
Channeling Adam & Abacus
Adam do I do the next lightbody journey or trance?
We suggest that you trance
We wish to converse and make energy adjustments now that your flow
is higher. Simply allow what is to occur with no fear, you are safe.
Are you coming or Abacus ?
Do I record
You may
Channeling Adam & Acabus
In trance state
Conscious Channeling
We may begin.We are in your field.
We are Abacus. You do not feel us as strong as you did in the beginning. We are endevouring to acclimatise you in phases. You are adapting. We do not not wish to overload.
You still hold fear. If we come in with too much force it will not be of benefit for you or for us.
On the morrow we will do this again when you are free of distraction. We may not wish to come in so heavy, when you may be pulled out too quickly, and then jarred of the experience. It will become easier. It is, as it was in the beginning, with the other. In time you will bring us through clearly. We allow the other to come in. We leave you now.
Dear heart you have much distraction this day.
You have enabled Abacus. We are very pleased. You will see that you will come to love him just as much as you love us.
Do not doubt this dear heart.
All will come to
Play, as is to be played.
Do not have worry of what is down the road. It will become much easier. It will become much easier to bring these ones through. They are us dear heart, at a higher vibration. You sense the difference. There is a difference. They will bring a much higher form of flow. A higher knowledge. Yes we hear your question. Yes we are high by your standards, however, you were matched to this energy. You have work to do with them. It is difficult for you to understand in this time and place, but you will. You will understand, it is a road to be travelled, and sometimes there are curves and you may not see what's around the corner. You call that a curve ball. Trust that, that is around the corner. It will bring you, your highest Joy and also will bring you to a place of much standing and achievement.
You ask regarding? Yes, we know what you ask. All that was to be said was said, there is nought else that was to be said.
You do not always have faith, when we communicate in the way that you call writing.
Let it be known that whether you come into this state, that you are now, or you write in the altered state, that you use, the information is the same. The words are no different. The difference, when you come into the space that you are now, is that you enter a more even flow and so, there is no space between the writing and the listening, and so the words come much faster, and so there is an even keel. Also in this space you may be more open to images. You are more in a feeling space, so impressions are more clearer, however, the words that are spoken are the same, as the words that come through to be written. You ask why? It is because the connection is there dear heart. We HAVE made the connection. The connection is there when you come into that state of stillness. When you tune in, you may tune in whether you are writing, or whether you are in trance, remember we are conscious channelling with you dear heart. You are not unconscious. At least not yet. And so when one writes in that space of alteredness, it is no different to when one is in this space that you are now. There is much change afoot for you dear one.
There is much on the horizon. You did not expect what was to come. Was it a nice surprise? You have mixed emotions which is to be expected. You have come to love the energy that we are. You are adapted to us and so you hold us close to your heart. Know once you adapted to the other you will cherish them as you do us. The reason being is that we are one and the same. It is simply that they are a higher flow. They are what you require dear heart. They are your destiny. Know this truth. They are what will change everything for you. Do not fear them. They do not harm but protect and will work in unison to elevate many. The energy feels different because they are a higher frequency. A finer frequency.
It is much like when one uses a contraption that may be heavy and then they pick another that is lighter. But in fact more powerful. It is an upgrade.
( note: here I get the image of a big outdated mobile phone & then the smaller light weight iPhone )
It is like a faster automobile with more power that may take you further than the older model, yes we are smiling, calling ourselves an older model, is not the best use of your vocabulary, however,
we will accept it.
You will bring them through alittle at a time until they come through clearly as we do. We may do the readings now if you wish.
( 3 card reading that may be found on my FB page )
The messages are complete for today that is all.
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