Channeling Adam ( Rainbow Collective )
11/11/14 ( late )
Auto writing
Adam I've searched the 3 waves and have been reading some extracts. It's actually making me feel a bit sick, worse instead of better.
In fact I've felt off all day. Any guidance on this?
Dear heart do you feel that you have been connecting with us by mistake? Have we not expressed prior to this moment that we are one? That we are you and you us? Have we not stated that we decided this connection prior to you incarnating? Have we not told you what we are?
Connect the dots dear child. You are not thinking of prior transmissions. You are in doubt and yet there rings truth in your heart. You feel disjointed, malaise because you are feeling the sadness, that you have felt for do long. You are remembering your past instead of being in your present moment. Dear child we brought this rememberance to you not to cause ill feeling but to remind you of why you are here. It is no mistake that a certain extract was what was available to you to read this day. It was no mistake that said extract had your birth name. Synchronistic manipulation on our part to trigger you to remember. You seem to take more credence to this type of trigger than to our words. There is no judgement dear heart and always said in love, as a father to a child. We understand what works with you, we know you. You feel malsise because you are remembering the emotions connecting to the decision. You would not have came if you knew then how difficult it would be. It is why you spend so much time in transmissions , because it reminds you of home. Again we stress there is no judgement. It is meant to be this way, that we are triggering. Many, not just you will be triggered by these words, may hap not today, just so, it will occur. Once you make the connection within you, it will go easier for you. You will not have so much doubt in your doing as you will KNOW why you are here.
Hmm ok you've gone silent ..
Hmm yes I found, was reading an extract, the woman had my name, and she had physical pain. They said it was a reminder to her to stay in her body, to feel her dense ness. I would imagine though that it would make you wanna leave. I know it has me when it gets do bad. So I couldn't figure that, how that would work
Dear heart when one is in pain one is grounded. It reminds one of where they are, in a body, it also serves as a tool to search for answers. When one is in perfect health one goes about their life not seeking answers to why life is so. It is not always the case. However pain is a useful tool, till it is not needed anymore.
Or pain could make you wanna leave
Ahh but the ego serves it's purpose here most times. It is your survival mechanism. The fear pushes one to stay.
And so your stuck. In pain and In ego. Totally sucks if you ask me
Dear heart it is so that it is not any easy situation, however much growth comes from such situations. It is a nuisance. How to explain
I feel a parable coming on!
It is so that one can see out of a situation if one has the blinders off. When one sees through rose colored glasses it is easier to think they can achieve the all of it, however the rose colored glasses are blinding the soul from seeing the truth. They go about their life with an altered perception which is not judged, it just is. They will experience life in that way. There is no right or wrong way.
To see truth however one must take off the rose colored glasses and see with all there sight the truth of the matter, this is where one awakens.
It is as a blind man that is asked , "can you see the sun, the flowers, the colors"? They will say no, but they can see and feel with their senses , there interpretation. Then imagine when the sight is returned how much more understanding how much more depth they see, when they can see the bigger picture.
You are like the blind man. We can describe, we can use parables we can tell you what is so, but untill you have your full sight you will never understand the full picture the full knowing of what we describe or give you.
A blind man trusts that the way another described the sun, the flowers the colors is truth even though he can not comprehend fully how it must look, he has faith.
And so you, if you will, are like the blind man. Trust is needed in a way , that what is brought forth is true. But never trust without your FEELING. You know what your feeling is telling you, your blindness however is clouding, as you are listening to that rather than your deepest knowing.
For instance the blind man although he cannot see can sense if someone is not true, or something is not right. He uses his guidance system rather than his sight.
You do not see the all of it, however you have your guidance system. Use that instead of trying to see through the dark.
I'm confused. I have so many questions regarding this topic!
We are aware. We suggest the research as many have brought through information while in an altered state as you do. We are simply lessening your work load dear heart in finding answers that are already written and transcribed by others before you. We do not do for you dear heart though we do guide you so to make it less of a chore
But I like channeling talking to you
We are aware and are in agreement. We are referring to the translation dear heart not the act of receiving.
In regards to karma? I've asked this before
Karmic debt is processed much faster due to present energies if one is willing.
The waves have karmic debt or not. It says from what ive read they do not, but then I'm not sure really
It depends on the soul, on the wave, there are many scenarios. It is true that some are karmic free. It is not so for all, however, it is different to one that has carnated on this plane on a regular basis. The new energy is helping those that wish it to dissolve karma at a faster pace, more so than ever before, if one wishes it.
I'm feeling this topic might be one for trance state as I have questions in regards to this and I want to be super clear
We are aware dear heart. We can make it so. However you are tiring, even in this state as you are now. There is much energy processing at this time. Rest is advised dear heart.
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