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Wednesday, 29 July 2015

Channelling Abacus-Universal Mind 29/7/15 (Audio ) In Trance Why you are here (Audio)

Channelling Abacus-Universal Mind 29/7/15 (Audio )
In Trance
Why you are here

29th July 2015 Channelling Abacus In Trance Why you are here

29th July 2015
Channelling Abacus
In Trance
Why you are here

This morning I did a Akashic Record Journey seeking to find out "who I am in this lifetime", and "what my purpose is here". I got to the building, "the" book, opened it and all I saw was a blank page of light. Nothing more. Like the page had a lightbulb inbuilt, within it's pages.  I've seen this before. Disappointed with the journey, not understanding I began to come out of the meditation, when I had the knowing their was a message. So I began to channel. This is what resulted. I share because I feel this is not just my message.....

We are in your field once again.
It is a beautiful day, is it not, this day? You are questioning why you are here, to see who you are, and to understand your purpose in this
There are many that choose to understand why they are here, and to know what is their opportunity. What it is they are to bring to the fore to help many,  or not, or to simply be who they came to be.
We tell you, you have a choice to be anything you choose. That is the purpose, the experience that it is to be human.
You come to a place to experience all manner of opportunities. You come to experience what it is, that it is, to be human, and to extend oneself in all manner of directions.
You still do not understand the purpose to coming to this plane of existence is to experience. For earth, gaia, this dimensionality that you are in, is a place of experience.
Now you ask, if it is so that you are here to experience, then what is the aim of each individual's experience? We say to you, the aim, the purpose in the experience, is to come to an understanding, to make or have the realisation that you are God, that you are a creator, that you are a part of the whole. It is to remember who you are, in the act of experiencing.
It is why you came  with no memory of who you are, for if you had memory of who you are, you may not be able to experience the fullness, of the experience that you came to be. Many are here at this time to hold the light, to radiate a frequency that helps lift all that is around them, so that they may begin remember who they are, for in the remembering, all and lifted.
It is so that when there are many little lights, it creates a great space of light. It makes a room brighter, than if there was only one light  burning, and so with the remembrance, when one triggers many to light up so to speak, then it lights up the space, the room for all to see, you see.
It helps to bring awareness to those around them, that have not their lights switched on as yet, for when another is carrying the light that  is bright, and they come before another that has not their light switched on, it triggers in the one that is not lighted. It helps them to question what it is that you have, that they do not. What it is that you are radiating that they do not, and it is not that they do not, they have simply not hit the switch, so to speak. 
So your purpose here, your soul purpose, is to carry that light that you are, in your experience of who you are, so that you may trigger others into knowing who they are, and to carry their light brighter, switched on, and then they may do the same.
It is remembering who you are within the experience. It not matters how you do so. You may carry your light in all manner of ways. How think you that you may create light? How you think you may, help to trigger another's light, when they witness your own?
How do YOU feel dear ones, when you witness a magical play, where there is an actor that performs so very well? You see the actor loves to act. It is their way of shining their  light within, and so when you watch the performance of the actor, you begin to feel their light that they are 
exhuberating all around, and you begin to become part of that light, that experience, that they are expanding to all, and so your light is switched on. It is like the singer that sings, that carries their light in their voice, and in the manner of expression, and then you listen to them in their concert, or in your daily living. You  listen to their voice singing, expressing, and you are connected of a sudden to their light,  to their expansion, and your light is triggered and becomes brighter. You see you may hold your light in a number of ways, and you may spread your light so that others may be triggered in a number of ways.
It is your choice, your will, to choose what you, what way, that you shine your light for others to see. You may love to paint, and so when another witnesses your creation, they feel the energy in the artwork, and their light is lifted. Their vibrancy is lifted.
You may be a carer of children, and within your kindness, and your caring expression, you light the light, that is the children that feel. You may be a teacher of knowledge, and the students in your class room and lifted by you in the energy, that you teach. You may be a public speaker spreading your words in positivity, and kindness, and you made a lift others into their light in the way you express your messages. You may be writer. You might write your stories for others to read, and in the reading they become a part of your light, and your energy, and they are lifted in the storytelling.
You see it matters not HOW you bring remembrance to others, and HOW you trigger that light within. That is for you to decide your expression, your manner in expressing your light to others. You are here to experience, and so you may experience any number of ways, of being your true self, your true light, so that you may lift others into their light.
This is your purpose, and you may choose in the manner you wish to experience your purpose. You are here to be in that experience, a light bearer. One that shines brightly for when one is in their experience, in joy, their light is bright, and it shines and carries forward very well.
It radiates strongly like a beacon out to others. When you are experiencing something that you do not enjoy, when you are experiencing your experience, and it is not that that you enjoy, then your light is more dim. It is not shining so brighty. You will always be a light, no matter whether you experience your joy, or not, however your light is more dim. It does not shine as bright, and so it does not trigger as many to shine theirs bright.
However when you are in your joy, when you are experiencing what you love to experience, then, then, you excude a most beautiful, bright, loving light. You are, as you would say in your realm, your full wattage, your hundred wattage, or more, and there is not many that may not see, how wonderful your expression is, and others are touched by this expression, and they want to experience this feeling themselves. They want a piece of this. This is why many go and listen to wonderful singers, because the singers lift them, with them. They become a part of that experience. It is why many watch your sports players play the game.  They become intertwined in the experience, into the highs. It is why many love to read a wonderful storytelling. They are transported into the writers realm of creation, of light, and so we tell you, when you ask we, on the other side, why you are on this earth plane? We tell you, you are there to experience, what you enjoy. You are there to extend yourself, to be all that you may be,  but as you are being that you may be, you  are shining brightly. For when you shine your light, you help others to light up, ones that are not so light. Ones that have forgotten why they are here, in this place of experience.

We are an extension of what you are. We help you, inspire you, guide you. You are not alone in this. You have never been alone. There is no state where you may be alone, for you are always connected. It is simply that you may not see the connection for if you see that connection, for if you see see the connection in it's totality, you would not get that full experience on your earth plane, and that is why you came to your plane, to experience yourself without the full knowledge of who you are.
No thing is a waste of time on your realm. No thing, for each moment brings an experience. Even the things you do not enjoy, are an experience. Your purpose dear heart is to shine your light brightly, to lift others, so they may shine their light brightly. You may do this in many ways.
We are here to help to magnify that light, for you in your writing, bring our message to the world. Yes, we intentionally snuck that word through, when you were least in expectation. Understand, when you write our words, when you speak our words, when you share our words on your electronics, they are shared to the world.
You do not think this dear one. You do not think, how far the message flows. You forget who WE are.

We give pause so that you may understand this, in it's fullness. There are many that deliver messages to the world. A writer that writes a story, a creation of sorts, writes for the world, for their book travel afar.
When an actor creates a moving picture, that may be magnified to all that are on earth, the picture is seen worldwide.
When in artist paints a painting, and exhibits and shares his artistic value to the world, he shared to all. So we say to you dear heart, how is your writing any different?
All are connected, all are connected, to the matrix. All are connected to this web of energy, and when one lights, it creates light for all.
Be in your joy, for when you are in your joy, you shine your light brightly, and when you shine brightly, you help lift all of humanity, for all of humanity is connected, and intertwined.
You are all one. We are all one.
This is our message for this day.
We say to you, LOVE yourself, for you are all there is. You are a part of the whole of creation. You are worthy to be loved.
With love for you, the experience that you bring, to the all, we bid you good day. 

Tuesday, 28 July 2015

29th of July 2015. (Audio) Channelling Abacus-Universal Mind ( Audio )

29th of July 2015. (Audio)
Channelling Abacus-Universal Mind
Trance State
The Energy Wave

The Energy Wave (Audio)

29th of July 2015 Channelling Abacus-Universal Mind Trance State The Energy Wave

29th of July 2015
Channelling Abacus-Universal Mind
Trance State
The Energy Wave

Clear all misconceptions if you will.
We wish to be clear in this.
There is much that is spoken at this moment regarding the uptake in the energy field. There are many waves, that is being brought forth, that has many names.
We have expressed before, and you have felt it within the dream. Many others have felt this also. There is an energy which has already begun. Make no mistake of this. Many are feeling the changes within. Many are feeling uplifted, but also they are feeling some resistance, for some are resistant to change, and so they are not in their, what you would call, "your happy place". They fight the resistance. Know that this wave of energy has been created by you, has been created by the intent to expansion of ones self.  It has been this way for a while now. You have felt the changes within your body structure. The ones that are working on their energies feel the resonance within, feel their cells in their body resonating, humming to the energy, that is magnifying what they are.

As you are aware when something is magnified it is made greater, than what it is, and  so this is what the energy does. It magnifies who you are. It extends you. It is not destructive. It is constructive. If you carry this understanding, then you will embrace the energy. You will embrace the changes that it brings.
Yes, you will feel at times unusual, for change brings the feeling of unusual, for it is not sameness, it is different.
Be in your calm. Be in your heart. Be in your love. Be in your joy. Embrace all that you are, for you are being magnetised, so to speak.
You are being magnified into all that you can be. Your gifts that you carry will expand. The ones that have been untriggered, may be triggered. It will embrace you. It is why we came, to be carried forth into a new experience of self.
Understand, there is nothing to fear. 
This we bring to you this day.
Bein your flow. Be in your love. Be in your joy, and all will be well.
That is all.

Monday, 27 July 2015

28/7/15 Channeling Abacus in auto writing & trance state

I thought to share the difference between an "automatic writing" answer, compared to a "in trance" answer to a question. The In Trance answer to this question has already been shared in a previous post. I thought to share the automatic writing answer to the same question. Interesting to note the differences.

Channeling Abacus (Universal Mind)

The question: 
"How can I let go of my self doubt in regards to my channeling"

Abacus (automatic writing )
Good evening. This is an experiment in which we are pleased. You doubt much, where there is no need for such quandary. We bring a manner that may help you to see. When one begins to connect to a seemingly unobtrusive space, one that is not visible with the naked eye, one assumes it is not valid, not real. If such a space is not provable in your eyes, if it cannot be validated to be true, then you assume the audience you do gain from this space is not true. There are many reasons for this. Past conditioning is one, whereby in your past you were told God does not speak to a mere mortal , that he only speaks to the worthy, the high among high. These beliefs are ingrained deep in your conciousness . You feel not worthy to speak to our realms and so you doubt that you do. Another reason lays in that you cannot prove, that we, or the place we are, is real. Your science cannot give you definite proof. You cannot see us, as you see in your daily living, and so you doubt what you cannot see.
You will find there is method here. Patience dear heart.
When one understands that this place where we are is real, and that all may speak to we that are here at this time, then in time you may believe and trust that you may do so.
How you ask? How do you release the doubt? Validation.
There are several ways we may be validated in your eyes. 
Feelings. How do you feel when you connect with us dear heart? How does your heart feel? Is there a sense of love, of being connected to home? Do you feel wise? What images come? All your senses play a part here. You may not see us with your day vision, but you see us with your inner vision. You feel us with your heart, in love. Love is not quantifiable. It can not be measured by your science standards, however you know when you feel love. You cannot deny this feeling. This helps to release doubt, for how can you doubt our love? How can you doubt what you feel? If words come with this feeling, then how can you doubt those words? 
Next comes the information. When the information you receive is applied it will yield results. When changes come from use of the material channeled, then how can the material be doubted? Again it cannot be proven how it is delivered, however the results of the delivery can be proven can it not? 
In closing we say this. When you touch a human heart with the message we bring through you, can you not feel it's truth? You have experienced this time and time again, and you still doubt? Dear heart know you may not prove to yourself without a doubt, that we are real, but those you touch with our words, will tell you differently. Know we are here. Re read these words we bring over and over, till they become your truth, if you so choose, if you will, if you wish to release doubt, for in the understanding will come clarity, and in clarity self doubt is released. The mirror reflected is then cleared, and the messages are refined all the more for your trust in them, in yourself, and in us. We honour your work, your tenacity, your vestige. We await you in your sacred space to appease your curiosity. We are very pleased with this turn of events, and so will you be when you discover your doubt is mispresented. 
With love we come to serve at this time, to help your grow, to evolve into the new Humanity.
And so it is


Abacus ( In Trance State )
We are in your field once again.
We are pleased that this has occurred this day for it is time to bring clarity to the fore. 
You have doubted much. It is time. It is time to release doubt, for in the release the clarity becomes even more clearer. There are many opportunities to validate that, that we are. The opportunities come within the pearls of wisdom that we bring, in the knowledge that comes to the fore, and in the use of the knowledge, for it is in the results that come within the practice, within the action, that brings the skills, the proven factor. The knowledge that we bring brings all manner of healing to the fore. It brings flow, it brings love, it brings abundance, it brings a continuity of circumstances, ones that become proven by your standards over time. It is through the integration of these skills,that knowledge that we bring, that serves to validate who we are, and where the knowledge comes, and the validity of the transcriber of our message. It is the way one is touched within the human spirit, that cannot be measured in your eyes, however it is measured in the eyes of the one that has been touched. It is measured in their heart and in the way that they change. The way they view life from that time forward. It is the way one feels when the message comes that is quantifiable, in the one that feels the message. How are you feeling now dear heart? Is this provable to you or to others? We ask you, when you hold your child in love is that provable to another how you feel? Nay, it is only provable to you, and to the child that you hold. No other can sense but you, the feeling of love that you feel for your child, and that that your child feels, and so when you bring our words, you feel us, you feel the love that we are. You feel the light that we are, you feel it in every sense of your being. However another that may listen may not feel, if they are not sensing the message in the words, but if they have the heart to hear, if they have the ear to listen, they may feel with their senses, with their heart, with their knowing, for in listening to the messages comes a vibration, a vibration that one may feel, if they tune in to the feeling that we bring. Ones that are listening to the message now, close your eyes and sense what we bring. See if you may tap into the energy that we are. We are transmitting now, our love for you. Our love for all that you are. Feel if you have the will to feel, that that we are and that that we bring.
We are who you are. We are simply an extension of you. Where you may not see with your daily vision, however you may feel and see with your inner vision. You may feel with your heart who we are, for we only have love for you, and we are here to serve you, to help you, to evolve into your highest extension of yourself. We are here to remind you of who you are. We are here to help you remember. We are here to help you grow, to help you with the tools to find yourself, so that you may use your own tools to grow in love, to be the light, to shine that light, so others may sense that in you, so they are triggered. We are here to affect change. To bring peace to the human heart, for when there is peace in the human heart, then peace reigns everywhere. How you may release doubt dear heart, is to feel who we are, for the feeling that is love cannot be denied, cannot be doubted, and in the skills that we bring, in the knowledge that we bring forth. If you choose to take action then changes begin in your world. The changes are undeniable. The knowledge that we bring, we ask that you use your discernment as always. Feel the knowledge. Turn it over within your heart, within your mind. Test the theory. See if it rings true for you. We do not say to you to take our words as gospel, as truth. We ask that you feel into them. See how they make you feel. Test the theory, the knowledge that we bring. See if it works for you. If it brings results. This is the best way to test whether we are provable, whether the message is provable, it is to see how it makes you feel within, and then to see if the theory in action, helps you to gain more clarity, more understanding, more peace in your life, more abundance, more joy. Test all that we bring for this is what we wish, if it is your wish. We are here to help you at this time. There is much change, and in change one can feel unsettlement. We are here to guide, to bring love and understanding, to bring knowledge fourth as it arises, for there is always change. You are in a place of experience and we seek to help in that experience, to help you understand that you are the creator of your experience, and that you may experience all manner of things. Doubt is a construct, a belief set in motion, one ingrained at a time where there was less understanding of the concepts that we bring this day. To release doubt you must delve into your belief system, find what is true for you now, what truth you have taken on from others. Look to see where your doubts stem from. Is it man-made? Is it quantifiable? Is it true? Turn it around. Look at it from all angles. We say to you, as easy as you may doubt, you may believe. It is a choice to believe or not to believe. It is a choice. What do you choose? What is important to you? What rings true? What feels true? Let the feeling and the sense be your guide, rather than your constructs and your mind. This is what we bring this day. We love you dearly. We wish for you what you wish for you. It has always been this way, and with this we leave you now.
That is all.

27/7/15 (late afternoon) Channeling Abacus-Universal Mind In Trance The power of now. (audio)

Channeling Abacus (Universal Mind) audio

This is the audio to the previous post for those that prefer to listen.

27/7/15 (late afternoon) Channeling Abacus-Universal Mind In Trance The power of now

27/7/15 (late afternoon)
Channeling Abacus-Universal Mind
In Trance
The power of now

In the audio there's a little spiel of how this channel came about. Basically I got the thought out of nowhere "the power of now", so I got my recorder out, got into trance & began to channel on the power of now....

We are in your field once again. We are pleased that you understood what we wished to portray a moment ago. You are beginning to enable the understanding of such that we wish to bring. Do you understand that when an unseemingly thought, one that you have no understanding, that is placed in a space in your mind comes to the fore, you understand that it is from a different manner of space, a different wave of energy.
It is not your normal thinking process. It is so that we wish to bring through information this day regarding the wave, the energy, and the power of now, for many of you are not in the now moment, but are always in the future, or in the past. You are wishing this moment away wanting to be elsewhere. Wanting to be at home. Wanting to be on holidays. Wanting to be with your family. Wanting to be in a different place than that you are. Time moves so much more quickly when you are thinking in the future, for you are in a sense propelling the time forward when you are constantly thinking of what you are to do next, what you are to do later that evening, what you are to do on the morrow, what you are to do next month, what you are to do next year. You are constantly propelling time forward, speeding time in a sense, rather than being in the moment, being aware of the gift of the present moment. Understanding that all that is real, is in the moment, that you are in right now.
When you think of the past it is time that has gone by. Again thinking of the past in a sense is a waste of time, for the past cannot be brought to the now,  for it is now  that you are.
In reality there is no future, and there is no past, it is always a now moment. It is always the experience that you are thinking, and being, in the very moment that you are in. All is happening simultaneously, although you are in a linear mode, and so you see future and past as being not in the now.
When you begin to be in appreciation of the moment that you are in, this moment,  begin to be abundant in the moment that you are in right now. Whether it be that you are sitting in traffic, whether it be that you are in your bed ready to sleep, whether it be that you are in a workplace environment, whether it be that you are not in a place of enjoyment, whether it be that you are in pain, whether it be that you are in joy,  it matters not. When you begin to become present of where you are right now, and encompassed that moment, all begins to slow. You begin to feel all that is about you. You become more intertwined with your connection to all that is. When you begin to be observant of how you are feeling, all that you are sensing  in this very moment of time, then you understand that you may adjust what you are feeling, what you are experiencing. You may begin to take notice of all that you have in this current experience of now. The air that you breathe, the smell in the air, listening to sounds in your background, listening to the life that is all around you, becoming one with the moment, in this present moment.
You begin to feel your oneness with all that is around you. You have no thought for your commitments of tomorrow. You have no thought of past pains. All you have thought of is this moment right now, and you begin to experience a sense of peace for where you are. Now remember we have stated before, that what you do, you attract. There is the universal mirror so to speak, and so when you are in this moment of peace, when you are in this moment feeling abundant, then this reflection begins to take hold. You might say, "but what about if I'm in pain and I'm in the present moment of pain?"
It is true that when one is present,  in their pain, when they experience fully in their moment, their pain, in the observation you will find over time the pain begins to subside, for what you are noticing is not only the pain, but all the other sensations that are around you, and so your mind is taken from the pain, into the essence of that,  that is life. This is not an easy concept for many to understand. It is one that if you sit with and experience you will understand in the experiencing.
This one understands what we mean as she has experienced times of great pain whereby she has lost herself, given up to the pain, and then discovered of a sudden that the pain has left, and she has a feeling of no pain. Being in the present moment brings all manner of observations to the fore. When you look into a loved ones eyes, when you feel their love for the first time, when you are lost in that love, that is a present moment that time stills all around, is it not? What we bring this day, what we wish to make aware, is there is a gift in the present moment. A gift that not all understand, and that is that this present moment in time, is but gone in an instant. It will never be exactly as you have experienced it now. Ones that have lost love ones will understand this concept. They will understand that they may never experience that moment with those loved ones in their humanity, as they were when they were living, again. And so they understand the value of embracing each moment in time, for this is the way humanity experiences time at present, in your world.
In this day of technology much is very speeded, is very fast. You lose time on your electronics. You lose time in front of your picture boxes. You lose time rushing to all your many appointments, and then you complain emphatically  that you are time poor, that you have no time. We say to you, when one becomes more present in their moment, when one simply enjoys time as a child, enjoys playing in the field. When one is that childlike state again, in wonder, with no rush to be anywhere else but where they are right now, in the moment,  in their joy, doing something they love,  and even if not something they love.
Being aware of the moment, and taking from that moment all that is good, all that is the gift, then your life changes. One may say, "but how can I enjoy the moment when I am in the middle of doing a chore that I do not enjoy?", and we say to you, what do you have in that moment of doing the chore that you do not enjoy, that you are grateful for?
Are you grateful that you have air to breathe? Are you grateful that your belly is full? Are you grateful that you experience no pain while you are doing your chores? If you are outdoors are you grateful for the sunshine? Are you grateful for the breeze on your skin? In traffic you might say, are you grateful that you are in comfort, and not outside in the elements? Are you grateful that you may listen to a favourite piece of music? A melody that lifts you? Are you grateful that you have your family with you? That you may banter about  the day that has been? Are you grateful that you have two hands to hold the steering wheel, two eyes to see the road in front of you? Clothing to keep you warm? If you are in hospital listening to these words, perhaps you may be grateful that you have those that care for you,  in these confines, that you are in a place of comfort, that you have the facilities available to you where ones may not have those facilities?  Do you see what we are trying to portray this day?
There is always something to be grateful for, in your present moment in time. When you rush here, and you rushed there, you do not think about what you are grateful for, for you are too busy in the future, and what stress that the future may bring.
But if you simply stand back, take a breath, and be where you are right now. Grateful for all that you have.  Observant in all that you have, and being with yourself, the gift that you are, then your point of attraction dramatically shifts. Your life will begin to change, of this have no doubt. We ask that you experience what we bring this day, for in the experience you will see for yourself. You will experience for yourself, changes. For when you are observant of all that is, you realise the wonder that you are and the wonder where you are.
You begin to experience who you are, and the gift of life that you have given to yourself. Being observant, being in the moment of now, is a power that you may bring to yourself. The gift of the moment. No past angst, no future worries. Just the moment of now, where you may choose what you wish to experience in this moment,  and the next,  and the next, with awareness, rather than simply allowing past thoughts to steer you forward.
You bring your power back to yourself. You begin to take the reins again, and in this you steer your destiny, the way you wish to experience it. In the moment.
This is the message for this day.
That is all.

Sunday, 26 July 2015

27th July 2015 Channeled Card Readings

27th July 2015
Channeled Card Readings

We are  here to bring clarity to the ones that read our words today.
It is a special day this day, for the energy has made a turn. It has risen in its vibration, and many are beginning to see the light. So we begin this day on a new note, on a different thread of that that is the usual. We are so very pleased that we may help you in this way. 

The card of one
The ones that have chosen this card this day, are in a state of quandary. They know not which way to turn. They have a choice that is to be made, and they do not know whether to choose the one on the left, or the one on the right.
We say to you when a choice is to be made one must delve into the intricacies of what they wish to experience. Look at the first choice. Imagine if you will, that you have already chosen this journey. Look at the experiences that it might bring. Look at the ones you may meet. Look at the adventures that it may lead to. Did they feel good? Does it make you feel happy? Does it feel light or does it feel heavy? Is there fear or is there joy? Then turn to the decision on the right. Again place yourself within the decision made already. What experiences might you have experienced on this journey? What choices have been made? Do you feel happy? Does it feel light or heavy? Has this journey more colour in it or is it darker? Then view both journeys and you will see that they are both rich in different ways. You see there is no right way, or there is no wrong way. It is the experience that you are after, more so than the choice. To look at a decision in this way helps you to be more clear in what you are wishing to achieve. One will feel more joyful than the other. One may give you more sense of purpose. Know whether you choose the one or the other it matters not. It is how you enter the journey that matters. Once chosen, if you enter the journey with a light heart, with a sense of adventure and purpose then the experience will be of such.

The card of two
For these ones we sense a jovial manner. There is lightness and there is love, for this is what these ones are choosing to experience at this time. Yes there are still the daily problems that arise, however you choose to not look so much at the problems, but to enjoy the journey that you are on at this time. We may say to you however, as food for thought, that when one pushes under the carpet,  what they do not wish to experience, so that they may feel joy, for they are wanting to experience only the joy in the moment, that the things under the carpet do not go away, that they may arise at the most opportune moment. It may be that at times you do not feel the joy as high as it may be. We say to you, yes, enjoy the journey that you are on, be in joy, but we also say to you, do not bury past regressions, clear them so that the joy that one feels is higher, more fulfilling more refined. That, that is still buried stays within your energy. We say to you when you clear your energy, when you clear what is buried, in the recesses of your mind, your joy is felt more exuberantly. It is a higher joy for you feel more free. You know what we mean by this. Clear your closets. Clear the webs. Set them free, and then your journey is much brighter, much more colourful, much more lighter, much more joyful. It is better to walk forward with a clear heart, in joy, than to walk in joy caring the past, for the joy is not so abundant in this manner. Springclean your mind so that the windows are clear and in turn allow more light to infiltrate, more joy. 

The card of three
The ones that picked this card, this day have financial worries in their mind. They are thinking they may not meet the deadlines that are due. They have overreached their quota and they know not where the  next payment will come. We say to you if you think in the state of debt then you will constantly attract the state of debt, for what you think about you create more of. We understand that in your world the energy system is that of paper, and that you live in a  world where one must work or bring in an income of sorts, to accumulate this energy that is paper so that the survival may be manipulated on a daily basis. We say to you when you think of debt, it does not take away where you are if you are indebted. However when  you think not of debt, you may certainly change the future that is to come. We say you, yes, you may be in debt at this moment however by changing your thinking patterns you may alternate what is to come down the road. It is not to sweep what you are experiencing under the carpet. It is not to say where you are now is not valid. But if you choose to rethink your belief system, to be of light heart even when there are stormy seas and clouds, then you may feel and walk in your world differently, and by changing how you walk and feel in your world, your point of attraction changes also. We say to you, your future is in your hands and can be manipulated if you have the tools and the will to do so. Know that all is not lost. If you choose to believe it is so, then that is all you will experience. However you have a choice in what you experience. You are the creator and you may choose what you wish to create this day. Think of all the abundance that you are grateful for, and all that you are grateful  for, will be amplified in your world. Do not set limits or boundaries to what you may attract for you know not the power you weild in doing so. Be free in your thinking, unlimitless, for source has no bounds, no limits. The humans mind is limited in it's thinking, source is not. You are an extension of source. Does this not make you limitless also? 


In closing we say to those that read the cards, these are little journeys that you may take into your days, to give you an opportunity to think on what it is that you are experiencing. They are not given to you in the manner that fixes all that you are experiencing. They are given so that you may perhaps choose to look at your world through a different lens. When you experience your world through a different lens, then what you view may shift in a manner that is most unexpected, for you see all you need to change your destiny,  is a change of thought. It is a simple turn of the dial.
These messages, these readings, bring that that may change your dial to a better frequency. However it is you that must take the action to turn the dial. We simply put the dial in view, so that you may see it, and understand that there is a choice.
That is all

25/7/15 Trance Channeling Abacus (Universal Mind) How can I let go of my self doubt in regards to my channeling

25/7/15  Trance Channeling
Abacus (Universal Mind)
Written transcription & audio

The question: 
"How can I let go of my self doubt in regards to my channeling"

We are in your field once again.
We are pleased that this has occurred this day for it is time to bring clarity to the fore. 
You have doubted much. It is time. It is time to release doubt, for in the release the clarity becomes even more clearer. There are many opportunities to validate that, that we are. The opportunities come within the pearls of wisdom that we bring, in the knowledge that comes to the fore, and in the use of the knowledge, for it is in the results that come within the practice, within the action, that brings the skills, the proven factor. The knowledge that we bring brings all manner of healing to the fore. It brings flow, it brings love, it brings abundance, it brings a continuity of circumstances, ones that become proven by your standards over time. It is through the integration of these skills,that knowledge that we bring, that serves to validate who we are, and where the knowledge comes, and the validity of the transcriber of our message. It is the way one is touched within the human spirit that cannot be measured in your eyes, however it is measured in the eyes of the one that has been touched. It is measured in their heart and in the way that they change, the way they view life from that time forward. It is the way one feels when the message comes that is quantifiable, in the one that feels the message. How are you feeling now dear heart? Is this provable to you, or to others? We ask you, when you hold your child in love, is that provable to another how you feel? Nay, it is only provable to you, and to the child that you hold. No other can sense but you, the feeling of love that you feel for your child, and that that your child feels, and so when you bring our words, you feel us, you feel the love that we are. You feel the light that we are, you feel it in every sense of your being. However another that may listen may not feel, if they are not sensing the message in the words, but if they have the heart to hear, if they have the ear to listen, they may feel with their senses, with their heart, with their knowing, for in listening to the messages comes a vibration, a vibration that one may feel, if they tune in to the feeling that we bring. Ones that are listening to the message now, close your eyes and sense what we bring. See if you may tap into the energy that we are. We are transmitting now, our love for you. Our love for all that you are. Feel if you have the will to feel, that that we are and that that we bring.
We are who you are. We are simply an extension of you. Where you may not see with your daily vision, however you may feel and see with your inner vision. You may feel with your heart who we are, for we only have love for you, and we are here to serve you, to help you, to evolve into your highest extension of yourself. We are here to remind you of who you are. We are here to help you remember. We are here to help you grow, to help you with the tools to find yourself, so that you may use your own tools to grow in love, to be the light, to shine that light, so others may sense that in you, so they are triggered. We are here to affect change. To bring peace to the human heart, for when there is peace in the human heart, then peace reigns everywhere. How you may release doubt dear heart, is to feel who we are, for the feeling that is love cannot be denied, cannot be doubted, and in the skills that we bring, in the knowledge that we bring forth. If you choose to take action then changes begin in your world. The changes are undeniable. The knowledge that we bring, we ask that you use your discernment as always. Feel the knowledge. Turn it over within your heart, within your mind. Test the theory. See if it rings true for you. We do not say to you to take our words as gospel, as truth. We ask that you feel into them. See how they make you feel. Test the theory, the knowledge that we bring. See if it works for you. If it brings results. This is the best way to test whether we are provable, whether the message is provable, it is to see how it makes you feel within, and then to see if the theory in action, helps you to gain more clarity, more understanding, more peace in your life, more abundance, more joy. Test all that we bring for this is what we wish, if it is your wish. We are here to help you at this time. There is much change, and in change one can feel unsettlement. We are here to guide, to bring love and understanding, to bring knowledge fourth as it arises, for there is always change. You are in a place of experience and we seek to help in that experience, to help you understand that you are the creator of your experience, and that you may experience all manner of things. Doubt is a construct, a belief set in motion, one ingrained at a time where there was less understanding of the concepts that we bring this day. To release doubt you must delve into your belief system, find what is true for you now, what truth you have taken on from others. Look to see where your doubts stem from. Is it man-made? Is it quantifiable? Is it true? Turn it around. Look at it from all angles. We say to you, as easy as you may doubt, you may believe. It is a choice to believe or not to believe. It is a choice. What do you choose? What is important to you? What rings true? What feels true? Let the feeling and the sense be your guide, rather than your constructs and your mind. This is what we bring this day. We love you dearly. We wish for you what you wish for you. It has always been this way, and with this we leave you now.
That is all.

Saturday, 25 July 2015

24/7/15 Channeling Abacus Auto writing (A late night conversation

Channeling Abacus
Auto writing
(A late night conversation that resulted after I was triggered by an article on social media, and so turned to the guides for answers)

I have questions. I'm angry. 

Dear heart we are aware. Breathe. Clear. You are fatigued & with fatigue comes distortion of where one places their attention. You see with your eyes not with your inner heart. We have discussed these concepts prior to this day. Fatigue blinds what is true dear heart. Anger serves no course but to propel more to the fore.

People are starving. Children are eating pancakes made of dirt to survive, to fill their belly! How can we do nothing? How can this be happening in our world when there is so much food available. Food being thrown away.  It's so unfair. Rich getting richer and poor dying when there is plenty of food for all

Dear heart do you know why you are here? 

Huh? I'm confused. 

Dear heart clear for a moment. Allow the anger to rest by your side and allow the words to flow. Do you know why you are here? 

How can we humans treat our very own like this?  If we try to help by sending money or food it doesn't reach them. The corrupt stop them from receiving. Why is it so difficult 

Dear heart centre. You understand why one is here at this time do you not? 

To evolve, how can they evolve when they eat dirt?  When their so busy  in survival! 

The ones that evolve will evolve ALL of humanity. It is what you call the hundreth monkey syndrome. Use your google dear heart. Do this now if you will

" Google led me to the clip below
The hundredth monkey
Unconditional love peace and happiness throughout the world "


Do you understand dear heart? Anger does not help humanity to evolve. Anger disables. However anger serves it's purpose. That of which it makes clear to you, that which you do not wish to experience or others. You are all connected through energy through consciousness. What do you want for those that are consuming soil to survive? You cannot change the will of another, their will is theirs alone. They have come in to necessitate change. All come to serve a purpose. Do not think that you have not experienced similar for you have all lived many lifetimes. Some come to earth to be triggers for change. Others come to create change. Others come to trigger the anger you feel to search for answers. All play their part in the cosmic play that is life. You are eternal beings. Do not lose sight of this, change is occuring. The many are stirring. Your wide spread media show the truths of occurances. Your part dear heart is to bring change. To be one that sees beyond the veil. It is time to be as the monkey. Begin to clear your mind of that you do not wish to see and see  happiness for all. When many do this consciousness begins to change, situations begin to change. You help spread the knowledge as many are at this time. Anger is not wrong. Anger serves you when used constructively rather than distructively. 

I'm just tired. Tired of seeing suffering and I'm not even the one eating dirt. 

Ahh but there is the mystery. You are all one. You may not be physically at this  moment eating the soil however you are energetically intertwined. You experience their suffering. You are "tapped in" and this, this is why the hundreth monkey works. If you stay in your high space you will help their condition more than being  their experience, energetically speaking. 

But I'm one person. I can't change it. 

Patience dear one, patience. Changes are occuring. One aiming to change the betterment for all begins a ripple. Many are beginning ripples. The ripples will increase to a wave, when all become joined in their intent for evolvement of all. 

The wave again

Your next question was it not?

It was 

The wave of consciousness is a manifestation of many that wish to evolve. The wave does not make itself. Energy is manipulated by the many. Many ripples build to a wave over time. You still question the hungry ?


Let us forward understanding. 
In your plays, your moving pictures , all have a part to play yes?


There are the villans and the heros, the rich and the poor, the good and the bad. You are in a duality play of sorts. There can not be one without the other . To be where you are is a type of play. All have their parts pre chosen , however free will is always attributed. A player is never stuck where they are but may change their part in their play

How? If they are in a place where they can't rise above a corrupt government ?

Many have risen against corruption dear heart. All is possible when one believes in their power. It is so that it may be difficult however it is not an impossibility 

So hard to believe

And so you will not. Belief is simply a construct dear heart. When you understand that in it's totality your life WILL change
May we advise.?

Of course

Rest. There are many changes  in Humanity at present. Rest. With rest comes clarity. Much is bring triggered at this time. Some to steer you off your path. Send love send healing. Create energetically food for all. You do not understand the power you weild within. Use your power wisely, not to create scarcity but abundance for all. We see where you cannot see dear heart. We see where you cannot. Know all is occuring in a way that will bring change. You are being buffeted on your journey on your path by winds that strive to slow you. It is better to shield against those that serve to bring turbulence , to slow . 

One more question? 

We are always here dear heart to discuss your enquires. 

I still doubt when I automatic write versus in trance channel

Dear heart when you have written on a topic and then due to your doubt used your altered state to enquire on the same issue was it any different in the answer?

The wording is a bit different 

Was the answer the same? The essence?

Well yes. The words were better

By whose standards dear heart? 

Mine ...touché 

Dear heart we do not seek to disgruntle. We seek to bring understanding. The essence the message is the same 
Dear heart you are fatigued. Be in stillness. Rest. Clarity comes with regeneration..
Know all is well
We love you all, for all that you are.
That is all

As always I ask you to use your own discernment. Why I shared this? Imagine if we all send those starving abundant energy? Energy of love, happiness, health & abundance. See them with healthy food, clean water, & a government that works with them instead of against them. It's a thought. This was a late nite conversation using automatic writing. I was tired.