
Channeling Adam
Rainbow Collective
Trance in light body state
We bring forward today some words of encouragement. They are needed by some that feel some what rattled these past days. You will find that many are voicing their ways of being and their insecurities. This is a natural progression of the energetic influx whereby the flowing nature of of the energy helps to remove obstacles from ones path.
When there are obstacles, when there are issues that need to be released, there is a feeling of agitation because one that needs to be released may not wish to be, for one does not want to feel the emotion that is attached to that ones state of being at the time.
What one needs to understand when there is a release, there is also a release of the feeling that was attached to that at the time, and these may feel unpleasant. You however may not realise why you are feeling unpleasant as you do not know exactly what you are releasing, just that you are releasing. That is not to say when you are feeling agitation, when you are feeling this emotional release that you feel all the events that combined to that emotion. You are simply feeling the release of that emotion, and so you will feel a many different sensations, and you do not see why you are feeling those. You think that is just to the energies at this time. It is more than that. You are experiencing enormous shifts in your being. You do not experience all the shifts that are taking place within you, in your lifetime or others. However you do feel a shifting and this is what causes you unease.
Know that your unease is actually beneficial for you as it shows you are raising above and beyond that, that you are at this time.
Know that you are not alone in this. It is a global event, however, some are releasing more than others at this time. They are ahead in the game so to speak. That does not make one more special than the other, it is simply what is. An ascended being, an ascended master, a soul, that is learning at a faster rate than another is not more special than the one that is still sleeping. Know this. It is simply that they are progressed faster in their journey, or it may be that this is their time awakening. When many begin to awaken it helps to lift the energies so that others may be triggered to awaken, you see. All have their purpose in this time and place. None, we repeat none is more better than the other. None are more special than the other in the eyes of source.
You are all eternal beings of love and light. No matter what stage of the journey you are on. It is simply that there are some that are more awake to their soul journey and purpose. That may be their role at this time. Whereas another's role may be to be asleep and that when they awaken, they awaken others around them. It is all in perfect flow.
Do not assume, it is not a good practice to assume that one knows the all of it, for there is always more knowing to be done. Always. We say to you take the step. It is when one step is taken that another opens up, and then the next and then the next. If you do not take the first step, then not one unfolds for you , you see.
It is by moving forward and taking the steps that you continue to move forward and more steps appear. If you choose to stay on the spot that you are now , then you will continue to do so. It is a choice dear ones. It is always a choice, and action is required as we have told you in the past. The action the energy that is propelled forward when one moves forward creates more of the same. It is much like the act of communication with this realm. It is like the channeler when they begin to move forward, then more moves forward. When they do not can communicate what comes to them, when it stays locked within the being, then the communication stays locked within the being. Are you understanding? To express and to move forward on what is expressed, contains momentum, propels one forward, to more.
It is much like driving your automobile. If you sit inside, hold the steering wheel, but do not propel the automobile forward, then you will always be in the same position as when you first got in. It is both starting the engine, pushing the pedal, and moving forward, that one gets from one place to another place. You may know, you may sit in the vehicle, you may start the engine and you may have all the information, all the knowledge of how that automobile works. How it runs. But, if you do not push the pedal, if you do not move the vehicle forward, then you will not move forward. Are you understanding? Energy is movement. Movement must be made to get from A to B or A to Z. It is the way of it.. We are very pleased that many are listening. Much has occurred in these past days. We say to you when you are feeling in anxiety to come together as your oneness. Become still like the mountain. The mountain does not move. Yes, it may shake, yes it may erupt, it's limbs may blow in the breeze, but it still stands after the storm. Know you are always guided. Never alone. You are but to be still, and to listen. All have their guidance system working. None are without it. It is the choice you have to begin to listen. You do so when you do not think about it. It is when you try too hard, that the message seems so far away. If you take away the pushing for the message and simply allow, you will begin to form ideas that come through your communication gateway. Do not assume it is always your imagination, for this is how we come through.
Begin a dialogue with yourself dear ones. This is a way of communication with yourself. When one puts the words on a paper one may read and have different understanding of different concepts. One can feel it from all angles. When it is kept in the mind it is harder to look objectively at what has been said. Much is lost in the mind, in the subconscious mind. You forget what has been told you.
Be at peace dear ones. Know you are dearly loved and much adored. That is all
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