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Tuesday, 22 September 2015

A early morning personal conversation with Abacus on shifting energies 23/9/15

Abacus ( Channeled by Helen Salter )
Auto writing
A personal early morning conversation 

Abacus it's all happening it seems? How might I best navigate the next few days to make the most of these energetic changes? How can I assimilate them to my highest potential? What can I do? What can others do? 

Dear heart (smile), you do have us smile, for we know your heart. It is no thing that you "must" do. You are simply to be. Be in love, be in joy. Be in that place you hold dear. You humour us for you ask with the intent of doing more than you do. You are in constant doing. We say to you, do "no thing" but simply be your greatest being. We know your heart. Your intent is pure. Ahh we hear you doubts. Dear heart you are human and as such encompass Human qualities. You are Human in every sense, however we "know" your heart. The energies you speak of envelop ALL hearts, not only the ones that are pure. However, those that are in resonance will be able to open more of the gifts the energies bring simply because their resonance fits the keyhole. It is not judgement, it simple is. However all are affected even if one does not seem it so. Dear heart you have followed your flow and as such will be in the perfect space in receiving. The recreation at this time is not by accident. Your recreation time was changed "on purpose". Do you understand now? You were in a state when these were altered and we say to you, do you understand now? You may say we tweaked circumstances however you followed the sychroncies as they developed. Many have made changes to accomodate these times unknowingly. Have not fear of friend or foe. All is perfection. 
We hear your thoughts. We say to you, be peaceful, be in acceptance in allowance, in gratitude. Affirm that, that you wish and all will be so. 

Does that mean I'll receiving healing? Will people receive healing?

Dear heart yes. If they allow it, for with understanding comes healing. When one has a broader sense, one may disallow their conditions for they will "see" where they have begun, the root cause. It is not so much the energy will heal but that their understanding of why the condition was created in the beginning, will be healed. With understanding comes release. 

So I do nothing special? Like be in meditation etc

You amuse us dear heart. When are you not in connection to your essence? There is naught that " you " may do differently, for you are doing all you may do. 

And others ?

The senario you speak differs for all however we say to all. Be in love, be in compassion, be in peace, IF you so choose. Free will and all that

So I don't meditate more, channel more etc

Dear heart be what you wish to bring in to your future. 
Rest if you will. 


You are derserving dear heart. You will not miss out ( smile )
With love
That is all

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