13/4/15 (AM) On Manifestation.....

Channeling Adam (rainbow collective)
Is there any messages today? Anything we need to know for the coming days?
There is always something that one can know in any given moment. Every moment in time you are experiencing.
The question we, the collective that you call Adam, wish to ask is this,
What do YOU wish to experience in this very moment?
What do you wish to be?
This may seem very simplistic, the question asked, however the true art of asking, is the asking the relevant question that may bring to you the very answer that is being searched. This question encompass much, for when answered correctly from the heart, and not the mind, then one may know what they truly wish to create in their world, that is their daily living.
We begin with you dear heart so that we may delve into this alittle further and so that the many reading these lines, may seek understanding.
How answering this simple question may lead to the answer , and therefore a new creative expression of the self. One that is what truly is of import and not what the mind thinks it may be, but rather the heart.
May be begin?
Ahhh ok ...
May you answer, with the intent of pulling apart the misconceptions of what one truly desires?
Ok....can it be more than one answer ?
It may be ANYTHING you desire. However for the purpose of this exercise it is a good practice to narrow down what is of MOST import to you.
I wish to experience "happiness" to "be" happy, because that includes the other things I wish within it, health, love, and peace, because I wouldn't experience happy if I didn't have those...
There is no right or wrong answer dear heart. Your wishing to experience, happiness, yes?
To experience is to be. The question is one and the same. We understand your confusion. When you experience "happiness" you are being happiness yes?
Ahh yes
Let us expand. When one is in the exercise of experiencing anything , one is being that in it's fullness.
Yes there are levels of such. Some may be alittle happy and some may experience great happiness , however the experience of " happy" is the same. It is simply the perception of such that one alludes to, that creates what one wishes, whether it be alittle or extreme. We play in extremes here of perception. You wish great happiness yes?
And so does it not stand to reason to create great happiness one must BE great happiness?
Ahh yeah I'm guessing so
To be or not to be, Is the relevance here dear ones. It is in the act of "being" that one EXPERIENCES.
One can not experience what one desires unless one is being what they desire. They are entertwined . One can wait to be happy to when an occurance on the outside comes, but one foes not understand that the outside occurance is made within. To create this within, one must BE happy so that may be projected out into the ethers.
You see the understanding that many have is not sound. Many believe that one day happiness will come to them, and it may do so, however what is not understood is that the happiness they so desire is created within primarily.
Dear heart clear. Your thoughts are intruding. Let us be clear .....
Ohh ok sorry
There is no vexation here dear heart simply an acknowledgment that when your words are feeling stuck it is because you are not without mind, thinking with mind. Clear the mind so our mind, universal mind may flow
Ok understood
To be, have, do, create, experience, and more, to be, one must be BEING what they most wish to experience. It is only in the experience of what one wishes that it may be created. There IS no other way. It is the reality of your 3 dimentional plane.
This creates difficulty for some as they do not understand how they can be something, if it is not being experienced, if they are not feeling.
We often hear, But how can we BE happy if we are not, if our reality is not a happy place ?
We hear , it is easy for you to say when you are not living where I am.
We say to you, dear ones, it is the way it is because you asked for it to be this way! You asked to experience duality. You created this experience on purpose , so that you may experience more than that you are. To experience more than what you are, you must know what it is you are not, and then rise ubove what you are not, to be what it is you are!
You have the choice to create ANYTHING. There are no limits! None.
Any limits are the construct of the mind, of your limited thinking .
We say to you open your mind, open your hearts and know you can BE ANYTHING. You have the tools within. When you begin to BE, what it is you are desiring then you will experience, and when you experience you will begin to attract that into your living.
If you are wishing to be happy, BE happy. Begin to wake in the morning and do everything that makes you feel happy, no matter how small.
We understand in your daily living you have your work, your careers, your daily duties that you do not enjoy. You say to us, we cannot just drop our responsibilities and be selfishly happy,
We say to you we do not ask this of you. We say to you incorporate where you may daily happiness, into your experiences.
Sorry to interrupt but how?
When one is in the process of doing something that is undesirable such as washing or cleaning , what may you do to experience the beingness of "happy" while doing these?
Dear heart?
Ohh play my fav music ?
Affirmative. And?
Ahhh Happy thoughts?
You may sing. Singing creates tonal changes. You may daydream of what you desire while singing, while doing your washing. This creates a being of happiness yes?
Yes, it helps
What we say to you is this...
You are creative beings, infinite and highly intelligent. Use your knowledge of what creates happiness for you and use these tools, so that you may create your " beingness", to incorporate into your daily living. When you master BEING, peaceful , happy, joyous, ubundant in you feeling state, even while doing your mundane , it is then this begins to materialise in your world.
It is when you are being, what you most desire while in the intricacies of your daily living, that it will begin to materialise, as if by magic into your world.
If this seems a surmountable task then it will be!
Begin small if you must. Include some moments of happy in your day, actively, in action . You will find this will increase and create surmountable changes if practiced consistently.
Consistency is the key dear ones!
Do not expect to be happy for a day and expect it to take root. Experience, be what you desire daily , even if in small bursts.
Remember the tale of the tortoise and the hare.
Action is always required. Inaction does not create momentum. Only action creates momentum
Be, joy, be peace, be healthy, be abundant , be.....
We hear your question dear heart. It is a given that to add joyful activities into your daily living will increase more of these. However for this exercise we are simply endeavouring to explain how one may incorporate the feeling, the experience of being happy, when as you say is " bogged down " with daily responsibilities. It is plain to see that when one is engrossed in something they love to do, that they are being happy. We are deciphering here how one may experience this beingness in their daily responsibilities, that they may not experience the feeling of peace, joy or abundance.
How can you be abundant of you aren't?
Abundance comes in many forms dear heart. When you begin to feel abundant in ALL things then this creates momentum.
Begin while doing your daily chores to be in appreciation for the abundance that you FEEL, for what is yours already. This will attract more abundance.
Like how? I think I know this but asking for your take on it.
What are you in appreciation for dear heart? By feeing appreciation for what you already have, then this creates more to be in appreciation of.
How? I think I know again because I do this daily automatically. By again what your spin
Dear heart how you would answer is correct. Please explain
Umm I'm just always thinking how grateful I am, like for like my home, my bed, food I eat, friends, family, pets, you! :) the sunshine, the rain, music etc etc
Like when I go to bed at night I always think I'm soooo grateful for my bed!
I've just begun doing this in the last 12months mostly. I also been remembering to thank others for what they do for me. It's begun to happen naturally. At times I forget though
Affirmative. We say to you rise to begin your day with gratitude and appreciation for all that you are truly in appreciation of. Do not simply check of a list but feel deeply. This is your key to abundance. That may open the door for more to flow. When you retire for the day again FEEL the appreciation. It must be felt to be true, not feigned.
When you show and feel your appreciation, when you show, express your appreciation to others , you are opening a door that brings that to you.
What about health? How can you feel, experience or be healthy if your not feeling it?
This is close your heart. Be clear.
When one is experiencing the beingness of pain of heaviness of being unhealthy then one may easily become bogged down in that mire. At worst it is all they experience, at best, only occasionally. Most are aware that what one pays attention to one creates more of.
We say to you distract yourself from the beingness of pain, or the feeling of unhealthy. It is true that one may at times feel better every other day. USE these days wisely, that you are feeling better to enhance that feeling. On the days that you do not feel so healthy , distract yourself. We understand there are times where this is difficult. Your mind is a powerful tool. Use it wisely. Rather than expanding on your feeling of unwellness , explaining to all you meet how unwell you feel, instead, if you cannot express how well you feel, express not at all! Attention flows where attention goes.
Distract yourself with sound , with music, with meditative practices. If you are able search for healing practices that may reduce your pain state do so. If you but search there are avenues that one may take to alleviate the experience of pain. Begin to be as a healthy person might be. Begin each day in gratitude for your aliveness, for your health, for the gift of life, even when you experience the opposite. Your body hears your self talk. Speak of wellness. If you have a bothersome leg, that has pained you at work all day, express gratitude that it has carried you all day.
Say to yourself,
I understand my physical body is in the process of healing and I am being appreciative of it's wonderful compacity to heal this day. I am open and receptive, willing to expand on what I know to be true, and to love myself enough in the process to take action, to what comes to me this day, that may help my body to heal faster.
I see myself healed in this present moment. The gift of healing that I give to myself is upon me now, in this very moment. ( envision yourself as you would be healthy and happy )
And so it is
We close this message of today with are phrase
Know that all you do, you do unto yourself, for all that you encompass, includes the whole
That is all
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