Channeling Adam
Rainbow collective
Adam what is it with the energies today? I could feel you calling earlier.
Dear heart you are sensing a change. It is true there has been developments in the etheric. You are sensing that and more. A distraction.
We will await
Ok I'm back sorry
It is well. Dear heart know it is all going according to plan. Even that you are becoming is on que. You are not flailing dearest. Do not think you are. It is a journey , not just yours. All the pieces must fit in the puzzle. Not all are ready to be slotted where they are to belong and so we wait. Patience dear heart.
We say patience to all. Know you are living the puzzle. The puzzle is a living and breathing aperture. Some pieces are closer , some are further away. When all begin to settle in the precise position then the picture will begin to take shape and you are able to see the beginnings of the picture. You feel you are not ready to take your place in the puzzle. This is to be expected. When the time is ripe you will be ready to take your place as will be the rest of the pieces.
The energies support the movement of the pieces. We understand you feel as though there has been a set back but in actual fact you are all moving forward ready to take your positions once the baggage is offloaded. Again we use the anology of the aeroplane. When the baggage is thrown overboard the plane will become lighter . It will then rise to new heights that were not possible when it was heavily laden. You are the aircraft. As the heaviness leaves you as you clear what is not needed what makes you vibration heavy you will begin to rise. Be not in worry but rather be in awe at your incredible journey. Be in excitment for all that comes for it shows you what you can be. Even when this is difficult it holds your greatest gift.
Know this to be true. You are not alone in this. Dear heart do not have misconceptions or worry on how the message is being transmitted. Simply know that it is. You are still wondering even now at this very moment how it is the words flow as you give them no thought. They come unhindered by your thinking process as you tune the words come from seemingly thin air. You do not see how far your skill at allowing our thought form to flow. It is to you magic at this moment. You may wonder how it is occurring while it is occurring something unheard of prior to today. We tell you the more you develop in the self the clearer we become as you lift higher and higher your vibrational rate.
You are becoming aware of our connection, how intricate it has become?
It's different . The words are flowing so easily ?
(Smile) affirmative
You are questioning the vision.
Yes when we connected. When I connect with you I imagine you as light entering but tonight I got an interweaving symbol coming through at the top of my head, with the light. Can you explain? I've seen it before but I can't think what it means
This is the intertwining of the female and male energies. The yin and the yang , the dark and the light , balance.
It reminded me of a symbol, kundalini maybe?
It may be seen as such. When there is balance it is such. We allowed the reference as this is what is occurring , the balance between all things.
But don't we just want light?
Dear heart where you are there can not be one without the other at this time. There is need of balance. The symbol was shown and came with the light as it is a change in our process the balance of energetics.
Clear , allow us to continue
Ok ( I began to panic over the symbol, what it might mean )
Where there is balance there is a mix of both light and dark, this is the journey of the soul to find balance in a place that is unbalanced. The symbol was in reference to the light that was entering. It is a reference of balance . You are beginning to balance and so this is the codex of such. Yes you may search this. It is so that one feels more clarity once on has made reference where one may seek to.
Adam it was the kundalini symbol I saw above my head! I found the image of what I saw. Coming down with the light with you! What does that mean to me?
Do not fret so. It is a continuation of your journey. Your energies are beginning to balance, it is why we are so clear in the communication this day. You have processed this day have you not? You are balancing. With this balance comes much dear heart. Be pleased. This is to be celebrated not feared.
I felt the tingling in my spine when you came through with that vision. At the base. I'm feeling it now..
Adam I'm freaking out some. I've heard awful things about kundalini awakening. Is this what's going to happen?
I'm worried ....
Dear heart fear not. It is the imaginings of the mind that will set off the sequences of events that you fear now. This is a natural progression dear heart. Welcome it. Think you to stay in the same state when awakening to the true self? Do you imagine to have the serpent to sleep? It is a process of the awakening journey. You have experienced already what you are fearing. Still you anxiety dear heart there is no need for such woe!
Be in exuberaton not if fear.
Are you saying these few years of aches and pain has been kundalini?
Dear heart have you not caused much suffering to your self this past century? Think you of your pains. When did they begin? Do you searching. You will find they are in union with what you are fearing will come. You have been processing for much time. This is the finale dear heart. Balance. When you are in balance you may balance others.
Do not fear this. Be aware what you fear will be attracted , more now than ever before.
Be in celebration dear heart. This our message for today.
Those that have the ears to hear will understand the message of today for it is imparted to all that are in the process of understanding and awakening to who they are.
That is all
Next day.... Evening
Adam can you clarify please. The message that if we have the ears to hear, we would understand. That statement confuses me.
It is understandable and expected that you would question. You were much in apathy and so the message not expanded. Those that understand would do so and those that would not, do not
You will be best served by the simple statement that follows
"To be in a place of understanding is to be with open heart. Those with closed heart will not hear or see for they are the true blind.
The heart is the true seer. The heart hears all and sees with no eyes"
Riddles. Can you explain so that the average can understand please
Dear heart when one seeks to see with only their eyes they can only see what is in their immediate view. You know well that much exists beyond your view, though in realty all that you see with your eyes is your immediate truth as it is all you see
When one sees with their heart, Ahhh , now the heart sees all, it knows all. It is different to the eyes as it feels the truth of any statement made. It does not rely on what it sees in it's immediate view, it feels beyond what it seen. The eyes may lie, may not see the truth of a situation, but the heart knows what is true. It feels beyond what it seen. Are you understanding ?
Kind of, I think so
When you stand before another. The other may speak to you of how wonderful the day is. Their day. Your eyes see the others smile , their actions, hear their voice. To any onlooker the one speaks true.
However you know something is not right. You feel with your heart that beyond what you see, the facade that there is something not right. The heart speaks true. The heart can see what the eyes do not. Many are skilled at showing a facade. All looks well on the outside , however not all is how it seems.
The message here, for the ones with the ears to hear, is that of trusting the heart, rather than the outer vision. The jigsaw we speak off to the outside, seems out of order. You see turbulence in your world. You have a limited view. Your viewing is monitored by the powers that be. Trust your heart your feelings in all matters. The heart does not lie and will speak volumes if you choose to listen.
Thankyou I think I now understand
And so it is
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