. There are many ways you may lift your vibration, when you are not feeling so lifted, so speak. Listen to fine tunes. Be in stillness and in meditation. Sing something that brings you joy. Concentrate on a colour that is soothing, or that is warming, or that is activating. Spend time on mother Earth. These are just some ideas that may bring you back into flow. There is much occuring. We say to you, simply be, simply be. Be present, be kind, be trusting, be calm, and be in allowance to all that you may be, and all that you may become. In love for all.
This is what we bring this day. It is a short message but it is a potent message.
With love and honour for the journey.
That is all
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