Abacus (Channeled by Helen Salter)
Channeled after channeling for a group
Personal to my journey
This was channeled after a I channeled for a number of people in a channeling class, while sick with a high fever. I wanted to discover why they guided me to that class knowing I was sick, and how they managed to lift me enough to be able to channel. I also experienced mediumship and a healing that night. I was searching for answers.
This is what I received.
Dear heart you wish to understand what occurred last evening. It was a joy to behold was it not? You are most surprised, that we should carry you. Dear heart, we enjoy to carry you so. Do you not understand that we love you as our own? That we love all as our own? You held much anxiety last evening, and yet you fell away, you allowed us. It was a beauty and so we lifted you. When you step off the precipice dear heart, when you step off in-service, in love, and in gratitude, our wings will act as a landing, and we will lift you and carry you beyond your wildest imaginings. We hold you dearly in our heart for we understand who you are. You are always within us. You feel us now what we say. Yes. The portal you view is within you. It is within your heart space. This one sees her heart space open up in love, and she sees the portal within the heart space. This is what we say when you go within, the door dear ones, is within you. The way to connect with we, is within you. Within you is the door that unlocks all possibilities, all realms, the universe within, it is within you. It is always been said so, and it will always be so. We say to you all, and to this one, especially, for she needs to understand, we are within, not up high. It is going within that you travel without, into a magnitude of spaces, of universes, of planes. It is within that you travel to yourself, to your bigger part of yourself, to we. We are amused that you are surprised by the name that we brought last evening. You are stubborn dear one. It was clear what we say, and we are pleased that you trust. That you voiced what we brought. The words we spoke to you was to heal many. Many words you spoke last evening were to heal many. It is why we guided you to be in that space, for you as a channeler healing others began to heal yourself, for you see, what you give to others you give to yourself. You were in need of healing dear one, and by healing others you heal yourself, and so many were lifted in this space. Many were lifted simply for where you were. Trust dear one. Keep trusting the path. What we bring on the path, is for all manner of learning, and will take you to your greatest joy and your destiny here at this time. The healing modality we will not talk so, however we say to you follow that path, for there is a purpose to the path, which we will not bring through this day, for we do not give you answers, dear one. We guide and you may find your own answers within that guidance. We do not wish to take away your experience or your lessons. We simply guide you. Yes, you saw correctly dear one.
We leave you now in love.
That is all
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