22/4/15 (early hours 1-3am)
Channeling Adam ( collective )
What is going on? What happened in channeling class?
Abacus? Universal mind?
Channeling someone other than you? What does it all mean? They seemed to assume we would be all working together? I'm so confused.
Dear heart you are tired, the experience used much energy. You felt the strength did you not?
Yes!!! I panicked and my was heart racing so fast! It was a job to keep calm and allow...
Brilliant. We are pleased. We will speak on this on the morrow. You require slumber. We will say to you that this is in combination with what we are, an integration of higher mind. You are raising and so
"new guides" so to speak come, that are able to take you where you need.
We go nowhere dear heart, do not worry so. However we will take a step back so "Abacus" may take a step forward. They bring you more strength, more power, more information that may be used to greater strengths .
I don't know ... Not sure
Was the connection strong dear heart? Did it not feel right?
Well Yes. It felt different to you. It's how I knew it wasn't you. It was powerful but then so are you , your love is so strong! But this, is hard to put into words! Your softer but strong. This was less soft but still loving. Immense peace and power. Like a bolt of lightning powerful. It's like a get the job done powerful.. Words are so inadequate!
Abacus brings strength of purpose, power, a new element , one that is needed at this time. Dear heart be pleased. You are aware what the universal mind is? What abacus is? Do you? Understand?
I think so I googled it ( embarrassed face )
Then you understand it brings strength and that it is of the light
( universal mind )
I'll have to trance with you to be sure I'm getting this right though
On the morrow dear heart you will have your answers, as much we may express
Slumber sweet child. It will help your energetics. Be at peace. All is to plan
That is all
Adam there's been a guide change hasn't there? That's what this is? Because I surrendered to my soul purpose? A new guides come in?
We have not been replaced dear heart , we simply have extra ........
Note: ( I fell asleep here ).........
9 hrs later.....
Next day
Dear heart you were so overwrought we allowed slumber. You used much energy last evening. It is as it was the first, when we connected. A new level, a new power has entered, and so there are adjustments again to be made. This uses much energy, energy you are not adapted to. It will take time. Patience dear heart, patience.
So you were saying that your not being replaced?
Clear. Your mind is churning. Clear so that we may bring CLEAR guidance.
We are endeavouring to bring understanding so that you may be at peace with this change.
We have explained that there are changes to be made. The plan we have been speaking of requires much strength of purpose. A strength that is a new level of energetics. You are changing daily. Your energetics which you are actively running daily, changes the dynamics greatly. You have not much understanding of the implications. The surrender to soul purpose, has created a major shift in dynamics. You have studied this. Surrender and actively working on energy bodies creates a shift.
This shift requires new active energy play, one that brings the needed codex, the needed power , much like when you upgrade the electricity in your physical home on earth. If new appliances are added then extra power is needed to run the appliances, and so you add a new power board to your home to boost the level of power that may be used.
This is no different. You require a level of power that is greater than what was, and so a new level has come. It will increase the dynamics in a way that will bring greater change, enough to carry all that comes to the fore. In simplistic terms , your body your frequency requires a higher wattage of power to run what is to come.
It's a play of different dynamics.
You have a fear of losing us. We do not go.
We are all the same energy, all source energy . It is simply that it is a more powerful wattage of source.
A new level, a new dimension of energy, a greater energy. It comes with a name because humans like to put names to things . It is the name that resonates with the energy of it. It is vast. The power behind the power so to speak. We all work together with you dear heart to bring in change.
This is not simply occurring to you, but all that are walking this path.
Yes it is a guide change, but we do not go, but work together.
We are all on the same side. We are light. It is simply that another elite group had joined the front to bring extra sense of purpose and strength to get the job done so to speak.
We work together in unison
You may call on either of us or all of us to help you where needed. More strength of purpose brings much more power much more charge.
You say there's more than writing that I'm to do? What else is there?
Ahhhhh dear heart. To know the all of it changes naught in this moment but will simply cause you to pack your bags. To know more at this moment is not conductive, it will simply cause you anxiety.
Not knowing IS causing anxiety. Can't you give me more?
Dear heart breathe... Slow your breathing
Be at peace where you are now. Enjoy the journey the different textures . Enjoy what is occurring in the now and tomorrow will bring more of the same.
What about the page? It's your page. Do I share last night?
Dear heart what name you the formum?
Sapphireblue channeling
But others are named your name ie The Adam Messages, The Rainbow Collective.......
Understanding is dawning. We have advised in the past to change the forum names have we not? Pray tell us what we advised?
Ohhhhhh yeah..,
You asked me to change the forum name to "source speaks"
Indeed we did. We are source. Light energy is source. Universal mind is source. We advised the change because it more accurately describes who we "are"
But you gave me rainbow collective!
Affirmative . Rainbow described the vibrancy of what we are.
Universal mind describes the flow of what that energy resonates
It is all "source" simply different attunements of source
I don't understand
Music has different tones does it not. You play a piece of music. It is always music but it has within it different notes. The higher notes, the lower notes
One is not better than the other. It all comes together to play the tune the piece of music
Source encompasses all levels of energy, high, low,all different notes that encompasses the whole.
Understanding dear heart?
Yes but that means dark energy is source too ?
Indeed. It is all born of source it is not good or bad it just is. It is how you use energy source that creates different impacts
Abacus is good yeah?
Affirmative dear heart it is a high note and yet it does contain all. Even we contain all dear heart . All colours contain light and dark . All scales of resonance. Energy , source encompasses ALL. It is how it is used, manipulated that brings the highs or the lows, the negative and the positive.
My mind is blown
Dear heart do not allow this to be so.
Simply understand we work together. We have another level of energy to aid our cause.
Was this in the blue print ?
Affirmative you recognised the energy of last evening
Yes I did it's what I become still in. I meditate in that energy. I float in it. It's a cosmic energy, I recognised that. The peace of outa space it felt peaceful... It's why I allowed it. Plus you said something was changing so I had a heads up
Affirmative you were aided in the expectation
Yes. So what do I do now? With my pages etc
Allow the development gradually, you will be guided as to where the energy will play
Do I share this on my page ?
You may
An advisement ?
Yes please
Allow the development of the energy to take place .
Do not change anything right now.
You may share the channel of last evening, however simply allow the play to play out. Do not rush to change the settings of the play the backdrop.
Allow it to adapt, to merge with what is already in play.
I'll trance later I think, to be sure I have this right
An excellent idea as your mind is not as clear as is the norm
Should I scrap this channel and just trance on it instead?
Really? Your sure?
The message here although cumbersome, contains truth.
It is a prime example of when one is not fully clear, however it contains enough that is relevant.
Be at peace. Do your clearing today dear heart. Your exercises will help the attunment of the new energy.
Abacus, can I channel him today? Again?
(Smile) but of course dear heart
Mmmm that felt different the humour like you were both laughing
Indeed Abacus is a funny fellow by your" human standards "
I feel a strong almost male presence in the energy of abacus a strong hearty humour, though he's probably not male or female
You are accute this day in your understanding. It is indeed a more heavier presence of such
You are more female compared to universal mind, it's like you are the light rainbow, and abacus is the dark cosmos...... All both loving and powerful but different shades
The first "clear thought" of the day dear heart heart . Perfect description of how we both "are"
Are...... Mmmm that has come up already. Abacus said it's what they "are"
Smile. Indeed we "are"
Unity dear heart
Be at peace. We await you in your altered state so more clear information may come to your being.
That is all
23/4/15 ( early hours )
Adam I just channeled Abacus. It tells me that you will be leaving :(
Is this true?
Dear heart understand this is what is to be if you are to follow your purpose. We ask you , do you wish to grow, expand, make changes ?
Of course I do, but can't I make them with you?
Dear child, think for a moment of your child. Did you wish for him to be in primary schooling all his life time? Or did you wish for him to expand to new heights? Be taught by great masters , to be more than he is?
Well yes, but you are that
Dear heart , this one, Abacus has much work to do with you. You feel their energy, the difference. You are reluctant for change. Most humans do not like change. The new energy is change.
I feel a bit ill. Nervous and unsettled today
This is to be expected when a new level of energy comes. You require slumber to integrate. Rest dear heart. All will be well. Do you trust us?
I do! That's why I don't want you to leave
Dear heart do you want to commit to your soul purpose?
Then it must be this way. You will come to love the energy of Abacus. Why? Because they are source as we are source. Does the energy not feel good?
Yes! In fact all I have to do is think of Abacus and I get butterfly's and tingles like... Hmm this is embarrassing but like when you fall in love and you think of that person and you get those tingles and butterfly's within. Well when I sense or even think if abacus to connect or even just concentrate on his energy that happens. And when I went to channel him earlier , like the connection took seconds! I felt the energy , come to me with a wham , it was almost instant! They had me channel with eyes open with no funny weird movements ....
We are pleased. It is normal to feel some apprehension. Do you recall when we first connected how wary you were of us?
Ummm yeah
The bond took time dear heart. You will find this will occur again. Think
Of us as your early school teacher. It is time to graduate to a new level of understanding. We will always be. We are the light after all.
Be at peace with this.
How long will you stay for?
As long as is needed for the adjustment dear heart
Well that might take some time
Smile .. We are humoured. You may not fool source dear heart. It will be known when you are off your training wheels.
Will I never be able to contact you?
It is not that you may not be able. It is simply that you will be in a place that it will not be required. Much again like your early school teacher. Do you pay them visits?
Why not?
Touché . I get it. I'd like to think if I wanted to contact you you would come?
But of course dear heart. What was inferred was that our work together will close, our link will always be. You can never be wholey separated from yourself. Have we not stated that you are us and we are you? You forget who we are and who you are.
Hmm ok...
So do I share "all" of this channel ? I don't think others will like the change.
It is not a popularity competition dear heart. This is your journey which you chose to share. The messages will still be brought forth.
The cards ?
This will continue for a time. Who do you think helped with those? Have you not noticed a difference in the channels of late?
:-O I knew it!!! I felt like I got really good at channeling all if a sudden like the flow got better.
If you read between the lines you will see there are some discrepancies, meaning there was more than our energy at play. The refinements and attunements have been occurring for some time. Have you not come to the realisation that there was a stronger force ?
Yes. I thought it was you getting closer.
Dear heart after a time we can not be any closer unless we take you over and yet you felt a shift , yes.?
In the last few days yes. It began over the weekend
Smile understanding comes. Dear heart slumber. You are struggling.
You may share this or nay. However it will bring much understanding to readers.
What if I'm imagining all this ?
Ye have little faith , still.
My mind is frazzled
Sleep on it. There is time to share once you have integrated the information yourself
Be at peace .
We love you dearly.
All will be well
That is all
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