13/4/15 (pm) On conscious & unconscious channeling

Channeling Adam (rainbow collective)
Conscious trance channeling
13/4/15 ( pm late afternoon )
We are most pleased to be here in this way today. You are endeavouring to be so close, that we become one.
Dear heart we will not allow this to occur. We are as close as we may be for you to bring us through most clearly. We do not require to attach ourselves to you in this way, this is the old energy. We are the new energy. One does not require to be so intertwined that the messages are thought to be clearer.
Yes in the old energy this is so, but it is all changing. You are still thinking in the old way. There have been much developments in the connections, in the channelling arena. It is so that many still become intertwined so much that it is the energy that speaks, in the whole.
However now it is changing. Now we can still bring through what is needed with out so much attachment to the human. This is the better and the recommended way for new channelling, for the one that is channelling, experiences what is occurring much more thoroughly, and can integrate the messages, as well as those that are listening.
It does not serve you dear one to be completely out of the way. We ask that you do not try so much to be out of the way. What you are doing now is enough and it is when you truly understand this, when you truly accept that what you are doing is valid, then the messages will bring a whole new flavour to the fore.
Do not belittle what you do dear one. We know you. We understand that you are still not satisfied with your channelling ability and we tell you, "be" satisfied. As we have discussed today when you are being what you are wishing, what you are desiring then this is what you will experience.
It is, if it is, your most fervent wish that you be out of the way, then this may be what is developed, however, we fully acknowledge to you, that this is all that is required to help you grow, and to help humanity. You do not need to surrender all of you to help the many. Are you understanding dear one? We speak to you now. You do not need to surrender that part of you to be at one with what you are, and what we are.
You are changing in your mechanics and the changes, the developments, your growth, is all that is needed to bring through clear communication.
Are you hearing dear one? You are bringing through clear communication. Do not doubt this.
( dog begins barking here )
( I come out of trance slightly, I tell him to "stop it" twice, I call his name "Rollie" ) he doesn't listen, I begin to come out of trance frustrated and then....
Adam steps in ....
We will continue. Do not let this one bring you out. We continue, we will ask this one to calm.
Pay attention dear one.
(Below is Adam speaking to my dog)
Lay you down. Quiet. Lay you down. Lay you down. Your protection is appreciated. There is no need for this disruption, lay you down, little one lay you down. Your master admires you for your protection. She is safe. She is safe.
Do you see? Do you understand dear heart? Now? It is not in vexation that one calms the animal. He was simply protecting you from the outside while we were in communication. He is enamoued with you and is simply protecting his master. Once he was told that the protection was not needed and asked to calm, he calmed.
There is no need to hide this, dear heart for this disruption. In fact this is the perfect example of a channel. This is one that we would ask you to share. As always your will be done.
It will show how you still may be connected with us, and yet, still have your senses, about you. And this dear heart, THIS, is why we wish you not to be completely out of the way you see.
Be mindful that all occurrences happen for a reason and this today occurred, to show you, if you're willing to understand, and see the lesson in this. You can be aware as well as be in communication, with us, and this is the preferred way, the new energy of today. We do not say that anyone that is not doing Communication in this way is incorrect all wrong, for that is the way, that is their way, with the energy that they are adapted to, and they have their own missions and their own endevours, however dear heart, listen carefully, you are of the new energy. You had learnt to channel with the new energy. You have been working on your energy body, with the new energy and this is the preferred way for you.
You may develop the other way if you wish, it is your decision. It is your will , however this is what is preferred, this is the change. This is the new energy that many are speaking of, and it is a far better way in the developmental sense to be aware, and integration of the messages in this awareness is far more enlightening to the channel.
We leave you now for you have much to do this day and we are aware at the time for this communication is at a close. However we are always there for you to question, to ask, and to communicate and this is another attribute to the new energy. You can call on us at any given moment for answers to your questions, whereby you may not do this if you are "out of the way". Are you understanding now?
We think you are, and this is good. This is the preferred way, the way of the future.
You will find that many more shift in the way they channel. To be doing this in the new energy in this way is the preferred way and the way of the future. Be at peace with where you are dear heart. When you are at peace and when you are being that peace, then you will not be swimming upstream but flowing easily towards your goals and endeavours.
With love in our hearts for you, for humanity, for all that are listening, and for all that are not. We send our deepest love.
That is all.
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