28th April 3015 Abacas ( & Adam acting as the bridge)
On Strengthening the connection, in channel & Abacus, who are we?
In Trance
We are in your flow.
We are adapting once again. Adjusting your energy to ours. Patience. You must understand that one does not rush this type of adjustment.
We wish all to be in perfect alignment, so that you may bring us through clearly, and accurately, for the work we are to do is vital, and important to humanity.
You are one, chosen. There are many chosen. You are another that will bring through the new information, the new journey. We are universal mind. You see us as the
You see the beauty that we are, in your imagination. Know we placed those images, so that you may feel what we are,
the expansiveness of what we are. We are the void, we are endless we are infinity. We are information. We will work together to bring this information forth. Information that will help humanity get to where they are going. The plan, the A to Z, that the colourful energy mentions.
You ask how you may enhance our communication. You are enhancing as we speak. Every time we communicate the bond is strengthened. It matters not how short the communication, it is strengthened just the same. We bring a coolness of being when we wish to communicate with you. You will understand when we wish this. You will know. We are a different energy to the other. We have different mannerisms. We are expodentially larger-than-life, more much more vast.
We do not bring our full energy, at this moment. We do not merge with you yet. It has to be acclimatised. We are coming now, to simply begin the integrations, adjusting, fine tuning. It will take time. However not so much as has been done before.
It will be faster. Do not be afraid of what we are. We are all that you were wishing dear one. In fact, we are more so, and for this you have the thanks, and the appreciation, for bringing this to humanity.
For many are afraid, and though you are afraid, you step beyond the fear.
The ways you may develop our connection is to do as you have always done. Communicate regularly. You may communicate with the colourful ones also. You have not lost their connection yet. We will bring much information in regards to expansion, and development, of your potential, of humanities potential, the leading edge.
You will, you must, become clear, for there is no room for error, when the time for expansion has arrived.
The information will be in regards to how humanity can develop their potentiality, their vehicles , how to combine the physicality of one's self
to the energetic self. There is much to come, however we must begin at the beginning, to strengthen the bond, between our communication and that of others.
We say to you do you not push, do not push. The more you try to accelerate, the slower you become.
It develops a resistance. Simply allow, allow the experience to unfold. Enjoy the beauty of the unpredictability. To push is to resist. Let go of the pushing,and then the resistance dissolves.
All choices will be made at the right time. Do not allow yourself to be led, or way laid by others. You will feel it in your beingness, when a decision is for your benefit. Do not allow others to lead you astray, or to give you false information, as what you are to do. Trust your inner feeling, it will not lie. Listen closely when the opportunity knocks, you will hear the knock within your soul. You will hear it loudly, and you will have no but choice, to move into it, for to not move into it will feel like the death of your existence. Do not feel you will not know. You will know. You ask whether it is Abacus, or whether it is Adam. Do you not feel us both?
Adam is bridging our connection, and so you can sense and feel their mind. Remember we are one mind. You will feel us both, however you may embody the colourful ones, more easily, that you may anybody is, that is Abacus, because we are not yet fully enbodied.
We say to you this day to follow your soul purpose, is for you to breathe. You feel as if you are suffocating, if you are not doing so, you feel heavy. We say to you, work as you have been doing. Work on your mechanics, work on your stillness, choose in your daily activities what brings you joy. Be aware and present in your daily activities.
Be nutrition, meaning be your health in it's fullness. All these help you to lift higher, and closer, to your calling, to a happier state of being.
We say rest. You are under-rested. You are not so tired, because you work with energy, and energy enables one to do more than they may, however in times as we are now, you need the rest to integrate, and to strengthen our connection. Listen to your mechanics when it craves rest. Donot try to keep you eyelids open.
Allow them to close, and be in that peaceful place, where you may build yourself a new.
You wish to bring information through for the ones that listen. You are endeavouring to help many through this way of communication. You ask who we are? This is a good beginning. We are Abacus. We are universal mind.
There is the other still present, of what you are familiar with, and what we call, the colourful ones. They are the bridge at present, that connects us with this one, that brings the communication through. We may not reach her steadily without the bridge. We are here to help you. We are here to help you to raise beyond all manner of probabilities.
We are here at this time to bring you to your remembrance of yourself. We are here to help you to develop. We came because you called, and because you are wanting to become evolved. We are the void. We are all, the all. We are. We are. We are.
In time these messages will develop into a unique style, one that is easily understandable, if you are willing to listen with your heart, and with no mind, for the mind continues to try to survive. It knows no other way, and so it will resist the whole time. When something is resisted, you know there is an importance to be understood. This is but a short message, as a the communicator, the channeler is running out of stamina. She has been in communication much and we do not wish to debilitate, that would not help our cause. Know you who you are. Open your heart. Light, ignite, that spark within. That spark that tells you there is more that one can see with their physical eyes. The spark yearns to know its self. The Eternal flame does not distinguish when it gets rebirthed into this plane, but it's remembrance begins to dull, as the act of living takes form. We are here to help stoke that flame, bring it back to full strength burning brightly, so that it may remember who it is, and so that you may make changes in your living. Conscious changes rather than living from an unconscious survival mechanism. You will understand what it is to be yourself once again.
We leave you now
That is all
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