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Sunday, 13 September 2015

13/9/15 Sunday night Abacus A personal channel/My Journey Automatic Writing Regarding channeling for many people in a specific time frame.

13/9/15 Sunday night
A personal channel/My Journey
Automatic Writing

Regarding channeling for many people in a specific time frame. 

Do you have any guidance for tomorrow nights class? Any guidance on managing energy flow during long periods of channeling for so many different people?

Dear heart 
When many come to the fore for an event such as this it brings much energy. Much expectation, much propulsion. You as a channeler of "energy" may tap into this flow, use it to rise you higher into the realms. You may use this energy to lift you higher. As a kite lifts in the wind. The more the wind blows the greater the height. There will be much energy flow channeled in expectation. In turn their guides as well as we, will help lift. Dear heart tap into this flow. 


As you always do dear heart. Simply by aligning with we and the intent to be in the flow that is there, with the intent. Dear heart worry not. The energy flow currently supports. Be at peace and enjoy what you enjoy to do. 

So I don't  do anything different? 

Dear heart you jest do you not? We smile. You do what you do now, in front of an audience. It is NO different.

Wow ok. You seem really happy today. I can feel a difference, 

We are most pleased dear heart. We are in celebration for much is occuring at this time. 

You feel different 

Dear heart it is not that WE are different, it is YOU that is different. ( smile )

How so

Dear heart do you not feel it?

I did have a high energy day today. I put it down to the sunny day, and finally getting over this virus I've had for the past week. I've got a monster headache now though...

And yet you are here communicating with WE, out of altered state. Did you not feel a difference in our communication this day? 

Yes I haven't transcribed yet. I always doubt it to begin with. It feels so much like me

Dear heart we are melded. It will feel like you and yet it is WE also. We are entwined so fully that you don't know if it's you or WE.
( chuckling )
We love you so, dear heart, your innocence softens our heart, and yet we understand your fire within. Dear heart be in stillness. Feel us. We can ease your ache. Energy flow will ease the pain


Be at peace dear heart. Rest your weary head. 

Note: ( I did just as they advised and woke up out of state, headache free )

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