Abacus ( Channeled by Helen Salter )
Soup of God
Greetings dear ones, greetings to all.
This one has been questioning why many come together in a certain space. Why it is so, that many communicate in a way that is familiar, that is similar. This one asks if there are connections involved, and we say to all that are heeding our words, this day, there are always connections involved. You cannot not be connected. We have said this many times before.
We have explained that we are one soup, you and we. Within the soup there are many ingredients, many flavourings. The soup has a base has it not? The base is source, God, and we say to you, the ingredients, the flavourings, are all the many different aspects of source.
We are all one, soup. However there are many flavours to the soup. You may say, that those that you feel a connection to, that are familiar to you, are certain ingredients that are within the soup. You may say when you communicate that those ingredients may have certain flavours.
It is a complex analogy. It is not as simple as we what we speak. However it will give a general understanding. We say to you, you are from the same soup, all of you. You are all from the same soup, and so when you come to be birthed, you may find yourself in a number of different bowls, and within those bowls there are familiaritues, that are slightly different. You could say that perhaps each soup has been placed in a different type of bowl. Where you are within the context of your questioning, is that you are in a certain type of bowl, which will then sit at a dinner table, and be enjoyed by many, ingesting that bowl. That bowl is shared within the whole dinner table. Again this is an analogy that is not quite accurate, but we are simply meaning to show you, in a way that may bring understanding, in what you say, a round about way. You that feel a connection, are within the same bowl, of the same soup, and you will reach a certain table, of ingesters, where this will benefit most, for those at these tables will in a sense, rejoin the main soup, and expand the flavours again.
This one is confused. May we give a different understanding? When many come together for a specific purpose, then it is only a matter of understanding, that the ones that come to reign a specific purpose be familiar, for they resonate on the same frequency, they have the same frequency band, and so they may feel familiar, for they have come here to produce a specific purpose at this time. You are in a sense the pioneers, that produce the lifting that opens a portal, a gate, that will help many. You are a designated crew so to speak. Many of you have lived in lives previously together, and have been separated at this time. Many have lived in the same space in life times, and have worked together previously, and are now uniting. It is no accident that you are all separated, for you reach more in your separation, rather than being clustered in one place of living. Understand when things come to view, certain aspects, when you have that familiarity, that there is a reason. You are all energetically linked to a familiar, similar, purpose. Trust this. Do not over analyse, but simply as you say, go with the flow. Allow the stream to carry you, where you are to be.
With love we end this transmission.
That is all
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