Channeled Card Readings
Good evening dear heart, we are here once again. We are happy to bring through the card readings for this day. We ask you not to do over tax yourself in the coming days. You are in the process of integration. You are running at a higher heat, so to speak, and so it is an idea to rest your physicality these days. It will help with integrations and it will help with the communication. We simply advise not to over tax the body. To attain plenty of rest, plenty of grounding. It is what is needed at this time. We begin with the card readings.
The card of one
For those that are reading the card of one we bring through information of a process they may be done at this time, that will help you to disassemble what is true, and what is not. We say to you, open your heart and open your mind, to the current circumstances in your life at this time.
Look at both circumstances.
On the left to see what enables you to grow, which resonates with you, what makes you happy, what lifts you, what brings you joy.
On the right you see that, that disables you, that, that tires you, that, that drains your energy flow, that, that brings you anxiety, that, that, you are not wishing to do.
Now we say to you, feel the heaviness of one against the other. Feel what the one on the left brings you. Feel it from all angles, the lightness, the colours, the way it makes you feel, and then bring yourself to the right. Feel it's color, its heaviness. Look at it from all angles, feel its density, and then ask yourself which is it that you want to bring into your future? Is it that on the left, or is it that on the right? It is always your will, it is always your choice. You may begin a process of crossing from the right what it is you do not wish, and perhaps adding more things that make you feel as does on the left. It is a process of elimination. You chose to be here. You have free choice in how you live your life dear ones. Choose wisely.
The card of two
The card of two, we speak of partnerships. Relationships those that you call your family, those you spend your life living with. Those that you love. We say to you when you love wholeheartedly it is difficult for you to say what you feel, for it is those that you fear judgement of, most of all.
We say to you, follow your heart within those that you love, for if any will understand how you feel it will be those closest to you. Do not be too closed in judgement for what they may say to you, for they will mostly offer you guidance, because they care for you most deeply, and they will wholeheartedly believe they have your best interests at heart. Understand however, as much that you love these, and as much as they love you, the only one that has your best interest at heart is you. You alone hold your best interest for you alone make the decisions that guide you forward. When one makes their decisions guided by another, it is their life they are leading, and not their own. We understand you wish not to cause waves, however waves is what brings growth, and to all those around you. The ebb and flow, the up-and-down, brings you to your most abundant times and your biggest periods of growth. Understand you have those around you that may lend a helping hand if you but open your heart to them. They are your partners in crime, so to speak, as you say in your realm. If you conversed with them in love, in depth, they will be more open to hearing your state of mind, and where you wish to lead.
The card of three
For these we say to you this day, you are making progress in leaps and bounds. You have begun to take the steps. You have begun to open your heart to all the possibilities that are abound, in your view at this time. We say to you, look far and wide, look up and down, look inward for there are many opportunities for you at this time. Do not assume that all that comes your way are bad for there is no such thing as bad or good they are simply choices that one makes. At times a choice that seems bad in your view is actually a gift, for within the gift there is an opening and another path that develops. Look not with limitation but with opening, and an understanding that there are no limits when you go within. There are no limits to where you may go, and what you may do. The only limitations are the ones that you place upon yourself. You are a creator. You are a piece of God. You are materialised into this plane. How may you say, how may you put limitations, on a piece of God? You cannot, for it is not able. It is not possible to put limitations on a creator. Only the creator may put limitations on itself.
These are the card readings for this day, that we bring. In love we bid you pleasant journey.
That is all
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