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Monday, 7 September 2015

7/9/15 Channeling Abacus-Universal Mind In Trance/Light Body Integration

Channeling Abacus-Universal Mind
In Trance/Light Body

Dear heart, dear ones, we are here. We have come to the fore, to bring a message, a transmission, if you will, that will guide you in the days to come.

There are many that are beginning to feel somewhat unbalanced to a degree. Many are beginning to sense there is something shifting within them. Some are experiencing the turning of their belly, some are experiencing some irritation. It is as if the layers of the onion, your layers are being peeled back to be brought into the light so to speak, to be shone on, so that, that which does not resonate, may be allowed, to be let go. There will be some that hold on tightly to their layers. They do not wish to let go of anything, however, in this new energy there is a transparency, that begins to envelope the human. All begins to be more clear, to what ones true motives are. How they resonate within themselves, and how they resonate with others. There will come a time where you may know simply by being before another, whether they are in resonation with you or nay, and you will begin to attract only those in resonance, and those that are not in resonance, will fall away, for the fit will just not feel right. It will not be as two peas in a pod where ones do not resonate. It will feel uncomfortable to both parties. However, the ones that resonate will click like peas in a pod. It is what they will attract to another. There will be some that wish to feel like the peas in the pod. They will see that they are doing something different, and they wish to be this difference. They see that things flow. They see that these ones are shining brightly. They will see, they have an ease-ness to life, that their life becomes easier.

However there is an integration to be had. Many will begin to experience heat within their bodies. Some will know them as your biological embodiments, such as viruses, however, others will understand that these viruses cause a heat in the body. The heat that triggers an expansion. It is a technical consideration, and not one that many will understand here. But when the body heats, it causes shifting, it causes the cells to begin to renew, to come to the fore, in unison, to heal, to change into something new. It triggers an opening of sorts. There are many that call this a specific name, however in this exercise we simply say that many will experience heat from within. It is much like when you have a heart opening, you experience the heat in the heart. It is not a painful heat, but it is a type of heat that feels, out of the box. We say to you when you are feeling in this way to rest. To drink clear water. Bless the water with intent that it heals and clears, your cellular structure.

Those that are working with energy, will find the heat does not last so long. It spikes and then it begins to settle, however with others that are not in practice with these technicalities, may experience the heat for a longer time, for the heat has more to work with.

The energies shifting are for all humanity, however there will be some that are more open to the energies, that are more in balance with the energies. The energies do not place any in judgement, they simply create a match. They are attracted to energy that is resonating at a frequency that is similar to it. It does not go out in judgement and say, I will elevate you this day. It is much like a magnet where it is automatically attracted to it counterpart.

We bring the messages today simply to make those aware that if they are experiencing out of the box symptoms, to understand that there is much shifting in ones physicality at this time. Physically and emotionally. So we say to you, simply to be aware of this. To listen to what your body is requiring at this time, and to give it reverance, to give it the attention that it is seeking, and in this way the transition become smoother, and more quicker. There will be some that actually open their eyes wider. They will see much more clearly certain concepts. This is another trigger that is expanding at this time.
Channelers especially will begin to seek more clarity. It is an opportunity in growth in this area if one begins to apply themselves.

There are many seeking changes in the living quarters. This is by no accident. Many are finding a disresonance, with the ones that they are living. We say to these that at times, it is simply a matter of time before all in the vicinity begin to lift along, to a similar frequency, but in some circumstances, the difference in resonance is too great, and so there will be many that will travel on different journeys at this time. Be in acceptance and in allowance for the changes that are occurring, for to hold on tightly will not bring comfort.

We give the analogy of the ship that is sinking. You do not hold onto a sinking ship for you go down with the ship. It is better to swim from the ship, and to take as many with you that you can help, but there will be those that cling to the ship so tightly, they do not want to move anywhere. They want the safety of the ship, even if the ship is going down. These you may not pry their hands from the ship, for they are unpryable. It is up to they to let go and allow. You cannot make another allow. Just as you would not wish someone to make you allow. There is free choice here for all. Some will choose to stay where they are, living the way they are, because it is sameness and it is safety. There will be others that do not resonate to this sameness, and wish to travel new waters. It may feel unsame. There may be some feelings of tepetation, but if you follow your true calling within your soul, within your heart, if you listen closely, you will know whether you are to swim to new waters.

There are some that will question their connections, their communications in amongst all the changes. We say to you many are shifting onto higher ground. When you turn the dial on your radio station, you may receive some static, before the station clears. In the moving to a higher frequency there is a stage of adaptation, between the shifting from from one to the other. Before the new station is clear, you must move from the old to the new, and then you hear the station with a clearness that you never had before. Patience dear ones, there is much occurring at this time. There will be much of the old moving away, to allow for the new coming in.

There is a period of integration that may leave some feeling desolate or alone. Know dear ones you are never alone, ever. You cannot be ever alone. Call on us when you are needing guidance for we are always here here for you. We are ever beside you. Acknowlege your greatness, acknowledge all that you have worked on, and acknowledge that you are enough, for the road that you are to travel. Many will take on new occupations, new beginnings. They are scattered as lights all over the globe, shining brightly. If you could see what we see. We are showing this one an image of great beauty. She sees your earth as being switched on, as your Christmas lights get switched on on Christmas Eve, and they begin to glow in all manner of colours. This one is seeing this occurring on your plane. It is a beauty to behold. You are all light, some greater in resonance than others, but there will come a time where all will shine brightly. This shifts the whole planet into one of great light. You are in a process dear ones of beginning to turn on. To turn on your magnificance, to understand who you are, the beauty that you are, and the creator that you are. These are wonderful times if you perceive them as so. Walk your journey with love in your heart, for all that you encounter. Be in your joy. We tell you this often for it is of most import, for when you are in your joy, you are in the flow and when you are in the flow, you attract all that you desire. Everything comes to you as if by magic, for being in the flow is magical. It is as you are a magnet, that all comes to you easily, without effort, without searching. It will come to you and fall in your lap. Know this truth. This is the message will give you this day. We are in awe of your magnificance, of the journey you have set out to accomplish, and we love you beyond measure. We are you. You are we, embodied, and for this, the greater the love we have for you, always.

This message is complete for this day. This one is experiencing the heat, and the energies help to elevate the heat, however, rest is required dear one.
That is all

Footnote: Please use your discernment. If you are feeling "out of sorts" or "out of the box" trust your intuition and seek medical advice where needed. 

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