13th September 2015
Abacus (Channeled by Helen Salter)
In light body trance state
Letting go
We are here once again to begin another conversation piece this day. We begin first my guiding this one to a higher space within. Dear heart raise your sight. Raise it up into another plane. Raise it where we are. Be guided by our energy. Be carried forth by our loving arms.
We begin again.
There is much going on in the lives of humanity at this time. There is much transparency. There is much being viewed that has not been viewed before. There is much that has come to the party, so to speak, that is being opened up about your media, and by your news persons. There is much that is still not viewed. There is much still going on behind-the-scenes, however it is beginning to open to all. Those that are being carried by the energies, are beginning to open to the flow, are beginning to see many of these occurrences taking place. Many are beginning to view the good and the ugly, in their eyes, nought is ugly in our eyes, for we see it as the experience that is life. However in your eyes, it is the bad and the ugly that is being viewed. What we wish to say to you, view that, that is coming to the fore, not as bad, not as ugly, not as atrocious, not as a judgement, instead, view as you do a scene in the movie. View what is occuring, but do not attach your resonance to what is occuring, for when you attach what is being feared to yourself, when you begin to resonate with that, that is being cleared, you draw it back into yourself, and back into the ethers, to be re-circulated once again. Do you not see when what is coming to the fore to be cleared, becomes immeshed again. It will recycle again and again. The idea, a choice, is to yes, view what is being drudged up again, what is being coming to be cleared, view it, feel how it makes you feel, and then allow it, love it, and let it be.
Many when clearing their unwanted experiences begin to become immeshed in their experience once again, and when one becomes in immeshed in their experience once again, it is rehashed again. It is an idea when you begin to feel something that has come to the fore, that you are not wanting in your experience, it is an advisement to look at it from all angles, and decide is this what I wish now? Is this my ideals now? Is this what I want to live in my path, in my journey now? If it is not, decide what it is you do wish. Decide the opposite to what has come up, and then let it go. Do not continue to rehash it day after day, saying to yourself, "this has come up, this makes me angry, this needs to be cleared, this person did this, this person did that, I'm am so angry"! This is not the way dear ones to clear. The way to clear something so that you may let go is to view what has come up to be cleared. See where the players play their part. See what enriched you in the experience, what the experience helped you to understand about yourself. See this experience as a creation that you brought to the fore to learn something, to gain something from the experience, and then if you do not wish this experience in your now, you let it go as you do the end of the play. You thank it for its service to you, you honour all that happened within that experience, including the way you feel. Honour the whole of it. Thank it, send it your love, and then simply let it go. Do not keep drudging it over and over, for you will begin to rehash and re-integrate that experience. All is being brought up to be transparent so that you may look at it and understand it, and then let it go if you do not wish to experience this again.
You are cleaning your internal structures, you are cleaning your emotional hold. You are lifting in vibrancy into the new. You cannot carry heaviness into the new, for the new is lightness, the new is higher in nature, and if you carry things that weigh you down within, in your energy, it will weigh your energy down, like an anchor immerses into the water, and goes below the ocean floor. It holds the ship from moving forward. It keeps the ship where it is now. When you begin to clear your heaviness, what has made you feel heavy, the anchor begins to become lighter. That, that hold you down becomes lighter, and lighter, and lighter, until there is no anchor, and your vessel may move forward. We do not wish to make pretence that sometimes this may be difficult for some, especially if the situation is a painful one. But when you understand why this was attracted to you, why you created it in your life, the understanding is which that unlocks the door, that unlocks the heaviness from you carrying it forward.
We wish to say to the many this day, you are journeying into new planes of existence. You are not leaving where you are, but your journeying within your structures, within your energy, into new spaces that are different in nature to where you are now.
We do not wish to make this difficult in the understanding, especially so for others that are listening that do not understand the energetic nature of things, as some understand them to be. So we make this simple in understanding now.
You know what you know and you cannot know what you cannot know. Understand Humanity is evolving. In your universal time, in your earth time, there has been certain players, that have come with new inventions that have taken you in advancement over the centuries. In recent times there has been invention of the flying craft. There has been invention of your Internet or inter web, and there has been the invention of communication all across your globe. In more recent times there has been the invention of energy, and how energy may transmute physicality, and it may transmute illnesses and many other attributes. Many are just touching the tip of the iceberg here. There is much change occuring, and your media is not showing you the all of it. What we wish to say to you, there will be new inventions, new experiences, and new levels of energies, that you will acquire, that you will open up much within you. You will begin to see with eyes that you could not see before. You will be able to understand what you have not understood before. You will be able to do what you have not done before. There is much coming in your life stream. Some will be very minimal in the change, in your lifestyle, and some will be more so. We wish to say that as your lifestream changes, be at peace in the moment. Be present in the moment, and be grateful for all that you have in the moment, for when you are in gratitude, when you are accepting of what is now, when you hold that dear to your heart, then the door opens, to more abundance that you cannot understand, at this time.
To begrudge what you are, to begrudge what you have, stops the abundance to flow to you. The key to unlocking your greatest future, and easier path, is to be in love, is to be in love with all that you have, to be in love with all that you encounter, to be compassion in all things. When you come from this space, when you do what you love to do, and you honour all that comes to your space, and you are in gratitude for all that comes to you in this space, you begin to soar higher than you have ever soared before.
The time for warring is over dear ones. Leave this by the wayside, and begin to walk the path of an evolution in humanity.
Be open to new ideas. Be aware that things are changing. There will be many that you may think have strange ideas. We ask you to test the ideas. See how they feel for you. You have free will that you are able to be, do, and have, whatever you wish. You may create whatever you wish. Understand that the time is now, to do this, to understand this concept. Know if you are struggling there is no need to struggle. If you are feeling pain, there is no need to feel pain, unless you are choosing to feel this. There is no need. You may live your life journey free of pain, free of difficulty, and free of hardship. There are many that are speaking of this now. Speaking of how this is done. Be open to receiving all that my guide you in the way you wish to be guided and it will come to you as if by magic, if you are open and if you are allowing of it to be so.
We end the transmission for this day. This one has endured much these days. She does not understand that it was on purpose. The heat allowed an
interaction to be, which raises to another level. Love all that comes to you even when you do not understand why it is so, for there are bigger concept to understand, beyond what you see.
Be in your heart, be calm, be peace.
Be in love with who you are, all of who you are, fully, for you are a piece of the creator, embalmed in living tissue, to experience life on earth.
The gift of life has given you experience.
Do not have regrets.
Be all that you may be. With love, we leave you now.
That is all.
Note: ( the heat they speak of is a virus last week, with a high fever )
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