Channeling Adam 29/7/14
Adam is there any guidance for the page today?
Yes. We would like to share some knowledge in regards to working with the higher realms. When one is in a state of allowance one can experience the most amazing journeys. One does not need to be psychic or have special skills to visit the realms. One does need to be in a state of openness and allowance as well as not "needing" an experience to occur but to just allow the experience to occur. When one pushes and pushes in their stillness to experience , something, anything, one stays in the state of pushing and actually pushes the experience further away. But when one, when in stillness lets the journey unfold, then what is meant to come, to be experienced at that time will unfold. Some of the most profound experiences have occurred when one has least expected them. It happens when one is , with one , with all that is, when one melds into the energy of all that is, when one experiences the most divine moments. Be in your stillness with an openness of allowance to the highest love energy. It is not to say that when one has entered the experience, the journey, that one cannot navigate, and tweak the journey, but when one has not experienced this state before, and wishes to open the door, then one needs to be in the state of openness to open that door. If one is in fear of what they may experience then one is closing the door tightly shut as the higher realms are the experience of love, not fear. Fear may even lead to unpleasant experiences. If your intention is to only enter the higher realms of light and love, higher consciousness, your very core of who you are then that is what one experiences, when one is wanting to experience these moments. Be in your stillness. Practice daily. You will find over time the stillness will become more absolute. It will become easier and easier to reach these higher states of awareness, of consciousness. It will become easier to become one with "all that is".
Is there any guidance on the current energy? I felt bombed out, really tired this morning.
Yes, I see that you felt this way as many others are also experiencing. Adjustments and integration of energy flow can cause this feeling in your physical bodies. It is a good sign that you are reaching higher states of activation. It may feel unpleasant but In essence it is another milestone. Rest when you feel this way, is the best advice that can he given. Many will push through with their busyness of daily life but eventually the body will demand the rest it needs or will become ill. A situation will occur whereby you are forced to rest. Before getting to the stage when it is beyond your choosing in the manner of situation that develops, so that the body can rest, is it not better to choose yourself? If one pays attention, in their awareness, they will know what their bodies need.
It is usually the case, not in all situations but usually at this time, and especially when working with energy's that when one feels "bombed out" then one needs to lay themselves down to rest, to integrate.
Is there anything else you would like to bring through
There is another message we round like to bring through.
There is much worry for naught over many current issues In the media. Remember the law of attraction as by what you give attention to creates more of the same. This is not to say do not be aware and not take action to what you are not wanting just a careful caution in viewing constantly over and over seeing what you do not want In your world. It is enough to be aware of what is occurring, and if you are troubled take action in your world to right it,where you are able but to, but to view, constantly day and night, night and day over and over will not make the situation fixed, but begin to attract more of the same through fear and anger, for these emotions are powerful and as you are aware what you put your attention too with emotion attracts more of the same. It does not mean because one does not vent on a constant basis that one does not care, better to be aware and take action. When these issues are viewed over and over with no action, with fear, a feeling of hopelessness can arise. Hopelessness does not bring about change. If the only thing you can do is to send love and peace, or an intention that a solution will arise to the situation, then that is an action. Remember many that are sending peace and love with the intention that a change will arise, is more powerful to bring about change than despair, anger and hopelessness. It is not to play
pretence that a situation is not occurring, it is not turning a blind eye, but to bring about positive change one must intend positive solutions to the outcome, or create them. This is an issue that may stir up emotion in readers. If the most you can do in any given situation is to send love with the intention of change, then that is all you can do, but it is better than doing nothing at all. If it is in your power to create change via a course of alternate action, then do that also.
Use your emotion constructively rather than distructively, is what we are conveying at this time.
That is all
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