4/4/15 am/pm

Channeling Adam
Rainbow Collective
Automatic writing
Hello, I have questions Adam. One is how can I improve my channeling connection to get really clear. You know all the rest rather than post them all.
Dear heart so many acquisition of questions this day. You are to be applauded in that you asked guidance on what was the relevant questions to ask at this time. You are endeavouring to learn the intricacies , the ropes, on the best way of accessing light information, for that is what we are light and information.
We may answer where we may in the order we view as most relevant.
The one we wish to answer first is that of our connection as this takes precedence over all. For without connection their is naught information.
Dear heart to connect with us you have need of clear mind. You are excelling at clearing the mind, however more work may be done in honouring the relevance of no thought.
When there is no thought our data, our information flows unhindered. This is a must for clear channeling. Your thought interference adds flavour, your flavour to the message. This is not a fatal error, however clear channeling of another, other than your beings, responds better to a clear mind, empty of ones ' self '.
What is the best way of clearing the mind?
Imagine if you will, that your vessel , is the earth that supports the waterfall. We are the water , ( waterfull ) the information, the spirit, of the earth ( vessel) that flows. Your thoughts are the debris, that stands in the way of the water flowing smoothly. When you imagine, allow the waterfall, the light, the information , the waterfall to to flow .
In clear communication, it flows unhindered by the mind, by the debiris. The more debris , the more thought , the less clear the waterfall. Thoughts may be for example a tree trunk , stopping the clear flow of the waterfull. Are you understanding? Any debris affects the nature of the flow of information.
I already kind of do that. Well I imagine your light pouring through me.
Affirmative dear heart. This you do, however when you do this you at times you allow doubt to surface. Doubt is a thought, debris. Clear the debris and the communication becomes clear
How do I do that ?
You understand the mechanics.
Imagine clear flowing energy. Expect only that and the debris will begin to clear.
So I imagine you as a clear flowing stream of energy entering, without doubt?
Dear heart do not ponder this too much. You are effectively doing this now, you are simply unaware of the mechanics. Remember the anology of the automobile. Do you sit in your drivers seat, ready to drive forward, and then while in your driving experience doubt that you are driving ? Do you sit and wait for the car to drive ? No, you simply begin to drive. You do not doubt your driving, while you are driving.
Do you recall when you first began to drive an automobile dear heart?
Ohhh yeah.
You were full of doubt initially were you not?
Afraid you would not recall the steps ?
You doubted your ability to be a good driver. Yes?
The experience was alittle bumpy at first was it not? The mechanics. Running all the stages of driving at once. However in time you mastered the skill. Flow became consistent with experience. You began to relax when driving well known paths. Yes?
It is a skill mastered. Communication is no different. You have made the connection. You sit in the drivers seat now. It is a method of trust to be made, dear heart. Drive without thought of doubt. Communicate the waterfull without the debris, and the information is clear and flowing. Are you understanding?
Yes Thankyou
You are most welcome.
Later... Added 4/4/15 1:15pm
You have a inquiry dear heart?
Yes. On motivation. How can we motivate ourselves when hindered by the releasing of stuff, of energy...
This has not come by error.
Dear heart what is it that you love to do?
Channel you, paint , sit in the sunshine
Do you imagine when you love to do an activity that it would require motivation?
Well if your not motivated you wouldn't feel like it
Initially perhaps in the prepatory phase. However once activated the activity begins to lift the energy.
But how do you get to start though
Focus. Instead of focusing , putting energy on the legarthy, on the non motivation, of the " feeling " on this , place your attention on how one feels when doing what they love. Place this into the perception , feel what this feels like. It will but help to lift you enough to bring the act of the doing instead of the thinking of not feeling to do.
A speedy way to lift the energy is to listen to lifting sounds. Know you how you feel , how quickly your state is changed when listening to a beautiful uplifting melody? You have experienced such, yes?
Yes! I do that a lot.
Affirmative. Music and color help to change your vibration very quickly.
Listen to uplifting tones or your favourite melodies. Bring to your imagining the color that you wish to reflect into your being. This changes your emotional and feeling state
Ohhh i haven't done that yet with color.
There is much information on this if you but use your search capacity. You are well versed in this modality dear heart . ( smile )
Ahh I am 😊
Google queen ...
Dear heart the best information is found within. Feel into which color makes you feel more energised or lighter.
How about tones , as in binary beats?
There is much on sound therapy and the changes it creates in your field. It takes much of your time to give you the information when it already provided if you but search
Understood Thankyou !
You are most welcome dear heart.
Know there is much information already brought to the table. We guide you to your own answers
That is all
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