29/4/15 Tuesday night

Channeling Adam
Adam you know my question, my fear! You WILL come through won't you? I'm going to be standing in front of everyone in class shortly. ( I'm on a break) I know I've done it once before, that was ages ago. I need a quick fast answer, Not a lengthy one please?
Affirmative. It is your path. You must push past the resistance.
Have we ever let you down? Not come to the fore?
No. YOU haven't
You are not fully acclimatised to their energy. (abacus ) We have never failed you.
Ok Thankyou
....later when I got home from channeling class
I did it!
Indeed. You are pleased.
Now I am. Actually we did it. It was a job to keep my heart from racing
You controlled your heart rate. This is key to remaining in a calm place conductive to communication.
Why didn't I feel you strongly?
You are acclimatised to our energy, integrated. It was a lesson in trust. You trusted, we came forth. To come in stronger would tip your balance. You required use of your faculties
Your physical body to stand
Ohh ok. Next time can you come in alittle stronger so I know your there please?
If you wish. Dear heart pearls of wisdom were delivered this night.
The short channel I did at home before going to class, Abacus says not to share, but it's so clear regarding my path?
This was the energy of Abacus that came. They do not require that you share as we have done in the past. They will allow you more privacy as your journey, your sharing of such, will take second place to the messages.
Cool :)
We imagined you would be pleased with this new development.
So what now?
You follow the promts. You will be led.
With the book, do I continue on from from where I've left off? I know I've been slack with it. I have the sense something will change?
Dear heart the chapters that have been written were practice chapters in a sense. For you to begin, You may share them over the electronics if you wish.
So I don't use them for real for the book?
The writing of the first book wlll begin with the energy of Abacus .
You will begin with a new higher sense of flow.
Do I record in trance?
Your flow will remain uninterrupted in this way. You will be producing new work. The previous chapters were what you call " a sampler ".
So I share them? Really? If they were a sampler and not going to be the actual book why bother? Shouldn't I just scrap them?
Why bother? It is of use. They hold words of wisdom.
I'm hearing a tune?
Indeed. Use your " google " to search the words. There is meaning there to be had
I'm hearing a song in my head, "speaking words of wisdom, let it be"
Do your searching
I just did, "speaking words of wisdom, let itbe, there will be an answer, let it be", is what I'm hearing?
Dear heart know you this,
" there will be an answer, let it be "
Trust, all that is needed, will come.
........ Later
Speaking words of wisdom? That's what came into my head while making my breakfast? Still?
Indeed. The answer lies in what you were thinking prior to that gem dear heart.
Actually I was thinking about the page. Like some short more regular channeling pieces, rather than big long pieces that to be honest , people don't always have time to read. I know when I look at a post if it's too long I don't bother sometimes
You are observant this day dear heart
I'm less tired. Why didn't you just tell me this?
We do not give all the answers dear heart. We guide. You have had this thought before have you not?
Yes but I know others have done this before. I wanted something that was different
I'm thinking daily words of wisdom ?
Or channeled words of wisdom?
Or daily pearls ?
Smile. We leave this to you dear heart. Mayhap you search the meanings of the pearl and wisdom?
Pearls of wisdom ?
Search dear heart
Why am I NOT suprised..
The first thing I search and I find this

What stands out is
" he has some pearls of wisdom to offer"
I will call the short messages " pearls of wisdom "
It is sufficient. Dear heart we wish to say to you, you may offer daily pearls of wisdom as well as the card readings. Many are enjoying our messages in this way. However the rest of your energy, now, is better served to your growth, as well as writing the books. Recall what we say regarding spreading your energy too thinly.
For the ones that enjoy your journey perhaps a weekly share of the events.
Adam I'm reading back this channel just then, spell checking, and I see " pearls of wisdom again?
You already mentioned it. It's what the channels were last night in class. I channeled like a short message for each, what came I'm assuming was important to hear. You called them pearls of wisdom. Makes sense now that I've re read and understood this channeling. It's what you want me to do for the pages
I don't always recall what I've written here till I go back and reread in spell check
You are in an altered state of writing dear heart. We have expanded on this before.
You have
Dear heart it is a wonderful day to begin the writings anew. You have a new flow, a new form. It is time. Put away the old writings. Begin a new
Do I share this?
You may. It will bring understanding to the new formulae that will come to pass, for those that wish to know it.
Ok. So let me be sure I understand.
3 card readings and pearls of wisdom, both of which will be channeled?
And I begin writing the book with Abacus?
And my conversations? My journey?
You may choose to share these, "choose" being the operative word here. If you so choose, mayhap in one sitting per week. Those that are enamoured of our conversations will seek them out, and will not mind their length.
I'll label it channeled conversations / my journey , or something along those lines....
Dear heart it matters not how the gift is packaged. It is what lies inside that holds the value
We leave you now to your administrations, be at peace. All is in perfect order
That is all
You said "our journey"? Does that mean you will be around for awhile yet?
(Smile) For a spell. The transition will be a smooth one. So smooth you will not know which is, for a time. Be at peace.
I'll know
You are so sure. (Smile) be at peace
That is all
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