Channeling Adam (Collective)
Regarding Kundalini
Adam I would like more guidance on kundalini please. You brought it up, gave me the image/symbol. Why? I've searched & am more confused than ever not knowing what to expect, or have I already been experiencing it?
Dear heart when one is endeavouring to awaken spiritually one begins to shift energetically. The vibration of their energy at a cellular level is enhanced. One begins to see differently think differently experience differently.
The electricity in the body's energy begins to shift and so you begin to feel certain sensations. This is the beginning. The beginning of the awakening process. There may be feelings of pleasure as well as feelings of discomfort.
A body , a physical body is complex. It is a network of paths all interacting with one another. When there is an energetic shift the network changes. It begins to build In it's capacity to hold more information. It is much like an upgrade to a computer. More files are held, within, opened & downloaded. Light is information. The crystalline structure holds more information, processes change. You are able to hold more, able to process more quickly in a different way.
You feel us differently this day, more intensly do you not?
Yes!! I nearly can't type. It's a struggle. I don't really want to. I just want to sit and feel......
We have become closer, more entertwined with your energetics. We are aware you wish this, and so have endevoured to please, to satisfy your wish, your will. We may ease back to allow for comfort?
No. I like to feel you. I know then it's not my guessing. Well you know what I mean. If I feel you in this way then I know I'm activally channeling.
We are understanding. May we offer a suggestion ?
Yeah ok
We may be closer still. If you allow. One must drop the fear however.
I'll still be aware?
It is what you wish at this time. You enquire regarding the warmth in your heart space. Your heart is opening, expanding. This creates the sensations you feel.
So what about the horror stories regarding kundalini?
Dear ones we do not say to you that there are not trials to the awakening process. We say to you that if you try to activate the energies we speak of, and you are not ready in your mechanics, then there may be as you say " a fuse blown".
It is much the same when you have an electrical overload , your electrical apparatus has a melt down of sorts, it shuts down. When there is an overload in the electrics a fuse is blown, much in the same way as your power appliances . Upgrades to your vibrational structure must occur over a period of time for there to be a balanced awakening structure. Too much energy when one has not the prepared structure developed energetically, can be damaging .
Dear heart understand, it is not for a long time. You have been through this process and have been developing. The finale , the final balance will not be so much of a acclimatisation for there has already been much of that.
Yes you will feel more changes that may cause some discomfort, but not so much that you living be affected. Premature vibrational enhancements are not to be implemented as this may " short circuit" , cause much prolonged discomfort, until that time that the vibrational structure has been enhanced. To rush the process is not recommended. This is why we say to you be patient.
You are experiencing difficulty dear heart
Ahh yeah but really it's ok. My body's buzzing.
You are not speaking true dear heart. We may recede some
Know you are clear. Do not doubt this.
Thanks .. I hear you. I'm so tired
We will endevour to bring forth information in this regard. We say to you on closing all is well. You are physically and energetically adapted enough to hold the templates child. Do not have anxiety here. You are on time. It is when it is not energetically viable, and activated too soon, that issues and heavier discomfort may occur
Be at peace with this. Be at peace
That is all
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