Abacus-Universal Mind
Communication-The Dance
Greetings we are here once again. Greeting to all that will listen to these words this day.
This one is most stubborn, however we are pleased to be in communication. We bring information regarding the need for rest at this time, when one is integrating due to changes in their dynamical structures. When there is a vibrancy shift, when there is integrations to be had, the physicality has a need to reboot. It is much like your computers when you have updates. You shut down your computers, do you not? You shut them down and you allow for the updates to take place, so that they may work in uniform with each other, and when the updates have been downloaded, then you begin the device once again, and all the new software come into view and all the programs work at a better capacity, at a higher running output and input. It is so that we advise when one requires rest due to updates in their physicality due to integrations. Many souls at this time, many humans, humanity are integrating, a wave of energy, so you say. It is energy that is coming round as a curve. Many are beginning to absorb the nature of this energy, the beginnings of a certain frequency, and so many are feeling in their physicality, a shifting, some that doesn't feel so pleasant but necessary all the same. Integration requires a shut down so to speak, a reboot in your physicality, and what we explain to this one is when one feels the need to rest that they should rest, for in resting the integrations are downloaded and then rebooted, and come onto line, so to speak. Rest is not wasted time dear ones. You are so busy being busy, that the integrations cannot come online. It is like your electronics, they get bound up so to speak, so many updates on the computer, the computer running and running and what happens is that it jams. It blocks, and what is needed is for the computer to be shut down so that it can work more efficiently once it is restarted. What we say to you dear ones, is when your physicality requires rest, we advise that rest is needed. Listen to your bodies. Trust your intuition when it comes to resting. We do not mean to be the berating parent here, we are simply reminding.
You have many questions regarding communication, and there have been many asking the questions of communication. We say to you, all will communicate in a way that suits their communication process. There is none that is quite the same. There is none experience exactly the same colours and shades, for you are individual as much as you are sameness, as much as you are one soul, one creator, you are individualised so that you bring different experiences to the fore, and so in your connections with your selves, with your higher selves, with your guides, with your helpers, they will all differ slightly. One is not better than the other simply because one is different to the other. There is no right or wrong way. If the connection is made, the connection is made dear ones. It does not have to be exactly as another. It is the human condition to doubt, to put into boxes what they do, and label them accordingly. We say to you all communicate in different shades and colours. All energy alternates at different wavelengths. They are one in unison, however there are different synchronies, to each. We in the realms communicate, to many. We bring information, different aspects to many, and each soul that we communicate with, that we join with, has a slightly different flavour, some are so very subtle in the difference however, there are differences, and so each will have their own flavours, so to speak.
It is much like the candy store where there are many delicacies in varying colours and shapes, however the base of the delicacy, the base of the bonbon, is the same. They are all created with what you know as syrup or a sugar substance. However they all taste slightly different, for there are different flavours within the make up, and so all the different souls that we communicate to are a slightly different flavour, and so their messages that they bring will be similar and yet not, they all bring their own harmonics to the fore, that radiate to match different frequencies, with the many. It is the way of it. It is the dynamics, the flow. It is on purpose in this way. We ask you, what would be the point if we communicated exactly the same way to each soul? You have many communicators on your plane at this time. Not a one is exactly the same as as the other. Have you not noticed? Not a one, is bringing through messages in the same exact way. This is for good cause, for not all will be in tune with the one messenger. Not all will be on the same radio frequency, so to speak. It is like your radio station with all the different frequencies. Not all listen to the same station. Not all are in tune to the same station, and so you all communicate dear ones, in slightly different ways and yet at the very root of it it is the same. Even the ones that are not channelers so to speak, have a connection and receive messages on their own radio dial. They are simply not conscious of it, and yet they do it every day. They are constantly receiving intuitive guidance.
We say to you do not be too preoccupied with what one does, rather be more preoccupied with the actual message that comes to the fore. We understand how many wish to understand how one communicates, and what we say to these is find a way that works for you. It does not have to be exactly as anothers. You will know when you are receiving the guidance. You will understand when you finally become in tune with your station. Be in love with that link, that flow, for it matters not how the link is made, but that you are linked, and that you are in the flow. Are you understanding? As one becomes higher in their flow, as one raises their energetic structure, one becomes more in tune, and as one becomes more in tune, one can hear the music much more clearly. Are you understanding the reference? Once one becomes the dance, the dancer is in the flow to the music. One flows seemingly carried by the tones. This is when you hear the music at a greater depth within the soul. Your communication process is improving every time one connects. Every time you sit in that space in communication your frequency lifts. As it lifts the information becomes a higher understanding, the music and the dancer becomes one. Enjoy the process dear ones. Have not worry for reaching the destination, but enjoy the journey. There is a bit of a mish mash in the energies at this time. Patience dear ones, patience. Allow yourself the updates. Allow yourself regeneration. Allow yourself to be rebooted so to speak. So that you may run at a much higher processing speed, so to speak.
This is the message for this day.
We leave you in love. We are forever beside you. When we say we leave you, we leave your conscious connection link. We are always there. It is simply that the volume is lowered so to speak, so that you may go forward in your daily living, but to hear us, to communicate you are simply to raise the dial, turn the dial, and the connection is made.
That is all
Footnote: I am stubborn. I could have edited that part out. I didn't. I like to keep the channels intact. I wanted to channel, even though I wasn't well. The guides advised rest, constantly, each time on connection. I did rest..... Eventually .
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