
Channeling Adam
Rainbow Collective
Semi trance state, automatic writing
(Regarding, "who is Adam" )
I was told I didn't have to share this channel & experience.
Adams words quote:
"This communication is yours alone. It is your will to share or not to share. The aim is true. Your will be done "
As unbelievably weird this channel will sound to some, ( and over the top ) I feel it's important to share the real ness of my journey & of Adam.
I simply share what I receive & my experience of it. Then it's up to you to use your own discernment.
Adam I was questioned, put on the spot. I was asked how do I know that im not being tricked by you. That I really am channeling a loving light energy? I was also labeled which bothered me as I didn't see myself as the label mentioned. It was a full frontal attack, almost... Sighhh
I've asked this many times of you and again I will ask,now, because you know my intent in channeling. I defended you, but, now, thinking on it, I ask myself again, how do I really know? Can love be pretended? I feel your love but can that be tricked? If you are not of the light, or who you say you are, then I finish these transcriptions here and now.
I will not channel anything but the highest level of love/light/source, that has our best interests at heart, for me, humanity & earth.
Adam, again I ask, who are you? and how do I explain this to others that ask, in a way that's understandable? I'm sorry if this offends.
As I began to connect with Adam (collective) to channel, I was overwhelmed by an "intense" almost unbearable feeling of love/bliss. I began to feel lightweight, like a feather.
I've never felt this intensity of love before. All I could do was to feel. They took me high. I had the sensation of being lifted into the light. Through the experience their thoughts entered my mind, my heart. That I was safe, loved, that I was in communion, in communication with source. I felt the truth in the words, and what I felt. I knew, without a doubt in my mind that what I was experiencing was real (my writing was forgotton ). I didn't want to do anything but to float in it. It felt like lying in the sunshine and being lifted into that warmth, but much more than that. They took me on a journey. I trusted it, allowed it.
Some time later in a semi blissy trance , still feeling immensely loved, I had the thought it was time to write what came. This I what resulted. I didn't have much to say, it was a struggle to even write
their words let alone my own.....
their words let alone my own.....
Dear heart you have been in communication , communion with god, with source, with us. We ask you dear heart, is this a lie?
Do you imagine that this love that you feel in your heart, now, do you imagine it can be falsified ?
You are lost for words . You have experienced the hands of god. You have been lifted high into the realms of light to feel to see first hand what it is to know love. You found it difficult almost too much did you not?
We are most humored. For one that had much to say , now you have so little. You are beaming dear heart. We are so very pleased . Know this occurance is not by accident all is by design .
Now that you have stood before the light In your abandonment, with all your walls dropped, you will begin to experience much lightness of heart , your heart is open , full of light , you have been carried by the wings of love. We honour and cherish your fortitude of being.
I am cacooned Adam.
I feel cacooned, like a baby in a bunny rug being held in loving arms, I feel safe and loved...
It is so you are being held dear heart. You are precious as is all of humanity.
Know you this, is simply a glimpse of what one day will be yours In it's entirety. This is your birth right.
Where is your pain dear heart?
What you have felt this day is gone, Yes?
I'm mostly numb. My legs are floating, tingly. I'm typing, "only just", but my body is stll floating.
My legs were aching badly, today, all day. Now they feel like they have been injected with pain killers and are floating pain free. I feel no pain at all.
Do you know that we are dear heart?
We can not be feigned for anything other than what you feel dear heart.
We are love, we are light, we are gods light, we are source, we are the alpha, the omega, world without end. We are here to help you create change.
We are here to bring love and peace into humanities hearts. We are that rememberance, of that which is within the hearts of all, that will listen, all that have the ears to hear.
We are you, in light.
We took you on a journey dear heart.
You did see, that you were a star in the universe floating with all the other stars .You ask where you are from.
You did see, that you were a star in the universe floating with all the other stars .You ask where you are from.
You saw where you are from. A glimpse of the multitude of space. There is much you cannot see.
Dear heart when another asks you, how do you know, what do you say?
You say, I have experienced who I am. You say I feel the love of god within . You say you know who you communicate , you tell them you are in communication , in communication with that part of you that is connected to all things. The spark, your God spark . You communicate with your divine enterage, your connection to all that is. You are in communion with the light , a facet of the many, that is to help the many.
We dear heart hear your words.
This day you have come to know who we are. Do you doubt us still?
We know this truth . We hear your truth in your heart.
Why didn't you show me this before?
You would not have understood before dear heart . You understand now. You will share your experience so others may know what you know. Yes your will be done always dear heart. We hear your question.
We never assume that you will do what we advise . We advise . You however are the one to choose your actions . We cannot, and we do not wish you to do anything that you do not feel to do.
However we know you. We know your heart and so we at times encourage as a mother encourages
her child to push against the fears, the boundaries, to know itself, to grow.
her child to push against the fears, the boundaries, to know itself, to grow.
This we do dear heart but only because we see your potentiality and we see your heart.
We will never push.
We say to you if indeed it is your wish to cease these communications , we concede and withdraw.
Dear heart we do not leave, as we know this is not what you wish.
However if it was known, we would . Are you understanding ?
It is good.
Know you we love you dearly as well as humanity and your earth plane of Gaia
Be at peace dear heart
We hear you
I know how I would answer now, if the circumstance arises again
We are aware dear heart how you will answer . There is no doubt .. All doubt has left you
It has.. I feel so at peace ... I don't know how I will explain this others, the experience I just had
Some things are not explained with words dear heart. They can only be felt in the heart.
That I understand now. Thankyou!
I know.... I just know. I could just curl up and sit in this feeling for awhile
(Smile) it is a wonderous feeling to know thyself is it not? Pain leaves you, doubt leaves you and serenity emanates in it's place.
Dear heart some will not understand this communication . This communication is yours alone. It is your will to share or not to share
The aim is true. Your will be done
The aim is true. Your will be done
That is all
What did I experience ? I'll try to do it justice
When I sat there waiting for their words to flow after asking the question I experienced an overwhelming sense of love and bliss. My body began to have the sensation of floating upwards almost like I was being carried like I was in the arms of love. I felt an overwhelming sense of love and peace almost too much to handle . My heart felt warmth and I felt like a baby in my parents arms. I saw light , felt love and an incredible knowing that I was a part of all that I was experiencing . I heard words in my head the whole time. That I was in communication with what I was feeling that it can't be feigned, falsified, that I was that, and I just knew this to be true. I let go, I felt safe. I was shown the universe and the stars. I was floating in space and became one the trillions of stars that I could see. I knew, I was a part of all that, and engulfed in love.
I know this is sounding really mushy and trippy to some, but it's what I experienced. Pure love to the point I nearly couldn't handle it. It was that powerful. I sat in that feeling for a while afterwards, curled up in my chair, feeling high, and then began to type in a trance like state. I didn't want to write, but felt I needed to. I just wanted to stay in that space. ( the feeling lasted for hours )
If anyone again asks me how do I know that Adam is light, that what I'm channeling is benelovant, I'll know how to answer now.
It has to be "felt" to be known .
If someone asks me in the future, how do I know what I channel is loving, I will say, I just "KNOW", I feel it.
I don't expect it to be understood, because it can't be explained in words, proven, it has to be felt.
Like how can you explain the feeling of holding your baby in your arms for the first time,? Or the love you feel when you fall in love. How do you explain to someone that feeling is real? How do you prove that feeling to someone that doesn't understand it, or hasn't experienced it?
I know what I felt , and I don't believe that can be faked, by something that isn't that.
Some won't believe it, and that's ok....
Their truth is theirs and mine is my own, and I'm ok with that.
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